After letting Dong Ling send the letter, Han Jiangxue still felt that there was something else unfinished, but he didn't want to mention it too much.After hesitating for a moment, he still gave up, didn't say much, and soon went directly to bed, closed his sleepy eyes, and fell asleep.

I don't know if it's because my nerves have been too tense all day, or if I was really too tired, and soon after I lay down, I fell asleep directly.

This sleep was very long and deep, and when Han Jiangxue woke up, it was already the next morning, and the sky was already bright.

Ziyue quickly ordered someone to bring the washing things, and served Han Jiangxue to clean up, and then served meals, all of which were light snacks that Han Jiangxue liked.

"Ziyue, did you get the letter that Dong Ling sent to the King's Council yesterday?" After eating something, Han Jiangxue asked about something that hadn't been confirmed before going to bed yesterday.

Ziyue filled another half bowl of Bazhen porridge for her lady, and said: "It's delivered, but when Dong Ling came back yesterday, you had already fallen asleep, so you didn't come in and report in time. The Prince Ying also asked Dong Ling to bring you I said that I am very grateful to miss, as for the rest, please rest assured, the King of England, everything will be arranged by him."

After receiving an affirmative reply from King Ying, Han Jiangxue nodded slightly, and stopped thinking about it.In the final analysis, this matter mainly involved the royal family of Xishu, and it would be better for them to solve it themselves, which would save her some trouble and effort.

After eating almost everything, Ziyue looked at Han Jiangxue's expression, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Miss, there is one more thing... Beifeng said that the people who stayed there yesterday to deal with the aftermath had taken away Luo Qier's The body was buried with honor, and he asked if you need to pass the news to the Luo family."

It was Han Jiangxue's intention to bury Luo Qi'er in a dignified manner. Although Han Jiangxue didn't say anything when Luo Qi'er died, she still spoke to Bei Feng a little when she finally left.

In any case, this woman is dead now, and everything in the past ends with the death of Jiangxue still didn't let Luo Qier throw her body into the wilderness, and let her be buried in the ground earlier and reincarnated so as not to repeat the tragedy of this life.

Originally, she wanted to ask about this before she went to bed last night, but later she restrained herself from revealing too much. Now, the girl Ziyue has figured out what she is thinking.You don't even need to ask yourself, but you have responded properly.

"There's no need to tell the Luo family. Now those Luo family members are no longer the former Luo family members. There is nothing to explain Luo Qier's death." Han Jiangxue understood what Ziyue was worried about, but she didn't care about that.He never regretted that he had informed the Luo family to save the Luo family who were going to be their enemies now.

Hearing this, Ziyue nodded.Then he said: "Where is the prince?"

The prince in Ziyue's mouth naturally refers to Mo Li.Such a big thing happened, and the eldest lady didn't write a letter to Mo Li to mention it from yesterday to Fengzai. According to the exhortation when she was leaving, it is probably not very good.

"Someone sent a letter to him early in the morning, so we don't need to worry about it." Han Jiangxue suddenly said such a sentence, his expression suddenly became a little worried, and he seemed to be talking to himself: "This fool. Could it be that he Don't you know that his own situation is much more complicated and dangerous than mine?"

Ziyue only understood half of Han Jiangxue's words.However, she didn't ask too much. After all, this is a matter between the young lady and the future uncle. Since the young lady knows it well, she won't worry about it.

And Han Jiangxue only realized that besides Dong Ling and others protecting her, there was also an extremely powerful top expert secretly protecting her. This is why Dong Ling and Beifeng were so forthright yesterday and did not object to her A life-saving plan at risk.

However, she could also tell that unless it was the final critical moment of life and death, that person would not show up easily. This was actually the last trump card Mo Li arranged for her to protect her body. If it was exposed too early, it would naturally lose its effect.

After asking Dong Ling secretly, she found that her guess was not wrong at all. Although Dong Ling didn't say anything specific, she basically guessed the identity of the person in her heart, and it should be the ultimate guardian by Mo Li's side. Or, an important expert who can absolutely guarantee Moli's safety.

But Mo Li, a fool, was worried about her safety, so he even secretly assigned the most powerful guardian around him to her, so what if he encountered any trouble?

Han Jiangxue knows better than anyone else what the situation in Dongming capital is like. Even though Mo Li’s letters are all about good news and not bad news, how can it be peaceful if all the current situations and conflicts are there? get up.

Li Qing's eyes and ears are also the most sensitive. Once he knows that Mo Li has such an opportunity to take advantage of, it is impossible to let go of such an opportunity.

Therefore, Han Jiangxue was very worried about Mo Li, worried about the safety of this fool, and worried about what kind of bloody storm would be set off in the capital.

"As soon as the master's business is over, let's get up and go back to Dongming immediately, and don't delay any more." After a while, Han Jiangxue regained his thoughts, looked at Ziyue and said, "Go tell Dongling, Let them split up and prepare to forcefully take my master back, and make sure there is no trouble."

"Yes!" Ziyue responded naturally, and knew in her heart that the eldest lady was planning to rob people directly if she couldn't do it. Anyway, when the time comes to clear up the relationship between all parties, except for Jiang Ninghou, other people will not make things difficult for them.

Time passed quickly, three days passed in a blink of an eye, and it was the day when the bet was held.

In the past few days, Han Jiangxue's life has finally calmed down a bit, and she has been quietly preparing behind closed doors at her place of residence for a few days.Although it can really be regarded as a temporary hug, you still have to hug when you should. Fortunately, you are not too lazy on weekdays. Even if you lose in a while, you should not lose too much embarrassment.

That's good, anyway, knowing that I have no chance of winning, so I just put in a lot of effort to prepare for the second and third hands, and there will be no psychological pressure at all, just perform well at that time.

The venue for the betting competition was originally set up in the Jiangninghou Mansion, but it would be inconvenient to take people away at that time.So Han Jiangxue secretly asked someone to come for convenience early on, and asked the prince to come forward and take the initiative to set the location of the competition at the Palace of the King of England.

The reason is also very simple. There is a very fairy garden in the Ying Wang Mansion, where playing the piano is of course more interesting.

Ever since, the Marquis of Jiang Ning had no need to refuse, and the location of the competition was properly changed to the Palace of the King of England.

Because the betting agreement involved personal grievances, except for the personnel from both parties, the prince and the owner of the venue, King Ying, who had expressed their intention to participate in the early morning, no one was invited to participate in other irrelevant idlers.After all, Jiang Ninghou is not the kind of person who needs to use this kind of thing to create momentum, not to mention that now because of Han Jiangxue's relationship, there is still no need to make extra troubles.

Of course, the two children, Xiaotian and Niuniu, came with the prince. Their arrival will not affect anything at all, but they just took this opportunity to meet their sister Han and others.

And Mr. Chuan was silent all the way, although his face was still calm, but Han Jiangxue could tell that the master must be extremely complicated at this time.It has nothing to do with winning or losing the bet, it's just that after the bet is over, he and the child may never have the chance to meet and get along again.

After the two children saw Han Jiangxue, they followed Han Jiangxue and sat down. They waited eagerly for Sister Han to say hello to the prince and others, and hurriedly pulled Sister Han to talk.

Xiaotian is better, he only picks things that he thinks are more important to talk about, while Niuniu is so young that he eats something delicious, and can't help talking about any dreams he has while sleeping. The two children are happy for a while And the worry-free voice made the party, which was a little dignified because of the bet, a lot easier.

Jiang Ninghou was not in a hurry to start, nor did he urge Xiaotian Niuniu and Han Jiangxue to chat and get along. Instead, he watched patiently.Suddenly, I feel that Han Jiangxue is more in line with her original age when she gets along with the children at this time.

Naturally, Jiang Yunchang also came, sitting in an inconspicuous place, watching everything in front of him silently, looking at all the few people present, and after staying on Han Jiangxue and the two children for a while , but subconsciously looked at Mr. Chuan who had also been silent since arriving.

At this moment, Jiang Yunchang's heart was also not as calm as the expression on his face, because he clearly knew that after the competition was over, all the grievances and grievances between him and this person in front of him would be finally resolved.

In the past, he was looking forward to this day, but in fact, when this day actually came, Jiang Yunchang found that he was not as happy and excited as he thought.

As if sensing his gaze, Li Chuan quickly raised his head and looked towards him.

When the eyes met at that moment, Jiang Yunchang only felt his heart beat inexplicably fast, accompanied by an unprecedented sense of oppression and heaviness, and subconsciously made him look away immediately.

He couldn't describe his inner feelings at this meeting, but he clearly remembered the look in Li Chuan's eyes when he saw him just now. There was no worry about the bet at all, and there was just an indescribable surprise.

Li Chuan never thought that Jiang Yunchang would take the initiative to look at him, and he did not have the same indifference and endless hatred as before. Endless joy and joy.

ps: Ahhh, the plot is here, and I am a little hesitant and entangled.Dear friends, what kind of ending do you hope this father and son will have?Very urgent, wait online.Pfft, haha~~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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