The return of the first daughter

Chapter 289 Assassination

Who is Mr. Zhang in Shui'er's mouth?Han Jiangxue really didn't understand it for a while.

She couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and it took a while before she figured out who Shui'er was referring to as Mr. Zhang. Speaking of which, it doesn't matter whether it's the entire capital or other places. Except for Zhang Haocheng, she doesn't know any other men with the surname Zhang. nothing familiar.

As a result, Han Jiangxue didn't stay any longer, and soon made a gesture with Shui'er, and went straight to the front hall.

Zhang Haocheng came to her at this time, which somewhat surprised Han Jiangxue.

For a long time, Zhang Haocheng has not been in the capital. I heard that he spent his years in other places. It seems that he did not make a special trip for today's new emperor's enthronement ceremony. Otherwise, he would not appear in the Han family and so on. she.

She heard from Shui'er that Zhang Haocheng has been here for quite a while, knowing that she is not in the mansion now, and he doesn't know when he will return, but he insists on waiting for her, and he doesn't know what is going on.

After a while, Han Jiangxue saw Zhang Haocheng again in the front hall. He was not much different from the handsome Mr. Zhang before, but now his eyebrows and eyes were more mature.

"Jiang Xue, are you back?" Seeing Han Jiangxue, Zhang Haocheng's eyes suddenly brightened a lot.

He quickly put down the teacup that he had been holding but didn't drink, and quickly smiled at him and said hello.

"Brother Zhang, when did you return to Beijing?" Han Jiangxue smiled back, and at the same time waved his hand to ask Zhang Haocheng to sit down and talk again.

Without opening a mouth, he asked Zhang Haocheng why he came to see her, which still seemed a little too unfamiliar.Although it is impossible for them to have a relationship between a man and a woman, but the friendship between the two families is here, and Han Jiangxue can't go too far.

What's more, Zhang Haocheng is not like Li Qing, and he doesn't have those excessive entanglements.

"I just came back to Beijing, originally for the purpose of watching the ceremony, but after all, it was a bit late and I didn't catch up, so I simply didn't go." Zhang Haocheng's eyes flickered.He seemed a little evasive when he said this, then cleared his throat, and continued: "I heard that you and Mo Li were engaged a long time ago, but I have been away all the time, and I have never had a chance to talk to you in person. Congratulations."

"Thank you, Brother Zhang, for your blessing. I'm very happy." Han Jiangxue didn't expect to hear such words from Zhang Haocheng, and was really happy for a while.

The so-called determination is not afraid of delay, it seems that Zhang Haocheng should have let go of some things in the past, so it is naturally the best for them.

"Jiang Xue, in the past... the words I wrote in my letters before, you just treat me as nonsense. Don't worry about it." Zhang Haocheng squeezed out a very forced smile while speaking, saying don't care about it.But no one could see that his heart was throbbing.

"Letter? What letter?" Han Jiangxue was stunned, and asked in puzzlement, "When did you write me a letter?"

Hearing this, Zhang Haocheng looked at Han Jiangxue fiercely, stayed for a while, but simply shook his head and said: "No, no, forget it, it's okay. I just remembered it myself."

Seeing that Zhang Haocheng's expression was obviously wrong, and his speech was also squeaking.Obviously mentioning something like a letter but denying it, Han Jiangxue naturally understood that there must be something wrong with it.

But since Zhang Haocheng didn't want to mention it any more, it was inconvenient for her to ask further questions.It must have been when Zhang Haocheng wrote a letter to himself, but that letter was not delivered to her.

"By the way, Jiang Xue, this time back to Beijing, I stopped by to see Wanru on the way. She asked me to take it for you, and brought you some things."

Zhang Haocheng quickly changed the subject, apparently not wanting to mention the undelivered letter.No matter what the reason was that Han Jiangxue didn't receive it, it would be better if she didn't receive it now, so as not to make that girl feel unnecessary troubles in her heart.

He is not the kind of unreasonable person. If some things are destined to have no fate, then he should keep them in his heart. As long as he can know that everything is fine with the person in his heart, and he can meet once in a while, he will be content.

Over the past few months, even if he couldn't figure out many things, time forced him to figure them out a lot, but this time, what Zhang Haocheng considered was not the various external reasons of the divorce.

He had to admit that no matter how sincere his thoughts and feelings were, Jiang Xue's heart was not on him.If Jiang Xue's heart is not on Mo Li but someone else, maybe he still has hope to fight, but now, if he insists on going on, I'm afraid it will only make Jiang Xue farther and farther away from him.

In the future, even a glimpse from a distance will become a luxury.Rather than stalking and making people bored, it's better to keep it so that we can meet each other naturally in the future.

When the topic was forwarded to Zhang Wanru, Han Jiangxue didn't mention anything else, and soon asked about Wanru's current situation.

Hearing from Zhang Haocheng that everything is fine with Wanru now, the husband and wife are harmonious, and the elders in the family are also very easy to get along with. Naturally, he is happy for Zhang Wanru. Hearing that Wanru is pregnant recently, he is even more pleasantly surprised.

"Brother Zhang, when are you going to the south again? I want to bring something to Wanru then, and I have to trouble you to delay it halfway." Han Jiangxue thought that she must prepare some good things for Wanru to bring. She was pregnant and still thinking about her in such a far place, so she naturally had to do her best.

Zhang Haocheng could see that Han Jiangxue was sincerely happy for his sister, maybe the sister was right, maybe it would be better for them to get along with each other in a different way.

"After I come back this time, I don't have to go to the south again, but my family will send someone to send some things to Wanru later in the day. If you have anything you want to bring to her, let them deliver it together."

He smiled, and he really liked seeing Han Jiangxue's happy face.As long as you can see such a happy Jiang Xue all the time, that's enough!

The topic gradually became lighter. Han Jiangxue was not surprised to learn that Zhang Haocheng would no longer go to the south to do those so-called tempering exercises. After all, as the future head of the Zhang family, he couldn't be floating around like this all the time. .

After chatting for a while, Zhang Haocheng got up to say goodbye. In fact, he hadn't returned to Zhang's house yet, and ran directly to Han Jiangxue when he entered the city, but he didn't let him know.

After coming here, the knot in his heart was truly loosened. From then on, he will use his own form to protect the true feelings deep in his heart.

Before leaving, Zhang Haocheng didn't let Han Jiangxue see him off, but he left a few words that made Han Jiangxue a little confused, and then left on his own.

After waiting for Zhang Haocheng to leave for a long time, Han Jiangxue still hadn't recovered. Her mind would always be echoing the last words Zhang Haocheng said before he left.

"Could it be..." After a while, she finally came back to her senses, and subconsciously raised her eyes to look at the direction where Zhang Haocheng had long since disappeared, feeling a little complicated in her heart.

Then he sat back in his original seat again, thinking about things silently.

"Miss, the master and the young master are back!" Shui'er came up at some point, and reminded Han Jiangxue in a low voice, signaling her not to sit alone in a daze.

Hearing that his father and elder brother had returned from the palace, Han Jiangxue withdrew his thoughts first.

"Father, elder brother, why did you come back so late?" Han Jiangxue got up and welcomed his father and elder brother in. Calculating the time, the grand ceremony should not take so long, but obviously father and elder brother came back too late.

"Don't mention it, something happened at the grand ceremony, it's good to be able to come back." Han Feng was supported by his daughter to sit down, and said with a sigh of relief.

"What happened? What happened?" Han Jiangxue was naturally surprised.

Han Jing took the question and said on behalf of his father: "When the ceremony was about to end, a group of assassins suddenly came out of nowhere to assassinate the emperor. Those people were hidden among the audience at first, and I don't know why. The one who sneaked in, shot quickly and ruthlessly, and looked like a typical dead soldier."

"However, preparations have been made in the womb for such a day. It seems that there is a particularly powerful master secretly escorting the emperor, so naturally those assassins did not succeed, nor did they hurt the emperor at all. However, in the chaos, some ministers and family members were killed. Disaster, one died and five or six were injured."

Speaking of this, Han Jing couldn't help but shook his head and said: "All the assassins took poison and killed themselves after failing to assassinate. There was no one left alive. If such a big thing happened, the emperor must do his best to track down the instigator behind the scenes. Therefore, the people who were present at the time All of them were inevitably investigated, and they were released batch by batch without any problem. We came back early, and after a while, there are still many people in the palace staying and unable to leave!"

Hearing this, Han Jiangxue didn't say anything. It's not too surprising that someone assassinated at the new emperor's ceremony. As for who is behind the scenes, she doesn't care that much. Naturally, there are many people who worry about the follow-up.

Fortunately, nothing happened in the chaos between her father and elder brother. To her, this was the most important thing.

"Hey, it seems that the capital is going to be in trouble again!"

Han Feng sighed, now one thing after another happened one after another, although on the surface it didn't seem to have anything to do with their Han family, but in such a situation, no one could tell what would happen next moment.

"By the way, Xue'er, what happened after you entered the palace today and met Concubine Meng? Why did you leave the palace without even attending the ceremony? And Mo Li took you away without saying a word, you guys Where did you go just now?" Han Feng quickly remembered this matter, although the emperor did not blame Jiang Xue and Mo Li in public, but in fact, he was not as calm as he appeared on the surface. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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