The return of the first daughter

Chapter 270 The last laugh

The emperor got up and walked straight towards the queen and the prince, with an indescribable hatred and disgust on his face.

Seeing this, the sixth prince stepped forward to support him. One was afraid that the prince and the empress would suddenly do something crazy, and the other was also worried about the emperor's health.

However, the emperor waved his hand directly without letting the sixth prince help him: "No need to fight, I am very, very well now!"

"You are pretending to be sick!" The queen screamed immediately, looking at the emperor who looked like a changed person with eyes like watching a ghost.

"I'm not pretending to be sick, how could you show your true colors so quickly? Do you really think I'm so stupid that I can't see your plot?" The emperor slapped him across the face, causing half of the queen's face to swell up.

"Mother!" The prince turned pale, and quickly supported the queen who was about to fall, and then angrily shouted at the emperor: "Do you think you'll be fine if you pretend to be sick? Now the entire palace has been controlled by my people." Now, my uncle's soldiers and horses have surrounded the entire capital, you are doomed!"

"Really? Then you should listen to what sounds are coming from outside! Fighting with me is really beyond your capabilities!" The emperor sneered, slapped the prince on the face again, and said bitterly: "Beast! I shouldn't have spared your life, if I had killed you mother and son who didn't regret the death, Xiao Shiqi would not have been killed by you!"

The prince wanted to resist, but he was kicked to the ground by a guard who jumped out of nowhere.

"Get out of the way, today I will beat the mother and child to death with my own hands. Avenge my little Seventeen!" The emperor directly took out the big stick he had prepared in advance, and swung it at the mother in front of so many people. Queen and Prince.

In an instant, there were screams inside and outside the bedroom, and the emperor didn't know where to get so much strength, he didn't even need to rest, and he would swear a different word every time he hit him, that kind of hatred is indescribable!

The sixth prince stood there frowning, trying to say something, but he didn't say anything.

There were killing sounds and screams outside the bedroom.One can imagine what the palace will look like without going out.However, the shouts of the prince and queen in the bedroom gradually became quieter, and it seemed that they had been beaten to death. On the contrary, the emperor was getting stronger and more energetic at the moment, and he didn't feel the slightest bit of fatigue at all.

The blood of the queen and the prince splashed on the emperor's face and body, but he still didn't stop at all.He continued to wave the stick in his hand like crazy, as if beating them to death was not enough to relieve their hatred!

After a while, the leader in dark clothes walked in with a group of elites.

"My subordinate came late to save me, please forgive me! The rebels in the palace have been wiped out by us with all our strength, and the soldiers and horses outside the city have also been captured by General Song. My lord is wise. Everything is fine now!" Dark Clothes The leader knelt down on one knee and reported the latest progress to the emperor directly.

Hear the words of the leader of the dark clothes.The queen and prince, who had been beaten until they were breathless, unable to utter a sound, and whose eyelids were extremely difficult to open, suddenly lost their last hope, and swallowed their last breath in despair, just like that. The emperor was killed.

At this time, the sky is getting brighter.Within half an hour, the entire palace was cleaned.But the smell of blood in the air still lingered for a long time.

"Young master, the empress and the crown prince failed in their uterine transformation and fell into the emperor's trap. The empress and prince were beaten to death by the emperor."

Dong Ling once again sent the latest news from the palace: "The emperor bloodbathed the palace, all those who followed the rebellion were killed, and the soldiers and horses outside the city who planned to rebel were also directly intercepted by the sixth prince. In this round, the queen and the prince entered Extremely gruesome!"

"It's expected, but the matter is far from over. Their death is just the beginning, and there will be an even bigger bloody storm in the capital!" Mo Li didn't feel happy at all, the status of the queen and the prince was too much. In particular, this time there will undoubtedly be more and more people involved. No one knows whether the emperor will go crazy and spread the attack to a few of them.

Dong Ling nodded, and continued: "At this time, all civil and military officials have entered the palace, and the emperor has ordered that the Duke's mansion be beheaded and beheaded, punishing the nine clans! Several confidants who are close to the crown prince have all been treated as princes. His family members were also implicated in the killing, and at the same time, many ministers who had close contacts with the crown prince were all imprisoned, waiting for investigation, I am afraid that this time we don't know how many people will die!"

"So this time, will the emperor take this opportunity to target us again?" Han Jiangxue subconsciously thought of this question, and quickly said to Moli: "Now the Zheng and Wang families have joined the emperor, and the Luo and Meng families It has been cleaned, and the only ones left are the Mo, Han, and Zhang families! I don’t know which family the emperor wants to reach out to this time!”

"No one is allowed, and now we can no longer be passively beaten like this!" Mo Li quickly told Dong Ling: "According to what I said before, go to the Zhang family to deliver a letter, and you must meet with the Zhang family's master tonight one side!"

Regarding the Zhang family, Mo Li still has some scruples in his heart. Unlike the Han family, although the Zhang family's attitude seems to have always been very firm, but last time when the Luo and Meng families had an accident, the Zhang family's behavior made Mo Li feel a little disappointed Not so real!So this time, he must confirm as soon as possible, otherwise, there may be changes.

In the next few days, the entire capital city was indeed filled with blood and rain, and when it was added to the Luo Palace, the number of people who died this time was indescribable.

The only thing that made Han Jiangxue feel lucky was that this time the emperor was not implicated in Mo, Han, and Zhang's family, but the reason for not being implicated was not because the emperor didn't want to, but because the emperor fell ill!

This time, it was really sick!

For three consecutive days, the emperor was in a coma, and all the important affairs of the court were now handed over to the sixth prince, King Qing, to handle them temporarily.

On the first day when the sixth prince took over the affairs of the court, he made a decree not to continue to expand the investigation of the ex-queen and the remaining party of the prince. Except for the families directly related to them, other officials will be dismissed as long as they do not have too many problems. After they were released, many people returned to their positions and the martial law in the capital eased a lot.

In this way, whether civil or military officials or ordinary people, they couldn't help feeling a little relieved. King Qing's appeasement strategy obviously paid off quickly, but within a few days, the six princes, King Qing, won the hearts of the people. It goes without saying.

Seeing that the emperor is getting worse and worse, he is almost like a living dead now, the palace has begun to prepare for the funeral, but Sangong Zaifu and his like have begun to discuss the matter of the crown prince.

The sixth prince, King Qing, not only made great contributions in rescuing him from this palace change, but also has always been trusted and valued by the emperor for his outstanding ability. Let the courtiers feel that the king of Qing is the most suitable choice for Mingjun.

However, the sixth prince, King Qing, insisted that now he only handles the court affairs on his behalf, and he will definitely heal the emperor.The matter of the crown prince had to wait until the emperor woke up, and he did not directly accept the proposal of the ministers.

In this way, it won the hearts of the people more and more, and was supported by the courtiers.

"I didn't expect that the queen and the prince had spent so much thought and paid such a high price this time, and finally let the sixth prince take advantage of it." Han Jiangxue was full of emotion: "This is the real mantis catching cicadas and orioles in the world." Finally, the sixth prince's city is indeed deep enough!"

The facts are before our eyes, this time, the real beneficiary is the sixth prince, once the emperor dies, there is no more suitable candidate for the new monarch than the sixth prince in any respect.

Han Jiangxue even felt that the death of the seventeenth prince was more like the result of the sixth prince's careful design, and that the queen and the prince were just pawns that were inadvertently used by him.

After hearing this, Mo Li nodded and said, "That's right, now it seems that the queen, the crown prince, and even the emperor have all been invisibly set up by the king of Qing. After playing this game for so long, the king of Qing is the real one." The winner of the game, and everyone else is just a pawn in his hand!"

A long time ago, Mo Li said that the only person he couldn't see clearly was the sixth prince. Before the palace change, he also suspected that the sixth prince knew everything in advance, but he was not sure if everything was from this person. leading.

Now it seems that he still somewhat underestimated this person's ability. Compared with the emperor, this person is even more unfathomable in terms of scheming and means.

"In my opinion, the emperor's illness is probably related to him." Han Jiangxue frowned, not because she was preconceived, but the emperor's illness has always been a bit strange, and the timing of the attack this time is even more coincidental. It is serving as a step for the sixth prince to win people's hearts through his meritorious service.

After Mo Li heard this, he smiled and said: "You are right, but he will not let the emperor die for a while. He still has to spend a lot of effort to clean up the current mess. During this period, checkmate The surviving emperor is just something he can make good use of."

While the two were talking, Prince Mo's Mansion suddenly sent someone over.

"My lord, the people from Prince Qing's Mansion went to our mansion just now!" The visitor quickly reported: "The King of Qing asked someone to tell me that the storm in the capital has passed, and the lord can send Miss Han back to the mansion!"

"It really is him!" Hearing this, Han Jiangxue snorted coldly: "He even asked someone to talk on purpose. Could it be that he still wants us to be grateful to him?"

"Don't be angry, it's up to him whether he takes the words or not, anyway, we were planning to go back." Mo Li pulled Han Jiangxue and comforted him: "Let's go, I'll take you back first, the show has just begun , we have to have the last laugh!"

The so-called impermanence of the world is nothing more than this.And Mo Li knew clearly that in this life, his greatest opponent had appeared! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: I recommend a happy and relaxing article:

Sun Miaoxi died of grief in her previous life, and in this life she tried her best to take revenge.

What?He actually said that everything was just a bitter misunderstanding?

Hey, Shizi children's shoes, the biggest wish of this girl in this life is to kill you, so you still want to chase me?

Those who are interested can search for the title of the book "Da Huan"

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