The return of the first daughter

Chapter 424 That's it!

The words of the general surnamed Su immediately became the dividing line between two completely different moods.

People with the same thoughts as the general surnamed Su naturally paid close attention to Mo Li's reply, and the small calculations in their hearts were clattering.In fact, ever since they were deployed to the suppression army, these people have been aware of the problems ahead, and at the same time they have made preparations.

The relationship between Li Qing and Mo Li was full of contradictions, and the general situation before the Qing army's expedition was obvious enough, so the trend was naturally the same, and there was no way for it to have any future.

It's just that none of these people expected that things would develop so quickly. The fight had just started, and just after winning the first battle in Qingyang, all the most acute contradictions were revealed one by one.

Others, such as General Sun, General Yue, etc., looked at the general surnamed Su and others with great sarcasm, obviously disdain to be with such people.

Speaking of which, at the beginning, the Qing and suppression army was indeed gathered from all over the place. The soldiers were like this, and so were the generals. If Mo Li hadn't ruled well and used the days when he marched to Qingyang to polish and intimidate him, everyone in Beixian County Even if the battle is well-planned and unexpected, it is impossible to win it so easily.

Although Mo Li didn't have much actual combat experience, he had a very unique talent in leading troops, which even General Sun had to admit.

In just a few months, there was no sense of belonging at first, and the army with unstable morale has undergone extremely obvious changes, making rapid progress day by day.Even if there is such a big trouble now, and because there are people like General Su, it is inevitable that some news will leak out.However, the overall order in the army was still good, and although the soldiers were worried, no disturbances occurred.

For General Sun, the current situation is really an unbelievable miracle.And Mo Li really did all of this, without any confusion and leisurely.

This is another reason why generals like General Sun admire Mo Li more and more. It seems that there is an invisible force that makes him subconsciously strengthen a certain belief that has been born but is not too clear.

"General Su, there is no need to talk about these scenes now."

Mo Li spoke again, extremely calm: "Everyone knows that the conflict between the king and the emperor cannot be adjusted at all, and now the treatment of the Qing army is also in front of them. Everything is aimed at this king. No Anything can be said."

"So, you are doomed to have no good future if you follow this king. Let's not say that there is no food and no army. Even if you have everything, winning the battle is the most basic. Whether it is the court or the emperor, you will not give it to me." Any substantive rewards from you. If you lose the battle, you don't need to talk about the consequences."

He smiled indifferently and continued: "In a word, it is very difficult for the generals to succeed in fighting with this king, and there may even be disasters at any time. The king knows his own affairs, so of course there is no It is necessary to pull all the generals into this muddy water. If anyone wants to go to other troops to find a way out, this king understands very well. It will not be difficult, and the court will not punish you for this You can rest assured on this point. Although the Qing army led by the king asks for food or money, the only thing that can be done is the arrangement of personnel. No one can trouble you. Of course, no one will bother you for such a thing."

This is indeed true, regarding this kind of unfavorable matter, how can anyone in the imperial court who is full enough to stand up for him?I'm afraid that Li Qing can't cover the troubles of the suppression army he is leading now, the more troubles the better, the better it is to bring down Prince Mo's mansion directly.

As a result, General Su immediately made subconscious eye contact with several other generals who harbored such intentions.

And Mo Li is not in a hurry, let them think about it, but there is only one chance, if you really want to leave, you can leave today, no one will blame, but after today, even if you want to leave, it is impossible to leave again.

At that time, even if the entire army is run off alive, everyone can only live and die together with the army.

In the end, as soon as this meaning came out, the expressions of the generals surnamed Su changed even more. In the end, it was probably because they were afraid that if they were too late, they would miss such an opportunity in vain and there would be no chance of turning around in the future, so the general surnamed Su and the other six The chief and deputy generals all stood up one after another, and they didn't bother to say polite words, so they took their leave and prepared to leave.

As a result, Mo Li didn't want to stay. Instead, he asked again if there was anyone else, so as not to miss the opportunity.

In the end, two more people stood up, and half of the generals in the big tent came out, but after repeated inquiries, no one else came out.

Mo Li nodded immediately, and directly took the commander's seal and stamped these people to let them go. From then on, these people are no longer under his control, and have nothing to do with the Qing army, and they will be the ones who will go to any army in the future No one will pursue anything because of their own ability.

After receiving the release slip, the general surnamed Su was the first to turn around and leave, and several other people followed suit. After a while, the tent became much more spacious.

General Sun did not leave, He Erhu did not leave, General Qin and General Yue did not leave, and the other ten people chose to stay after repeated consideration.

Mo Li smiled and said to the rest of the people: "I don't know what kind of mentality you all have to give up this only chance and not leave, and stay willing to accompany your own future and continue to follow this king to command this team. What kind of future is there to suppress the army. However, since you have chosen to stay, it is your trust and support for this king, and based on this alone, this king will never let the generals down!"

"Come on!" Mo Li quickly shouted outside, and then stopped talking.

General Sun and the others naturally didn't know what Mo Li was going to do, but they all subconsciously knew that with Mo Li's ability, it was absolutely impossible for him to use food and grass to fight for a long time.

Except for General Sun, He Erhu, and now Yue Qin who are willing to stay, most of the others still have this mentality.But just like what Mo Li said, no matter what you think about it, not leaving is a kind of trust and support, at least it is impossible for Mo Li to embarrass them because of this.

Soon, Dong Ling and Bei Feng walked in together, and without any instructions, Dong Ling went ahead and reported to Mo Li in front of everyone: "My lord, my subordinates have already sent someone to replace General Su." Wait for the others to arrange their luggage and send them out of the camp. In addition, according to the order of the prince, the ten replacement generals selected from the army in advance are already waiting outside, and they can follow the order of the prince to fill the vacancies at any time."

After Dong Ling finished speaking, Bei Feng quickly continued: "My lord, Mr. Yuan personally led the team to deliver the grain and grass and the army. It has already arrived and is moving to the granary at the West Camp where General Yue is in charge. Wait until everything is ready." After everything has been handed over, Mr. Yuan will come to meet the prince."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone immediately looked at Mo Li, and their expressions instantly became excited.

It turned out that King Mo really had made arrangements a long time ago, but they resolutely did not misplace this trust.

"My lord, is this... true?" General Sun was overjoyed, but at the same time, he couldn't believe it, and asked quickly, "Where did all these food and military supplies come from?"

"Yes, my lord, don't you really intend to pay for everything yourself?" He Erhu was taken aback for a while. He had heard that Mo Wang and his wife had said that this was impossible, but now that the grain and grass army is coming, if If it wasn't from the Mo Palace itself, where else could it be?It is impossible to fall out of thin air?

"Where did you come from? Don't worry. General He should go to Xiying first, and let General Sun tell you later." Han Jiangxue reminded with a smile. This He Erhu is in charge of the supplies in the army. It's up to him to take over.

Hearing Han Jiangxue's reminder, He Erhu resolutely stopped talking, and quickly nodded happily to accept his orders, and went to work on his affairs first, and he was still very happy to do it!

And the atmosphere in the military tent suddenly became extremely brisk and joyful. While everyone breathed a sigh of relief, they also had to admire Mo Li's foresight and bold strategy. Being suppressed and at a disadvantage?

Soon, Mo Li didn't hold back anymore, and gave a rough explanation of the Liangcao army in front of everyone.

Long before the expedition, Mo Li thought that he had already made arrangements for this normalized situation, and it was impossible for him to be forced into a dilemma with just such a small matter.

As for the solution to the money, it is actually not too different from the previous method of exchanging the gold mines in Beiyang County for military funds.

Whether it is food, grass, or army, Moli sent people early to discuss with the wealthy businessmen and local gentry in the places where the chaos and army activities are rampant. When the time comes when the Qing army takes back those controlled places from the local rebels, these people can give priority to obtaining the right to use and control various local controlled resources.

Of course, there are risks in such a transaction. Not everyone has the guts and courage to make such a deal with Moli, and not everyone is so optimistic about the suppression army led by Moli.Therefore, how to successfully persuade some capable people to make this deal with Moli, and successfully make these people the best food and grass supply support for the Qing army, is an extraordinary skill, but It is not something ordinary people can do.

Mr. Yuan is one of the two most powerful aides in Prince Mo's Mansion. Mo Li had sent this person to follow up early on. Obviously, Mr. Yuan lived up to his expectations and managed it quickly and comprehensively, without losing any face to Prince Mo's Mansion. (to be continued..)

ps: Thank you Palace Lantern Lonely. Newly voted pink ticket, thank you evildoer for the mid-autumn rabbit~~

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