Speaking of it, Han Jiangxue was not the kind of person who was hypocritical and shy to the point of death, but this kiss between two generations was her first kiss. After she recovered her head, she remembered the previous scene, even if she was a carefree woman It is also impossible not to blush without heartbeat.

But being awkward was awkward, but Mo Li didn't intend to let go at all. Instead, he was very happy to see Han Jiangxue who was flustered and panicked, and laughed.

Being laughed at by Mo Li, Han Jiangxue was even more ashamed and annoyed, trying to break free from Mo Li's embrace, but how could her strength compare to Mo Li's, she had to lose after a few blows, and let him go .

With a shake of her head, she simply turned her head away not to look at that annoying guy. At this time, any words made her feel extremely awkward.

Xu Shi finally realized his conscience, or maybe he was almost laughing, so Mo Li stopped laughing, and then he didn't say any more, just lightly, and helped the little head that was facing away from him to his shoulder Lean on.

There was silence in the carriage for a while, but it exuded a peaceful and warm atmosphere. The warmth and tenderness after the excitement lingered silently between the two of them, disintegrating all the awkwardness and carefulness, leaving only cohesion The true love and beauty of two hearts.

Along the way, both of them were relatively silent, but at this moment, silence speaks louder than words, like the tranquility returned after the hustle and bustle, which is even more touching.

Half an hour later, the carriage stopped.At this time, the carriage had brought Mo Li and Han Jiangxue to a quiet house located in the westernmost part of the capital.

The house is huge, but apart from their group, they didn't see any servants.It was strangely quiet.

Han Jiangxue didn't ask any more questions. She glanced around and returned to Mo Li. The implication was naturally to ask what Mo Li brought her here.

She had an intuition, although she didn't see a servant wandering around here, and even the whole house was filled with an indescribable silence, but such silence was just a surface.She even felt that in the dark there were countless pairs of eyes watching and guarding everything in the house.

"Let's go, I'll take you to meet someone." Mo Li was the first to break the special silence between the two, but he never let go of Han Jiangxue's hand.

After adjusting for so long, Han Jiangxue will naturally no longer be as awkward and uncomfortable as before.Whether it's green or sweet, her heart is happy and willing to accept it, so why bother to think about anything else.

Letting Mo Li pull him forward, feeling the consistent warmth of his palm, Han Jiangxue's heart was sweeter than honey.

"Where's the gift?" After being dizzy for a long time, she who had returned to normal IQ had finally not forgotten the reason for the first kiss.Walking at a pace similar to that of Mo Li.He raised his head and asked.

When Mo Li heard this, an incomparably treacherous smile appeared on his face again: "Isn't that enough just now?"

As soon as the words came out, Han Jiangxue blushed again in an instant, but this time she was much calmer than before, she snorted and turned her head away to ignore this bad guy.

Seeing this, Mo Li smiled very comfortably again.But it was an extremely considerate clear cough, and with a kind look, he found the steps for Han Jiangxue.

"Xue'er. Do you know who the person I brought you to meet today?" Without waiting for Han Jiangxue's response, Mo Li asked himself and answered, holding Yu's hand slightly tighter: "It's my uncle, the only one Uncle!"

Hearing Mo Li talking about uncle suddenly, Han Jiangxue's attention was naturally attracted by everything he heard, and he couldn't remember being teased by Mo Li just now.

It was the first time she heard Mo Li talk about relatives other than Prince Mo's mansion, and about something related to his biological mother.

Han Jiangxue knew that Mo Li's biological mother was just an ordinary housemate of his father.Later, because she was pregnant with a child, she was promoted as a concubine.Not long after Mo Li was born, his biological mother died of illness.Since then, I have never heard of any natal family visiting Prince Mo's Mansion.

Originally, she didn't know anything about Mo Li's biological mother, not only her, but also no one in the capital knew about an unnamed concubine, let alone cared about such a thing.

It wasn't until the relationship between her and Mo Li became different due to rebirth, and the intersection became more and more, that she began to pay attention to these things intentionally.

Mo Li's biological mother was originally Princess Mo's dowry maid. It is said that she signed a death contract and sold into Princess Mo's house since she was a child. She was an orphan and had no relatives. I heard it.

Because Concubine Mo is a mysterious woman, everyone knows little about her, not to mention the dowry maid beside her.

But this time, Mo Li mentioned his biological mother's brother with special solemnity, which naturally surprised Han Jiangxue.

What puzzled her even more was that Han Jiangxue even heard unparalleled respect and love from that uncle.

A person who can make a person like Mo Li feel respect is definitely not an ordinary person. What kind of person is this so-called uncle she is going to meet in a while?

Could it be that the uncle Mo Li spoke of was really Princess Mo's brother?

Thinking about it carefully, such a possibility is not impossible.

Mo Li had a very good relationship with Yu Shizi, and the brotherhood was even better than that of a biological brother.In that case, it is not impossible for Mo Li to regard Yu Shizi's relatives from his mother clan as his own.

Second, Princess Mo's identity is special and mysterious. It is said that no one knew the origin of Princess Mo back then.

King Mo didn't know what method he used. Not only did everyone in Prince Mo's mansion quickly accept Princess Mo without any doubts, but he also did not have any obstacles or speculations in the unexpected world, so he just went his own way and gave people to her. Married and came in, that kind of courage really envied so many people at that time.

Later, even the Dongming royal family never found out his real identity. In the end, because no one from the Mo Palace came forward to say anything, the royal family naturally couldn't pay much attention to it.

After King Mo's untimely death, Princess Mo also died of depression not long after she missed King Mo. In this way, no one would have the chance to find out the true background and origin of Princess Mo.

But having said that, no matter whether this uncle is Yu Shizi's real uncle or Mo Li's own real uncle, he is definitely not an ordinary person. some complex emotions.

A long time ago, she knew that there were too many unexplainable mysteries about Mo Li, and Mo Li also promised to decipher them to her bit by bit when the time was right in the future.

When Mo Li left the capital last time, he had already told her many secrets about the three kings and four families in detail. Things are much more than that.

But now, the man in front of him really fulfilled his promise, and took the initiative to peel off his most secret side to her bit by bit.

Han Jiangxue was extremely moved by such frankness and whole-hearted communion, but at the same time she was moved with an undisguised worry.

Because she subconsciously realized that this uncle who had been hidden by Mo Li was bound to cause some unhappy past in Mo Li's heart, and as more secrets were revealed to her, this seemingly incomparably strong man felt in his heart. I don't know how deep and how long a hole will be torn.

The complexity in Han Jiangxue's eyes fell into Mo Li's eyes, and he knew what this little girl was worried about.

He stopped, stretched out his other free hand, and stroked Han Jiangxue's cheek: "Whether it's the past, the present, or the future, whether it's happy, sad or painful, whether it's successful , Difficult, but I am willing to have no reservations about everything related to me."

Sharing weal and woe, knowing each other all the way, this is the best interpretation of Mo Li's love for Han Jiangxue.

Han Jiangxue was taken aback for a moment, but smiled sweetly after a while, and finally felt relieved physically and mentally.

Yes, everything, good or bad, good or bad, she will stand by his side and bear it together!

Walking hand in hand, at some point, Han Jiangxue took the initiative to adjust the hand that Mo Li was holding so that it became intertwined with his fingers, and the smile on her face became firmer and warmer.

The people beside him clasped their fingers even tighter, their hearts blooming like the scorching sun!

There is an artificially dug pond on the west side of the house. The area is not too big, but it is arranged like the scenery of the countryside, without any traces of luxurious artificial piles. Quiet and extraordinarily harmonious.

At this time, there were still people sitting by the pond and fishing.

The fisherman remained motionless, as if he had fallen asleep, but the posture of holding the fishing rod was not affected at all.

Han Jiangxue could tell at a glance that the fisherman was not simple, not only because of his unique state of mind and concentration, but also because the person who could quietly fish in this special house with kung fu would certainly not be What ordinary people.

The fisherman looked like he was only in his fifties, but his beard and hair were almost half white, giving people an inexplicable sense of vicissitudes.

However, after getting a little closer, Han Jiangxue found that the indifference and tranquility revealed by the face of the half-old man was amazingly peaceful, and the eyes that were clearly closed could still make people feel the deep in the heart. love.

This should be the uncle Mo Li mentioned!

Han Jiangxue was already certain in her heart, because they were walking towards the half-aged man, and she had already felt Mo Li's increasingly powerful hand and the excitement in his eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: Thank you for the two safety charms presented by Ripro, and thanks to =祝=, monotonous Baoer, and louisli for their pink votes. There will be an update later, please subscribe and support, please~~

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