When Mother Liu made this move, she showed the appearance of an old shrew to the fullest. The servants of the Han family couldn't help feeling sick when they saw it, and they didn't know how the Liu family fell into such a virtuous state overnight. , even the servants like them feel shabby looking at it!

But I have to say that, for the vast majority of people, although this kind of trick is so bad that it can't be put on the stage at all, it is embarrassing and obvious, but it is still the best way to play tricks.Especially the old people who do this kind of thing put a lot of pressure on the other party.

However, if such a trick is put on Han Jiangxue, the effect will be greatly reduced.She is not the kind of person who can't hide her face and cares about the future.Those who are old and not respected are not qualified to mess around.

"Okay, Mrs. Liu, it's not the right time for you to cry now. The Liu family has been divorced by my father. Before you came, the head of the Han family and the others were witnesses! Your daughter has done too much evil. That is qualified to be the ghost of our Han family, please go back and cry after mourning!"

How could Han Jiangxue let the old lady of the Liu family mess around here, so she directly announced the dismissal of the Liu family in public. The Liu family and the Han family have nothing to do with each other now, and some are just to settle accounts.So Liu's mother is not qualified to speak out about her mother-in-law's self-righteousness here!

"What, what did you say? Divorce my daughter? Why should you divorce? Why should you divorce?" Liu's mother was really panicked at this moment. If it wasn't for the support of the two daughters-in-law, she might have stood up a little bit if her legs were weak. Can't stop.

"Why?" Han Jiangxue asked back, and the evidence became extremely cold in an instant.He glared fiercely at Liu's mother and said, "Just because she murdered my mother, killed so many young talents of the Han family, ruined countless major events of the Han family, and framed and sent people over and over again. Assassinate me and my elder brother! You Liu family, tell yourself, is it enough for so many vicious deeds to rest for ten times and hundreds of times?"

"Nonsense! Nonsense! This is impossible, how could my daughter do these things! This is clearly wronged, clearly wronged!" Mother Liu turned pale and retorted loudly.

Of course, the rest of the Liu family couldn't allow Han Jiangxue to take the blame for the Liu family in this way, and immediately swarmed to refute and accuse Han Jiangxue.

"If you are wronged or not, don't mess around with me here, everything will be clear when you meet with the official!" Han Jiangxue was not in a hurry.He didn't even look at those people seriously: "I will send all the evidence and witnesses to the government in person, and whether Mrs. Liu was killed by others or committed suicide in fear of crime, it will be clear after the inspection by the government officials. Chu, it's clear! When the time comes, who should return justice to whom will naturally be decided immediately, lest someone will deliberately stir up trouble and harm my Han family!"

As soon as the voice on this side fell, the body of Mrs. Liu on the other end had already been carried to the entrance of the hall by the servants, but Han Jiangxue had not allowed it to be carried inside.

Han Jiangxue didn't give the Liu family any time to breathe, and pointed at Liu's body and said, "Come here, bring Liu's body, a group of witnesses, and all the evidence, and go to the court with me now." Master, investigate and deal with it carefully. Make public all of Liu's actions and true face over the years, and even if he dies, he will be given what he deserves. Give justice to so many people in our Han family who died in vain! I want to see , with so many ironclad evidence, who would dare to continue to plot and frame our Han family!"

"Yes!" The sonorous and forceful voices sounded in unison, and the blood of the Han family's servants surged.The matter of the Liu family had already been disclosed to the public when the patriarch and others arrived, so everyone in the Han family couldn't be more clear about it.And this time, the Liu family dared to come to make trouble like this, if they didn't take the opportunity to teach them a good lesson, who do you really think they are?

Seeing Han Jiangxue was really moved.The Liu family was in a hurry.Everyone knew that if the Han family had no real evidence, they would definitely not dare to deal with the Liu family so openly and without scruples.And Han Feng seemed to have made up his mind this time.Even if the family ugliness is publicized, he will not be easily threatened by others and will submit honestly. How could he still have such thoughts to make trouble for a while.

"My poor daughter!" Seeing this, Liu's mother ran out and threw herself next to Mrs. Liu's body, crying, and the rest of the Liu family did the same, quickly surrounded Mrs. Liu's body, and did not let her die. The Han family sent the body to the government.

Seeing this, Han Jiangxue ordered again without even thinking about it: "The Liu family intends to stop it, but it seems that they have bad intentions. It doesn't matter whether there is Liu's body or not, just send all the witnesses and evidence to the government to file a case. Those who forcibly stop them will be treated as accomplices, tied up and taken away! It’s just a good thing to investigate carefully, who has been secretly helping the Liu family to do evil and harm the Han family all these years! Find out and deal with them one by one. If you find a nest after another, if you dare to harm my Han family, you will never spare your life!"

"Yes!" The servant of the Han family once again responded imposingly, and soon prepared to act according to what Han Jiangxue said.

How could the Liu family have thought that the Han family's stinky girl would be so difficult to deal with, and they would not be given the slightest chance to relax.If this matter really gets to the government, then not only the dead Liu family will not be able to escape more severe punishment, but even the entire Liu family will be implicated. In that case, the Han family will have nothing to do, and Liu The Liu family was completely passive to the extreme. Of course, such a result was not what the Liu family hoped for.

"Wait a minute, wait a moment!" Finally someone in the Liu family began to show softness, and said loudly to Han Jiangxue, "It doesn't matter whether what you just said is true or not, but now that she is dead, why do you do such a thing?" What about unfeeling? After all..."

"It's you who are ruthless, not us!" Han Jiangxue will not be moved by this: "To be a villain, the villain must file a complaint first, but we can't help ourselves to defend ourselves? Is the truth of the world going backwards for your Liu family? ? Or do you think that the Han family are all fools and easy to bully?"

As she said that, she threw the divorce letter to the Liu family directly in front of the Liu family: "I've got the divorce letter for you. From today onwards, she has nothing to do with our Han family. She is just a sinner who harmed our Han family." That's all! If it wasn't for Duan'er's sake, it would not be an exaggeration to whip her corpse for such a crime! Now, you can bring back her corpse, which is already the greatest kindness of the Han family! If your Liu family doesn't want it , that's even better, send it to the government and let the government investigate and deal with it! But anyone who murders the Han family, no matter whether they live or die, can't easily escape the punishment they deserve!"

"As for you troublemakers with ill intentions," she said, she glanced at the members of the Liu family fiercely, and announced extremely coldly and decisively: "If you don't all get out of the Han family within thirty breaths, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

Han Jiangxue gave an ultimatum. Not only the guards and servants inside and outside the Han family, but also Ziyue and others were all ready to fight. Even Han Jing moved his joints himself, looking like he was about to fight appearance.

This time, those members of the Liu family didn't have the guts to continue staying in the Han family. After looking at each other, they didn't even say the last harsh words, and let the servants carry Liu's body and leave quickly.

And as soon as these people left, Han Jiangxue didn't delay at all, summoned Dong Ling and asked him to go to the government immediately with some witnesses and material evidence to file a case against the Liu family.

She naturally knew that the government would definitely not be able to help the Han family find out the manipulator behind the Liu family, but it was impossible for the government to refuse to accept the case and finalize the case in front of the iron evidence.In this way, no matter whether it is the Liu family or anyone else, it is impossible to counterattack and slander the Han family with Liu's affairs, which can save a lot of trouble.

At the same time, the Han family can completely seize all kinds of initiative, and even more so, they can comfort and revive the family tradition and people's hearts!

In addition, Han Jiangxue had arranged for public opinion guidance before, and believed that in this way, the trauma suffered by the Han family could be minimized.

"Sister, so you really plan to disclose all these things through the government?" After the Liu family left, Han Jing was a little worried and said: "After all, it is a family scandal. If you go through the government, will it affect..."

Before Han Jing finished speaking, Han Feng directly retorted: "When something like this happened, do you think you can still cover it up? Xueer's idea is right. It's better to announce everything through the government in an upright way than If you let the outsiders speculate and talk nonsense, then the impact will only be bigger and worse!"

After all, Han Feng sighed, looked at Han Jiangxue and said, "From today onwards, Xue'er, you will officially be in charge of the family. As a father, you need your brothers and sisters to support and help, let our Han family tide over the difficulties together!"

Han Feng is now completely admiring his daughter's ability, mind and skill from the bottom of his heart!It would be impossible for him to deal with such a matter just now. He had to admit that he had to learn a lot from his daughter.

Hearing his father's words, Han Jing was overjoyed, and smiled and winked at his sister again and again, but Han Jiangxue didn't do such unnecessary politeness, and directly took over the heavy responsibility.Since then, the three of them, father and son, have worked together to protect the Han family, their relatives, and their home!

As soon as the sun came out the next day, the major events that happened in the Han family spread to every corner of the capital as quickly as the sun shining on the earth.

While everyone was talking about the Liu family, what the Liu family had done, and the various disasters the Han family had suffered for so many years, Han Feng, who had probably handled the previous affairs properly, called Han Jiangxue, Ready to leave for a trip to the family temple. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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