He lifted the hijab again, and even took off the extremely heavy phoenix crown first. Han Jiangxue finally let out a long sigh of relief, shaking his neck lightly, feeling that it would be indescribably comfortable.

God knows how much torture it is to bear such a heavy phoenix crown on the head all day. It was okay at first, but gradually I was really tired, and I really felt like my neck was about to be broken.

The clever Shui'er immediately stepped forward to massage her lady: "Miss, your phoenix crown is specially made by my uncle, and the orbs on it are all treasures, and the weight is relatively lighter than ordinary ones. It's not that heavy anymore!"

Shui'er was talking and laughing, but the movements of his hands didn't stop at all, his strength was just right, and his skills were extremely good.

"Shui'er, you have to change your mouth, now we all have to be called Wangfei, and we can't call you Miss Miss!" Ziyue helped Han Jiangxue prepare the dishes while correcting Shui'er's two wrong names just now.

"You can call it whatever you want in private, it doesn't matter, just pay attention to formal occasions where there are outsiders." Han Jiangxue has already started eating and drinking, with something in his mouth, faintly slurring his speech.

Shui'er and Ziyue are not outsiders, so she doesn't pay too much attention. Except for a little something in the morning, she hasn't eaten until now. It's no wonder she isn't hungry.

On the way, the girl Shui'er secretly stuffed her with some food, but because it was inconvenient for her to come out, she thought about it and endured it first.When Han Jiangxue watched other people get married before, she always felt that the bride didn't have to worry about anything, and there was no difficulty at all.Now it seems that it is really not so easy to do anything.

"Miss, don't worry, in front of outsiders, the servants will definitely call me wrong." Shui'er cheerfully responded, in her opinion, calling Miss is of course much closer than Wangfei, Wangfei Ah, that's for outsiders to listen to, Miss, this is for them to listen to.

Seeing this, Ziyue of course didn't say anything.In her heart, she also wished to keep the original name. Anyway, the uncle was obedient to the young lady, and of course he would not be unreasonably picky and fussy about such a trivial matter.

Han Jiangxue was full soon, and finally put down the bowls and chopsticks beautifully, and Shui'er's pinching skills were so good that it didn't affect her eating just now.Moreover, after one meal, the shoulders and neck, which were sore and tired, have almost recovered by this time. In addition, after eating and drinking enough, I feel sleepy again and again, and I really want to go to bed.

"Miss, you can close your eyes and rest your mind. But don't really fall asleep." Ziyue on the side couldn't help but reminded with a smile: "Tonight is your wedding night, and my uncle hasn't returned to the house yet. .You can't sleep first!"

"That's right, if the lady falls asleep first, I'm afraid the uncle will be crying when he comes back." Shui'er smiled and changed it to a light thump, so as not to let the lady fall asleep too comfortably, so as to save the time when the uncle arrives. If the bridal chamber stays alone in the vacant room during the wedding night, she must be hacked to death at that time.

Han Jiangxue couldn't hear the jokes of these two girls, so he didn't say much.He just opened his eyes slightly, and said lazily: "You two girls. When you get married in the future, I will have to prepare an extra big gift for you."

As soon as these words came out, Ziyue and Shui'er immediately looked at each other and smiled, and then shut their mouths obediently, not daring to make fun of their own lady with this matter, so as to save themselves from being "revenge" in time, then But I don't know how the lady will deal with it.

They dare not accept such an extra gift.

Seeing that the two girls were honest in an instant, Han Jiangxue couldn't help but smiled, and didn't "threat" anything anymore. Thinking that there was still makeup on her face, covering her face so hard that she couldn't breathe, she wanted to wash it off first. It's even more comfortable.

Hearing what my young lady said, the two girls quickly dissuaded her. This uncle has not officially entered the bridal chamber to choose the hijab, and there will be a lot of rituals to pick the hijab. By then, even if the uncle doesn't care, let others see him with a plain face The bride's wife will really spread the word.

After being talked about by Shui'er Ziyue, Han Jiangxue remembered that she just took advantage of the opportunity to rest and relax for a while, but almost forgot that the wedding ceremony was not completely over.

Later, there will be many people accompanying Mo Li to carry out some final ceremonies between them, and then the whole wedding process will be considered as real completion.Thinking of this, she certainly wouldn't be in a hurry to wash her face anymore, and just rested and waited honestly.

Seeing this, the two girls couldn't help but feel a little bit amused at the moment. My young lady is usually a shrewd person, but today I feel confused all day, and I don't know whether I am overjoyed or over nervous.

But no matter what, this marriage is really a match made in heaven, and after all, today is the ecstasy of the young lady's life, whether she is happy or nervous, it is nothing more than normal.

After a while, Han Jiangxue was almost rested, as if he suddenly remembered something, he waved his hand to signal Shui'er not to pinch her anymore.

Afterwards, she took out from her bosom the big palm-sized object that was neatly wrapped in red, and after staring at it for a few times, she still couldn't figure out what was inside.

Shui'er and Ziyue were also very curious for a while, they all knew that this thing was an extra dowry given to the lady by the lady's grandfather, Old General Tan, before leaving the house, but what could such a small thing be?

Han Jiangxue looked at the red cloth and blinked a few times, but when he couldn't figure it out, he decided not to bother, and quickly folded the red cloth wrapped outside.

After opening it, a small token-shaped object made of bronze appeared in front of her eyes. The word Tan was written on the front of the sign, but there was nothing else.

Han Jiangxue frowned suddenly, as if he had guessed something, but he wasn't sure for a while, so he quickly turned the sign over.

After turning it over, there is a big order word engraved on the back, and the rest are as undecorated as the front, but Han Jiangxue already knows what he is holding in his hand at this moment!

"Soldier talisman! This is the exclusive soldier talisman of Tan Jiajun!"

Ziyue on the side suddenly looked very solemn, and said subconsciously: "With this soldier talisman, you can summon the Tan family's army. Even the emperor's order is not as binding and appealing to the Tan family's army as the Tan family's soldier talisman!"

As soon as these words came out, Han Jiangxue fell into deep thought.

Sure enough, this is indeed the Tan family's soldier talisman, the soldier talisman that belongs exclusively to the Tan family's army!

Grandpa actually gave it to her as a dowry. Doesn't this mean that grandpa has already handed over the entire Tan family army and the future of the Tan family to her, to Prince Mo's mansion!

This is not only Grandpa's trust in her and Moli, but also a silent and powerful support!

Grandpa is using practical actions to tell her that no matter what, the Tan family will not ignore her. No matter what, the entire Tan family is her most steadfast backing and reliance!

Even though uncle and Mo Li had already had a kind of secret cooperation that was close to joining forces, but now they directly sent all the private soldier talismans, which showed everything. The meaning and nature of that kind of trust completely surpassed it. After everything, it is even more different.

For a long time, Han Jiangxue didn't make a sound, her eyes were filled with excitement, and her emotions were too complicated to describe.

After she calmed down a bit, she smiled at Ziyue and Shui'er, who were also full of excitement, and got up solemnly to hide the soldier talisman herself.

"In the future, don't let other people move around in this house, especially the storage area, you two should take care of it yourself, and no one else can do it too much!"

After putting away the things in front of Ziyue and Shui'er, Han Jiangxue ordered in a deep voice, this dowry is really a great gift, just as grandpa said, it will definitely be useful in the future.

Ziyue and Shui'er naturally understand how important this thing is, and also know what the consequences will be if outsiders know about it, so they nodded solemnly to express that they remembered it.

Going back to sit there again, Han Jiangxue hadn't had time to say anything else, but heard a few low knocks on the door outside, and then Dong Ling's voice sounded quickly: "Princess, the prince will be back soon Already!"

Naturally, Dong Ling was ordered to report the news first, so that the young lady, who was full of food and drink, could quickly return to her original state, so that the young lady would not be caught in time when a large number of people came in.

Hearing this, Shui'er and Ziyue immediately began to clean up for Han Jiangxue without saying a word.

"Why come back so early, there are so many guests outside!" Han Jiangxue couldn't help muttering, she never expected that Mo Li would come back so soon, generally speaking, the groom is toasting outside, and it is difficult to come back every hour or two of.

"Miss, my uncle still has the mind to stay outside for so long, if he hadn't had to go out and put on a show, he probably wouldn't have left just now." Shui'er replied, her voice was full of smiles.

The eldest lady is really interesting, other brides only hope that the groom will return to the bridal chamber earlier, and it is estimated that only her eldest lady still thinks that the uncle came back too early.

Hearing this, Han Jiangxue scolded Shui'er, but she was very happy in her heart, and her heartbeat started to speed up subconsciously.

It's a wedding night in the bridal chamber, when I think about what will happen next, my whole body will inevitably become a little hot.

Fortunately, Shui'er didn't dare to tease her anymore, and together with Ziyue, he quickly put on the phoenix crown for her, covered her head, arranged her wedding dress, and helped her sit beside the bed.Then quickly covered up the traces of the previous movement in the room one by one, it looked as if Han Jiangxue hadn't moved from head to room, just sitting on the edge of the bed.

When everything was ready, the door outside was pushed open, and many people rushed in immediately, making it extremely lively.

ps: I will go to the bridal chamber tomorrow, cover my face, and celebrate at the third shift tomorrow~~ (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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