"Just die like this, it's really cheap for her!" Dong Ling appeared, and the sword light was emitted by him. If the young lady hadn't explained in advance, he would not have let her Die so comfortably.

Death is like a lamp being extinguished, and Han Jiangxue just looked down upon and ignored Princess Jinyun before she was alive, but now that she is dead, there will be no so-called love or hate anymore.

There is no need for her to give any instructions for everything here, Han Jiangxue directly took Ziyue out of the tea shop, and after they got on their horses and left, everything in the tea shop returned to normal, as if no one had ever set foot there over average.

And Princess Jinyun disappeared from this world and turned into a pile of nameless loess, completing her hurried life.

Five days later, Dong Ling brought another news that Hongxiu and others were divided into eleven teams and left Qingyang Realm at different time periods.However, no matter how careful they were, they still did not escape the trap that had been set up long ago. All the surviving members of the Jiang family were dealt with without attracting anyone's attention.

Just like Princess Jinyun, all people or things related to her in Qingyang disappeared on this day.

At this time, the matter of Princess Jinyun was completely settled, and whether Mo Li or Han Jiangxue, they were all focused on the capture of Beiyang County.

There is only one day left before the half-month limit that Mo Li said. On the surface, Mo Li's so-called elite soldiers have almost trained. Crossed the Qingyang River from different places in various ways, entered the area of ​​Beiyang, and stayed in ambush, waiting for the signal, and joined hands with the troops who were distracted by the frontal attack, broke through the weak point, captured the small fishing town, and occupied the The whole of Beiyang is the latest frontier for Muzhou's suppression.

At night, an uninvited visitor came to the barracks, claiming to meet King Mo.

Surprisingly.The person who came was none other than Jiang Mazi's most valued scholar military adviser, and this person actually sneaked out from Wang Dazi's side secretly, and it was said that he wanted to wash his face and join the imperial court.

"My lord. This person is one of the most important people in Muzhou's anti-military forces. If he really works for him, he can save us a lot of energy."

General Sun was overjoyed, and immediately expressed his opinion to Mo Li: "From General Mo's point of view, this person is the kind of opportunistic person. Now that he knows the prince's personal conquest, he understands that the general situation is over and irresistible. We will judge the situation and rebel against the enemy."

"My lord. The general feels that what General Sun said is very true. This person can be said to be the brain trust of the entire Muzhou rebellion. Without him, Wang Dazi and others are just a complete mob. The general thinks that the prince can see that On the side of the scholar, I will personally review it. If you think there is no problem, you can stay!"

Another person also stood up and expressed his opinion, but some people suspected that this person might have surrendered with other intentions, otherwise why would he not come sooner or later, but tomorrow their army is about to attack Xiaoyu Town I ran over the night before.

for a while.Between the military tents, there were two obviously different opinions because of whether the defectors were reliable. There were not a few believers and unbelievers, and the disputes were a bit fierce.

Seeing this, Mo Li seemed to have a sense of smell, frowned slightly and waved his hand, signaling to everyone not to fight any more.

"Sher. What do you think?"

At this time, it was not a time for formal discussions. If the scholar hadn't come here at night, all the generals would have gone back to their tents to rest.

And Han Jiangxue happened to be in the military tent to deal with some matters with Mo Li before, and when the generals came to discuss the scholar's arrival, they didn't deliberately avoid it anymore.

When Mo Li took the initiative to ask Han Jiangxue for his opinions on these important military affairs, none of the generals on both sides raised any objections.

These days.Han Jiangxue would occasionally appear in their military discussions, and Mo Li would also ask her what she meant like now.From time to time, Han Jiangxue can always give some extremely pertinent and useful opinions, which is very much in Moli's mind.

At first, many people thought that perhaps Han Jiangxue knew Mo Li best, so it was not difficult to guess Mo Li's thoughts, and it was normal to be able to come up with seemingly good suggestions.

But slowly, everyone discovered that Han Jiangxue's thoughts and concerns were not only directed at Mo Li at all, but also clearly spoke to their hearts.

Especially the day before yesterday, Han Jiangxue's analysis of some of the most important matters after the occupation of Beiyang was so sharp that he never said a single useless word.

It is also because of this that the generals admired Han Jiangxue even more, and subconsciously regarded him as one of them. No one would have the contempt and disdain that Han Jiangxue had because he was a woman.

Hearing Mo Li's question, Han Jiangxue couldn't help but smile.

She knew Mo Li very well, just based on the expression on his face after hearing the report, she knew that Mo Li had already made up his mind, and there was no need for anyone to discuss it.

But although this guy always gives the generals enough opportunities to discuss at the end, allowing them to speak freely, one can also attract some things that may be missed, and better brainstorm, and the other is of course a kind of respect for the generals Otherwise, wouldn't it become his exclusive counter.

Of course, Mo Li would often take advantage of such opportunities and always ask her to express her opinions, not only to train her, so as to give her some opportunities to learn and improve, but also to improve her status in the army intentionally or unintentionally. prestige.

Therefore, Han Jiangxue didn't shirk, and quickly expressed her thoughts: "In my opinion, whether this talented counselor is real or fake, he can be killed directly, and there is no need to be too entangled."

"Why?" General Sun blurted out and asked back, and then he seemed to feel that the tone was a bit inappropriate and quickly added: "The general can't understand the meaning of the princess, and I hope the princess can explain it in detail."

In the past, how could General Sun ask a woman about military issues with such an attitude, but now he doesn't feel ashamed or unconvinced at all.

The others naturally also looked at Han Jiangxue, subconsciously waiting for answers.

Han Jiangxue smiled slightly, and his attitude was very friendly: "First, we already know the details of the Muzhou Rebellion. From this point of view, this person no longer has any special value. Second, this person Although he claims to be the think tank of the entire Muzhou Rebellion Army, but with his ability to give advice and suggestions to serve our suppression army, he is no match for any counselor in our army. In addition, his character is not pure and has no backbone, so we can only talk about it De Ta also has no value to absorb. Third, the Muzhou rebellious army is really a thug, not only against the court, but also oppressing the people, doing all kinds of evil. Such a rebellious army can only be eliminated, not recruited, otherwise there will be endless troubles. Four, this battle is the first battle since we waited for the Qing Dynasty to suppress the army, and killing this person to sacrifice the flag is the best person to inspire the army and show our army's prestige."

As soon as the call came out, General Sun couldn't help but nodded, and the others also felt that what Han Jiangxue said was very reasonable, and they all agreed.This talented military adviser not only wants to kill, but also has to kill the handsome one.

"This king also thinks what the princess said is very reasonable. If the generals have no other opinions, we will follow what the princess said!" Mo Li said with a smile, his eyes were full of praise for his wife.

"I would like to obey the commander's order!" The generals expressed their opinions repeatedly, and the life of the talented military adviser who had never even met face to face had already been decided in Han Jiangxue's words.

In the early morning of the next day, after the assembly of the army and the blood sacrifice to the army flag, everything began to move in batches according to the plan that had been agreed long ago.

Mo Li has already delegated the command to the generals in charge, and then he and Han Jiangxue will sit in the army together.

In this battle, there was not much suspense. The frontal offensive team successfully attracted the attention of the enemy. With extremely low casualties, they won enough troops for the hidden soldiers and horses who took Beiyang County. time.

After finishing the work over there, when the signal flare was ignited, several groups of soldiers and horses suddenly outflanked and attacked the enemy from different directions. The so-called strict defenses in the small fishing town were torn open several times at once, and there was hardly much resistance. It was successfully taken down.

After taking Xiaoyu Town, the re-defense of Beiyang County was completed almost at the same time. Nearly [-]% of the troops quickly crossed the Qingyang River and stationed to join the previous soldiers to consolidate control. The other [-]% of the troops continued to stay in Qingyang as a supplement. and military supplies.

Mo Li took Han Jiangxue and some generals to transfer positions, and soon began to discuss the next battle plan at the new station in Beiyang.

At the same time, Zhang Haocheng also brought enough manpower to quickly enter Beiyang to work on their gold mining after the war was settled. Everything was coordinated, as if Beiyang was under their control. There was no confusion at all.

However, it is up to the formulation of the next step plan, and Mo Li has the final say on when.

Whether it's to make time for the gold mines, or to consider the overall suppression, it is impossible to immediately invest in the conquests in other places in Muzhou.

However, the other generals didn't have any opinions. After all, Beiyang had just been captured just now, and it was common sense that it was necessary to stabilize the buffer and recuperate the army.

However, in the first three days, the Anmin policy proposed by Han Jiangxue had achieved unexpected results. The active support and cooperation of the common people made Beiyang extremely stable today, and Jiang Mazi and others were even more impressed by this battle. The fight was extremely fearful.

"It's time for someone to send the news of the first battle to the capital." It was rare for Mo Li to smile so warmly at those generals when Han Jiangxue was away.

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