"It's... a monster?"

What Ozawa said to Ye Chui was in Chinese, but it was obvious that James understood some Chinese. He heard the meaning of Ozawa's words, and couldn't help showing a surprised expression. He walked to the side of the deck and looked into the sea, asking Said, "Where are there any monsters? This battleship is equipped with the world's most advanced deep-sea detection technology, but we have never found any monsters at all..."

"It's [-] meters under the sea here. It's sleeping, lying in a deep sea cave, but it looks like it's about to wake up." Ozawa replied in English.

James still looked shocked. He would not believe what other people said, but if it was what Ozawa said... he had to believe it. He knows what kind of strength he has.

So he then asked with a terrified voice: "Then how big is this monster...?"

"It's huge." Ozawa raised his neck and thought for a while, "It's about 100 meters high."

"[-]-meter monster!?"

Hearing Ozawa's description, James' face changed suddenly, and then he asked Ozawa in a horrified voice: "This monster, you... can you deal with it?"

Ozawa looked at James strangely: "Why do you want to get rid of such a good monster?"

"What?" James was puzzled by Ozawa, what does this mean?

Ozawa turned to look at Ye Chui, and said in Chinese: "Brother Ye, when Xiao Shiyu watched the Godzilla movie two days ago, she said that she really liked this kind of monster, and she must raise one in the future, and said that the world If there is no Godzilla in the world, then she will find a way to raise one, brother Ye, why not take this one back to her as a pet."

Hearing Ozawa's words, James was stunned at first, treating Godzilla as a pet?

It made James want to swear...

Ye Chui also wanted to swear, but his focus was not the same as James'.

Ye Chui rolled his eyes and said to Xiao Ze: "Raise a furry monster, this little thing has been lawless enough recently, and if you get her a Godzilla, she won't be in trouble. Besides, Godzilla is so Where can I raise her?"

Ozawa stretched out his finger and pointed to the moon in the sky: "On the moon."

"..." Ye Chui thought for a while, then shook his head resolutely, "Forget it, if you put Godzilla on the moon, it might cause a lot of trouble."

Ozawa showed a look of disappointment. In fact, apart from the unusually large body, this Godzilla is still quite cute in her eyes...

But since Ye Chui doesn't agree to stocking them, there's nothing to do. It's better for this kind of thing to disappear completely.

So Xiao Ze rolled up his sleeves and said to Ye Chui: "Then Brother Ye, I'll go down and beat him up."

To deal with Godzilla of this size, Ye Chui can actually do it. After all, his water control power is still very lethal, but [-] meters deep into the seabed, the deep sea pressure alone is strong enough in that place. Ye Chui It is still difficult to fight against monsters in that environment.

And this kind of thing is a small matter for Ozawa.

Ye Chui thought for a while, and then said to Xiao Ze: "Okay, you go, and try to make the noise as small as possible later."

"Well, good brother Ye." Hearing Ye Chui's promise, Ozawa nodded with a smile, and then made preparations to jump into the sea——

It's summer now, and what she's wearing is nothing more than an ordinary T-shirt and shorts. This kind of dress goes deep into the sea of ​​[-] meters to fight little monsters?

Isn't this ridiculous?

James couldn't help but asked Ye Chui: "Mysterious Ye, do you need our help... We can provide the most advanced diving suits here."

"That thing, no need." Ye Chui shook his head, and then said to Ozawa, "Be careful under the water later."

"Got it, brother Ye, I'm going."

Ozawa stretched out his hand and tied his hair into a ponytail, and jumped into the sea with a whoosh.

It disappeared in a blink of an eye.

On the deck, other people showed expressions of surprise. Some of them didn't understand Chinese and didn't know what Ozawa said before, so they hurriedly asked James. After James told them what was going on, all of them were the same without exception. face shocked.

A girl in a T-shirt and hot pants just jumped into the sea to fight monsters...

Well, they must have had too much to drink last night and are dreaming now.

Colonel Patton, in particular, had an expression of disbelief. He was also a soldier who had experienced all kinds of wars, big and small, but the scene in front of him still made him feel unbelievable.

But as it turned out, he had to believe.

Because soon, a huge wind and huge waves suddenly blew up in this sea area. The scale of that kind of big wave was almost destructive. When a wave came up, a nearby island might be destroyed directly!

"Hurry up and issue a warning, and let the residents of Bermuda on the nearby islands take refuge immediately!" Major Patton's face was shocked, and he hurriedly shouted to the people around him.

"No need." But Ye Chui said so.

Barton was very angry, and was about to ask if Ye Chui was responsible for the more than 7 people living in this sea area?But he was soon dumbfounded, because Ye Chui summoned the Fire Thor's Hammer with a wave of his hand. Ye Chui raised the Fire Thor's Hammer high, and the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder, and the air was full of strong winds , There is a breath of destruction.

This scene stunned everyone on the warship. There is a superhero named Thor in an American blockbuster, and Ye Chui feels like Thor at this time.

But soon they realized that what Ye Chui could do was more powerful than Thor.

boom -

A huge thunder directly smashed into the sea.

The lightning was white, with a suffocating icy aura, and the place struck by the giant lightning was completely frozen immediately, and this kind of freezing was still spreading to the surroundings, and the entire area was almost frozen in the blink of an eye. The sea area is completely frozen!

The huge waves that were about to rise were also completely condensed, and the fluctuations transmitted from the bottom of the sea also completely dissipated because the sea was frozen.

"It's...it's completely frozen!"

James exclaimed, even though he knew that Ye Chui was very powerful, this scene still made him unbelievable.

With a whoosh, he jumped from the boat into the frozen sea. His ability is speed. A figure flashed by, and he disappeared. In the next second, he reappeared, and shouted in shock: "I checked just now, Fangyuan More than 50 kilometers away, all were frozen, the magic leaves, this is simply a miracle!"

Ye Chui shook his head lightly, and casually put the Fire Thor's Hammer into his body.

Now he has been able to control the power of wind and water, and the combination of wind power and water power will form the mysterious power of ice.

With his current ability, it is not difficult to freeze this sea area.

It is not difficult for Ye Chui, but it is a miracle for others.

With a plop, Barton immediately knelt down: "Almighty Lord, you must be the reincarnation of Jesus..."

"I'm not." Ye Chui denied.

"You must be!" Button affirmed.

"I'm not really..."

"Almighty Lord, I am your most loyal believer."

"Damn it, I'm really not the Jesus you said."

"You absolutely are, you are Jesus reincarnated, God, are you here to save us?"

"What the hell……"

Ye Chui was really speechless, but something happened that made him even more speechless——

Puff, puff.

Unexpectedly, soldiers kneeled for him one after another, until the last four weeks had already kneeled, and only James and his twin sister Cersei were still standing, but judging by the appearance of the two, they were also considering whether to be together Kneeled.

Ye Chui rolled his eyes, stretched out his hand, and the force of the wind surged, causing these people to stand up again, and he didn't bother to pay attention to these people, and the figure flashed, and he had already left the warship.

Standing on the frozen sea, feeling the battle below.

He has comprehended the power of water, so he can fully control the power of water to sense the turbulence in the sea below.

Ozawa must be fighting against the little Godzilla monster, and the battle is still very fierce.

Of course, Ye Chui is not worried about the result at all... In this world, Ozawa is absolutely invincible.

"Well...it's already done!"

About half an hour later, Ye Chui's eyes suddenly brightened, and he felt that Ozawa was returning to the surface of the sea.

The body of the dead Godzilla was too huge, so it was naturally left directly on the bottom of the sea.

At the same time, Ye Chui also felt the connection from the fragments of spiritual energy in his hand. It seems that after Ozawa killed Godzilla, he brought back the fragments of spiritual energy in Godzilla.

With a wave of his hand, a crack appeared on the frozen water, and with a crash, Ozawa jumped out from under the water wetly.

And besides herself, she actually carried another thing——that was a white egg.

This egg is very large, oval in shape, two meters high, and nearly one meter in diameter.

"This is..." Ye Chui couldn't help being taken aback.

"It's Godzilla's egg." Ozawa put the egg on the ice and patted the shell, "This egg should have existed for 60 years, and I feel that the little life inside has taken shape... Brother Ye, I can't bear to kill it, shall we keep it?"

Ye Chui frowned, walked over and put his hand on the eggshell, and indeed felt the fluctuation of the little life inside.

Ye Chui frowned, thought for a while, then nodded: "Then... okay."

Godzilla mutated and became a monster after a lizard accidentally swallowed the fragments of spiritual essence 300 years ago. However, the mutation ability of the fragments of spiritual essence is so powerful that this Godzilla La fell into a deep sleep every once in a while.

It can be said that this is Godzilla is a monster with shortcomings.

And 60 years ago, it gave birth to its own child.

This kid is technically a true Godzilla monster, complete with biological characteristics.

"It's still so small, it will take a while to grow to a big size, right?" Ye Chui said, and with a wave of his hand, he took this Godzilla into the space island.

Xiao Shiyu will be very happy, after all, she got a Godzilla as her pet... (To be continued.)

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