Hearing Uncle Liu's words, Han Jiangxue didn't say anything else. Those who can be left in the mansion as the last guardian can definitely be dragged by their lives, and there is no need to question such loyalty.

As for Uncle Liu and the others' ability to handle affairs, Han Jiangxue doesn't have to worry, not to mention, those people outside the Han family who are watching have already been drawn over by Mo Li's people, otherwise she would have entered the Han mansion through the back door today , and with so many members of the Han family, even if they leave the city through the secret path, it may not be so smooth, there is no obstacle at all.

Because of this, as long as the movement in the Han Mansion looks normal in the past two days and does not make other people outside suspicious, basically there will be no big problem, and my father has already worried about the two days. The reason for going out of the mansion has been arranged, the New Year's Eve is approaching, all normal people are also preparing for the New Year, and the foreign visits and foreign affairs have basically been completed, so it is not too unusual to stay in the mansion to prepare for the New Year and not go out much. thing.

After arranging the final affairs of the Han Mansion, Han Jiangxue didn't stay any longer, and soon left the mansion again through the back door, rushing back to the small courtyard leading to the secret passage of Prince Mo's Mansion before dawn.

And with Han Jiangxue's departure, there was a pair of sharp eyes staring at a corner not far from the back door of the Chaofu. However, although the owner of those eyes saw Han Jiangxue, he didn't do anything. He didn't have any intention of complaining, instead he looked around very vigilantly, and made sure that there was no other special person around until now.

The benefits he got from Prince Mo's Mansion were enough to make his family worry-free for the rest of their lives, and there were many more.Naturally, he didn't need to do more of those things. He closed his eyes and forged an opportunity secretly, if Prince Mo's Mansion could really dominate the world in the future.Naturally, his path will be much easier.

The owner of the eyes quickly disappeared into the night, and when Han Jiangxue returned to Prince Mo's mansion again, Mo Li had already returned one step ahead of her.

As for the old Mo Wang, Mo Yu and others, they are also like the relatives of the Han family at this time. The Mo Wang Mansion that quietly left, there are also people who will send them to Nankun safely, but they are going with the Han family. The route is different.

Out of an abundance of caution.Naturally, Mo Li would not gather everyone together, even if the journey had been arranged well, he would not take such a risk.

And now.Nankun has become the largest base of King Mo's Mansion. The private soldiers raised by King Mo's mansion for so many years, the private soldiers transferred to him by the Han family earlier, and the soldiers and horses that Qin Chuan has operated for so many years have already gathered in Nankun.It became the basic guarantee for the Mohist uprising.

Nankun itself has a relatively large area.In addition, the states and counties closest to Nankun in Dongming have long been under the firm control of Prince Mo's Mansion, so once they are released, Nankun is naturally the safest place for their families.

A few years ago, the Mexican and Korean families have quietly transferred their main industries, financial resources, and resources there one after another. As for the remaining ones, some of them must be given up for cover, and the other part can also be obtained through other sources. Some complex movements continue.

As for those rebellious troops that Mo Li had subdued.But they didn't transfer them to Nankun prematurely, but let them integrate to attract some other people who can be used.Continue to expand the power, and at the same time, have secretly established an information auxiliary network. Once the time is right, this considerable force can be used as a surprise soldier at any time. Unexpectedly, the effect must be very amazing.

And now that the Qing suppression army has almost reached Guangqing, Mo Li will not give up the troops who have already been branded by him as the Mohist army. Although the number is not too large, the combat power of the Qing suppression army cannot be ignored. , Those well-known and experienced generals are even a fortune.

What's more, the Qing army also took on another very special and important role. After Mo Li escaped from the capital, if he wanted to reach Nankun safely, it was inevitable that all of us would have to fight to the end. Facing Li Qing's full pursuit It is not enough to rely on the remaining secret guards protecting Mowen and the small group of troops arranged near the capital. Only by leading the Qing army to fight and fight, can we fight with Nankun in the safest range. The congregation of troops and horses, completely out of danger.

That's why Mo Li chose Guangqing as the focus of the second battle of the Qing army, because on the left and right sides of Guangqing there are two other rebellious troops who have already taken refuge in King Mo's mansion. Naturally, he was not afraid that those people would not honestly clear the way according to his calculation time.

As long as they pass through Guangqing and follow the established route along the way, they will not encounter too many forces. Then, with the help of the Qing army, no one can block the road to Nankun.

Once he arrives in Nankun, Mo Li will naturally order someone to draft a declaration of raising troops to announce to the world that Prince Mo's Mansion is not a traitor, let alone a rebellious villain. He will let everyone in the world know that Prince Mo's mansion is cornered by the faint king , In order to protect myself, I have to raise troops to defend myself!

In this way, everyone in the world knows that the Mohist family is on the right side, and with so many years of management and the fact that the Li family has long been unpopular, it won't be long before the Mohisth will be the only one that people want!

And Mo Li never thought that he would be like the Meng family. He established himself as a country and proclaimed himself emperor shortly after he raised his troops. There is no need to do it deliberately, otherwise it will be in vain if you do it, and you will not be able to keep it in the end.

Mo Li didn't hide anything about everything. He and Han Jiangxue had already dragged it out two days ago. At this time, the entire Mo Palace, except for their two serious masters, Mo Li, who was not well populated The royal family's direct branch is extremely quiet.

Knowing that Jiang Xue had sent the relatives of the Han family out of the city safely, Mo Li quickly talked about the matter with Mr. Tan: "Xue'er doesn't have to worry about Grandpa, I have successfully persuaded Grandpa to leave the capital, and he will find his own way tomorrow." Leave, and the people who meet him have already been arranged."

Hearing this, Han Jiangxue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and didn't ask Mo Li too much about what method he used to persuade his grandfather.After all, for them now, the process is not important, what is important is the result, a good result.

"Li, this is the soldier sign that Big Brother asked me to give you. The last thousand private soldiers of the Han family have been arranged according to your requirements, and they can listen to orders at any time." She said while handing the sign to Mo Mo. Leave.

Seeing this, Mo Li took a look and explained: "These thousand private soldiers, together with the thousand private soldiers left in the capital by the Mo Palace, are responsible for the protection of a large number of Mohist tribes. I'm afraid the effect won't be very good, but that's all I can do. Whether they can escape this catastrophe depends on their own lives!"

Han Jiangxue couldn't help but fell silent when she heard this. She knew that this group of offshoots of the Mohist family were the people Moli said before who were willing to sacrifice for the family. Without their cover, they would stick to the last moment to protect the Mohist family. If they act on the surface, then it is impossible for other people to evacuate secretly in advance.

From a long time ago, Moli had already arranged for the most important pillars of the Mohist clan to leave the capital one by one, and the accumulation of small amounts would not attract attention. The two quite powerful side branches were driven away by means of delisting, and those who were successfully retained had already taken root in a safe place.

All of this was planned a long time ago, step by step. In addition, the direct branch of King Mo's mansion is very weak, but the side branch is extremely prosperous, so this kind of internal struggle did not arouse the suspicion of the late emperor at all, let alone the old Mo. So young, no one in the royal family would think so much and so far.

But despite this, there are still more than half of the Mo family members who must stay to face this catastrophe, even if Mo Li tried his best to mobilize [-] private soldiers to forcibly escort these clansmen after the incident, and fight for these clansmen. The last chance of survival, but in the end, it is definitely only a small group of people who are lucky enough to escape and ascend to heaven.

All of this, Han Jiangxue couldn't say anything to comfort her. Perhaps it had been like this since ancient times. In the face of equal opportunities, only the most powerful people can always take the chance.

Seeing Han Jiangxue's silence, Mo Li quickly came to his senses. Instead, he patted his wife, turned his head to comfort him, and said, "Don't think so much, we still have a lot of things to do right now. No matter what, we have to Let’s drag tomorrow to buy more time for our relatives, so that we can transfer to Nankun more safely!"

At these words, Han Jiangxue quickly withdrew her thoughts, nodded and said, "Well, that's right, it would be even better if I could find a way to delay the day after tomorrow. As long as Li Qing lures you into the palace, he will do it immediately. There is no time to turn slowly once you start."

"I'm afraid it's impossible to delay until the day after tomorrow. According to his temperament, such a thing will not be left until the first day of the new year." Mo Li smiled indifferently, and then said: "Before you came back, Liang Shixin was in a hurry. The person who was kidnapped was actually sent a secret letter. According to the letter, based on the abnormalities he saw after entering the palace, it is estimated that Li Qing will do it no later than two days after tomorrow. And there is something clever about it.”

Hearing about Liang Shixin, Han Jiangxue couldn't help but smiled and shook his head: "This person is not only smart, but also seems to be farsighted and decisive. He dared to secretly send you a warning at a time like this. It's obviously a big bet. Is it!" (To be continued...)

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