Today's late dinner brought the most critical turning point in the relationship between the Qin Chuan couple and Mo Yu. Although Mo Yu didn't call Qin Chuan his father until Mo Yu left, he officially recognized himself. Mother, and she is no longer addressed as uncle, it is estimated that some of them can't scream for a while, and they just skip it subconsciously.

But this has already moved Qin Chuan and his wife into a bewildered bed. Seeing his aunt's face full of tears, Han Jiangxue felt unspeakable joy for them.

Now the whole family really recognizes each other. Mo Yu has already called his mother. Of course, he has already admitted his identity and admitted that he is the son of Qin Chuan and his wife. Then it will be a matter of time for the father who still can't say it. It may come out naturally in a few days.

Whether Mrs. Qin, Qin Chuan, or Liu Ying or Mo Li and Han Jiangxue, no one is urging Mo Yu any more. Once many things break through the last barrier, the rest will naturally come to fruition.

Unparalleled joy and happiness permeated the entire courtyard, and the biggest stone that had been pressed by Qin Chuan and his wife for more than ten years finally officially moved away.

But in fact, compared to Qin Chuan and his wife, why didn't Mo Yu really breathe a sigh of relief?After all, it was because of the love of the blood. After all, the parents had no choice but to do a lot of things back then. After all, they still loved him as a son in their hearts!

No matter how much resentment there is in his heart, he has never had any resentment. If there was really resentment, then even today, he would not be as sincere as Mo Li.Closer than siblings.

Time can heal many things. In fact, the deep-rooted resentment back then has slowly dissipated in the past few years, especially after Yinger married him. After having his flesh and blood, his heart also understands better. It's not easy being a parent.

Before leaving, facing Qin Chuan and his wife who personally escorted them to the car, when Mo Yu put down the curtain for the last time, he unexpectedly called out—Father.

The "Father" was very soft.It was so light that only Liu Ying who was sitting next to him could hear it clearly, but he clearly felt the ecstatic expression on his father's face at that moment, and he knew that even if he didn't really hear it, his father did Already saw his lips clearly.

The night is getting darker, and for some people.At this moment, the joy in the sky is even more intense.

The carriages of King Mo's Mansion were walking one after the other on the way back to the mansion. In front of them was the carriage that Mo Yu and Liu Ying were riding in. On the way, neither of the two couples said a word, they just cuddled each other and used each other. The warmth of love melts everything.

And behind the carriage.Han Jiangxue and Mo Li are completely opposite.

After getting into the carriage and setting off, Han Jiangxue couldn't hold back anymore.Looking at Mo Li with great curiosity, he wanted to know what kind of method Mo Yu used to change his attitude so quickly today.

After all, Han Jiangxue was also aware that even though Mo Yu was still unwilling to come over in the morning, it took only a short while, but the change happened exactly as Mo Li said.More importantly, when Liu Ying was hinting at Mo Yu.Mo Yu hesitated and subconsciously glanced at Mo Li.

That look was definitely not a coincidence, according to Han Jiangxue's understanding of Mo Li.It must be Mo Li who played a key role in it, and finally let Mo Yu take this brave step.

At the beginning, Mo Li deliberately kept things secret, smiled and refused to say anything, neither admitted nor denied anything about him, anyway, he was deliberately teasing that girl, looking at the anxious and curious appearance of that girl, I really felt that Very interesting.

And Han Jiangxue is also very smart. On the way back and forth, she seems to have been teased by Mo Li more than once, so she simply used her unique trick, turning her head and pretending to be annoyed, which is not that kind The angry appearance means that he just keeps silent and ignores others, so of course Mo Li no longer has that leisurely heart.

When Mo Li saw this, he couldn't help but shook his head with a smile, the two of them could be regarded as one thing and one thing, knowing that this girl was using this trick to restrain him, but he still cared about it and just took this trick.

"It's really nothing, the matter itself is not too complicated." Soon, Mo Li took Han Jiangxue's hand and explained: "Brother, he has already put it down in his heart, but because of various reasons, I still couldn't take the last step, and called out that father and mother, so I used the simplest method to force the eldest brother to push him to take this step, and the rest will naturally come to fruition."

"How did you force it?" Han Jiangxue was even more curious, why did she pretend to be annoyed at the moment, and immediately turned her head to ask with a smile, as if the person who was angry just now was not her at all.

"We're getting married, and my elder brother has been thinking about what gift to give us, so I pre-ordered a gift with him unceremoniously, but I didn't tell him what it was in advance."

Mo Li said with a smile: "After sending you back to the room to rest this morning, I naturally went to Eldest Brother alone to ask him for our wedding gift. Eldest Brother has always been a trustworthy person, so no matter what I ask Naturally, it is impossible to go back on his word. If he is forced like this, he will take this last step."

"Tsk tsk, your calculations are really terrible. We have made so many plans for our wedding so early, I really don't know how your head is so long!"

Han Jiangxue said this with a smile, and there was a bit of intentional hurt in her tone, but of course it was more praise and pride.

"It's fine to hit anyone, as long as you don't let others hit you." Mo Li hugged Han Jiangxue into his arms, and the words in his mouth were the thoughts in his heart. Everything he did now has long since ceased to exist. It was as simple as avenging his parents, protecting his family and protecting Prince Mo's mansion.

Now, there is another equally important responsibility in his life, a willing waiting of love! ,

Three days later, it was the day when Han Jiangxue returned home.

On this day, Mo Li and Han Jiangxue returned to the Han family together, and it was inevitable that the Han family would be full of excitement.

The men were drinking and chatting together, talking about the topics that men should have, and the atmosphere was lively and harmonious, while the women were in another place, talking about the intimate things between women.

In fact, the Han and Mo families have long been the closest partners, and everyone in the Han family knows that Mo Li treats their daughter with nothing to say, so this kind of return home is less polite to each other, and more is more. It is the kind of affection between loved ones from the heart.

Han Duan also asked for leave early to stay in the mansion to receive his sister and brother-in-law who came back home. He originally thought that being able to talk a few more words with people like brother-in-law would have attracted attention, but he didn't expect it to be convenient for him to leave the banquet in the middle of the banquet. However, she was called to a quiet place alone by her brother-in-law and had a lot of conversations with him alone.

After waiting for a long time after Mo Li went back to the banquet first, Han Duan finally sorted out his emotions and became more calm and solemn.

He never thought that his affairs would be so valued and cared by his brother-in-law, even though his elder sister told him not long ago that he would discuss his movements and future with his brother-in-law after they got married.

He has always trusted his eldest sister, but he understands that his affairs are not easy to handle, and he doesn't pay too much attention to his brother-in-law.But now, he realizes that his weight in the elder sister's heart is no less than that of any other relatives, and he understands even more how much Mo Li's love for the house is and his astonishing ability.

From this moment on, another complete qualitative change took place in Han Duan's heart.From then on, he no longer has any confusion about his future, but will only take one step after another with great determination, and walk unswervingly!

Because the day of the expedition is just around the corner, Mo Li doesn't have much time to stay in the Han family, and there are still many things that he needs to deal with in person, so according to what the young couple discussed before, after dinner, Mo Li So he went back to take care of his affairs first, while Han Jiangxue took Ziyue and others to live in Han's house.

However, Han Jiangxue can't stay for a long time. Mo Li will come to pick her up early tomorrow morning. Of course, he doesn't take her back to Prince Mo's mansion directly, but has to go to Tan's house to visit grandpa in person.

Afterwards, the rest of the day was for them to make the final personal preparations for the expedition together. Of course, the time for this expedition will not be short, so many things have to be carefully checked to see if there are any omissions.

Not long after Mo Li left, Han Jiangxue had a special guest.

Although it's special, it's not the first time I've come back, Princess Liang Xi of Nanliang Kingdom!

For Liang Xi's arrival, Han Jiangxue wasn't too surprised, but this time, Liang Xi didn't specifically appoint to meet Han Jiangxue alone, she just came here on purpose because today is the joy of Han Jiangxue's return home Look, it looks like a small gift.

"Jiang Xue, we can be regarded as old friends. I didn't have time to make it to the day you got married. Now that you return home, naturally you have to come over and personally send a heartfelt congratulations!"

In the hall of the Han family, Liang Xi was at the top. In front of everyone, she had a smile on her face, indicating that she didn't seem to be looking for trouble at all.He even called Jiang Xue affectionately, like an old friend whom he hasn't seen for a long time.

"Princess Xi is polite, but it's just a mere return to the door. It's not a big deal. Princess Lao Xi personally takes care of it, and Jiang Xue is terrified!" No hurries.

"Jiang Xue, what you said is out of line. Now that you are the envied Princess Mo, this princess is of course qualified to bear it."

Liang Xi smiled, turned the subject slightly, stared at Han Jiangxue with some doubts and said, "But Jiang Xue, you and King Mo have been married for a few days, why haven't you seen your husband and wife together into the palace?" To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

ps: Thank you for the peach blossom fan given by the lost thread, thank you for your encouragement and support all the time, and thank you for the friends who have subscribed~~

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