On the 29th year of the year, in the Dongming Palace, it was already Shenshi.

After Mo Li entered the palace, he was not led to the imperial study by the palace people, but was surrounded by the dark clothes and the imperial guards in the square after entering the palace.

Li Qing stood on the steps, protected by countless guards in front of him, staring coldly at Mo Li, who was not too far nor too close under the steps at the moment.

After a while, his people had already surrounded the place firmly. Archers, dark clothes, imperial guards, and dozens of top experts surrounded the biggest enemy of his life in the square.

Today, he will not give Mo Li any chance anymore. The empty square outside the central gate of the palace will become Mo Li's burial place, and he has been preparing for so long, and the final all-out blow will surely destroy Mo Li. Li and the entire Prince Mo's Mansion were completely wiped out from Dongming!

From now on, there will no longer be any Mo family in this world, let alone the Mo Palace that threatens him and the entire Li family!

Li Qing knew in his heart that with Mo Li's IQ and ability, he would have already guessed that there must be dangers in being recalled to Beijing and entering the palace this time. Therefore, with Mo Li's prudence and behavior, he would never really be alone. risk.

Because of this, he didn't underestimate this operation, on the contrary, he made more careful preparations and spared no effort in taking out all the preparations.

He also didn't waste unnecessary words with Mo Li. After the people entered the siege, he asked the servant to publicly announce some serious crimes committed by Mo Li and Prince Mo Palace, and then he didn't give Mo Li any chance to defend himself.No need, no need!

"Take down Moli and the others, all of them will be killed as Wuhe!"

With the simplest order, Li Qing no longer said anything else, but sat quietly by the side, watching the massacre that kicked off in front of him.

The arrow feathers all over the sky turned into raindrops and headed directly towards Mo Li and the others in the center of the square. That appearance could directly stab Mo Li and the few bodyguards who followed him into the palace into flesh thorns at any time.

If he usually entered the palace, Mo Li could bring at most two attendants by his side, but today it was five times more than usual.When entering the palace, it is natural to discuss the matter of suppressing the army.And most of the people he brought with him were military personnel, so they were not stopped from entering the palace gate.

For Li Qing, there is not much difference between Moli bringing ten people and bringing two people. Before the palace gate, a large number of imperial guards from the outer gate guarded and removed all Mo family horses who might forcibly enter the palace to help Moli.And inside and outside the city, soldiers and horses have been mobilized to monitor and stand by at any time, and they will act immediately if there is any abnormality.

So no matter what Mo Li did, it was useless. Since he came back from the imperial decree and arrived in the capital the day before yesterday, he has already become a piece of meat on the chopping board.But now it's closed the palace gate to beat the dog, catch the turtle in the urn.A few more people were just because these people were buried with Mo Li earlier.

The rain of arrows arrived so quickly that it poured down in almost one breath. Seeing that he was about to shoot Mo Li and the others into thorns, Li Qing revealed a cruel smile, thinking about the part that had been suppressed so deeply in his heart. Years of hatred has finally come to an end, and will become a thing of the past with Mo Li's complete death.

However, even if it is on the verge of life and death.Mo Li didn't even blink his eyes, and there was no trace of fear in his expression.On the contrary, he stood there extremely calmly, allowing the things before his eyes to happen indifferently.

Not only Mo Li, but even the ten top expert guards around Mo Li who had already formed a circle did not change their expressions, let alone the slightest awareness of making a move, they just concentrated on checking everything on the scene That's all.

The abnormality of Mo Li and others entered Li Qing's eyes in the shortest time, but it was only a breath or two, and there was no time for any other unnecessary reactions.

Just when the rain of arrows was about to reach Mo Li and the others, a miracle happened suddenly.

I saw that the arrows that were originally shot in the direction of Mo Li changed their trajectory in the middle of the way inconceivably, and went straight towards the circle of Imperial Forest Army closest to Mo Li and the others.

The incident was so sudden that no one expected it, let alone prepared for it, so in the panic, some imperial guards screamed when they were hit by arrows in an instant.

Li Qing was shocked. Although he didn't think that the first batch of archers alone could kill Mo Li directly, he didn't expect such a bizarre thing to happen.

However, although the incident was bizarre and sudden, those who were able to participate in the extermination mission were naturally not idiots.In such an instant, the commander of the Royal Forest Army didn't need Li Qing to give any instructions. He immediately ordered the surrounding Imperial Forest Army to set up shields for defense, but he ordered the high-level archers to release arrows again without believing in evil.

Everything happened in one breath, and it was only a few breaths of effort. Even those imperial guards who were unfortunately shot by their own arrows were quickly taken down by the people behind, and the scene was immediately cleared, as if everything had happened before. Nothing happened in general.

It's just that the evil thing happened again, and the rounds of bows and arrows were the same as before. After they were about to hit Mo Li and the others, the route suddenly changed again, just like the bows and arrows in the first round. To the Imperial Forest Army.Fortunately, preparations have been made this time, so there were no other casualties in the Shouhe army.

The face of the commander of the Imperial Forest Army turned black. He didn't know what was going on, but he also knew that the archers had no effect at this moment, so he had to order to stop shooting first, and he was as terrified as other soldiers.

"Don't panic, it's just a small trick and pretending to be a ghost!" A voice rang out quickly, the voice was obviously not loud, but it contained a powerful internal force, so that everyone in such a large square could hear it clearly , as if speaking right next to their respective ears.

Everyone soon discovered that a middle-aged swordsman dressed in blue cloth in his forties stepped out of a group of masters on the west side, and quickly explained to Li Qing: "Your Majesty, don't worry, those places with bows and arrows just now suddenly The diversion is not a mysterious mystery. It's just that someone buried large stones of kindness in several corners of this square in advance, and then some masters used internal force to strengthen the effect of those stones of kindness, so the scene we saw earlier appeared That's all!"

As soon as a few words come out, the truth in this is naturally self-evident.

Li Qing knew that Mo Li was not that easy to kill, so there was some disappointment, but he smiled and said to Mo Li: "It seems that you figured out early on that I would choose this place for you Land of the Fallen, it's rare that you have such a scheming plan, and even such a method can be deployed in advance without knowing it."

"It's just a fluke." Mo Li was extremely calm.There is no anger or resentment at all, there is no reason to speak of life and death between them, and there is no need to care about the so-called personal grievances: "In order to get rid of this king, the emperor got rid of Prince Mo's mansion. Take your time."

Li Qing couldn't deny it, and didn't bother to talk to Mo Li.He waved his hand directly to the attendant beside him, indicating that he can continue to do it.

It doesn't matter that the archer can no longer be used at the moment, he still has more killing moves, but today I want to see how much Mo Li can predict, or say.Even if everything is predicted, what kind of ability can escape and ascend to heaven!

In Li Qing's opinion.No matter how calm and calm Mo Li is, it's nothing more than the end of his battle, no matter how prepared he is, he can't escape the layers of iron he set up!

This time, there was no longer a rain of arrows to help out, and a large number of guards did not directly attack, but instead blocked the big circle that was surrounded even more firmly.

Soon, more than a dozen masters flew off the stage, heading straight for the ten guards beside Mo Li.

see.The guards beside Mo Li didn't neglect him any more, and he didn't need anyone to order him.The two left on their own and continued to protect Mo Li, while the others took the initiative to fight, some one-on-one, some one-on-two, and the fight was indistinguishable immediately.

The masters on Li Qing's side were all extremely skilled, but how could the ten guards who could follow Mo Li directly into the palace not have any great skills?Therefore, although there was a big disparity in the number of people, it was obvious that Mo Li's people did not seem to be struggling too much.

Li Qing was not in a hurry, he knew that there were two extremely powerful masters beside Mo Li, this time, that person hadn't shown up yet, but he must be in the palace, in a corner here.

The previous changes in the body of the arrow and his serious injury more than a year ago were all related to the two top experts beside Mo Li.Li Qing even knew that one of them was named Kunnu, but the other person hadn't known the details until now.

It is also because of this that Li Qing will not immediately use his full strength at this moment, whether it is cats and mice, or groups of masters taking turns to fight the wheel battle, anyway, he has more manual methods to consume Mo Lishen With all the protection around him, he naturally doesn't worry that the two hidden masters will be able to hide in the dark and not come out.

Two quarters of an hour later, Li Qing was a little displeased to find that the masters he sent had already rotated once, but until now they hadn't been able to do anything to Mo Li's guards who were facing the battle, and Mo Li's guards also I can't tell how much physical strength was consumed, but on the contrary, my side has already injured two people in a row.

Although they were only minor injuries, Li Qing was surprised again by being beaten like this under such an absolute advantage, and had to re-evaluate the situation of these masters beside Mo Li.

If even these ten guards had to spend so much effort to solve it, then it was impossible for him to win too easily in the future.According to Mo Li's temperament, since he had already prepared, it would definitely be more than just ten guards and two top masters hiding in the dark.

He also has more back cards and hole cards, but his hole cards haven't been revealed at all, so of course he can't be exposed so quickly.

With a wave of his hand, Li Qing signaled again, and soon ten more masters went down to besiege Mo Li's guards together with others. Resist as before.

As expected, with the addition of these people, the absolute display of advantages finally took effect very quickly. The guards around Mo Li gradually became a little unsupported, and because they had to stop those people from approaching their master, they still had to wait. It took a lot of effort, and soon someone suffered some minor injuries.

Even though Mo Li asked the other two guards who were guarding beside Mo Li to fight together, they still couldn't resist the pressing steps of Li Qing's men.

The protective circle formed by the ten guards towards Mo Li became smaller and smaller.There were even two people who were beheaded and killed by Li Qing's people, and the situation became more and more pessimistic.

And the remaining eight people are under more and more pressure. Looking at it like this, it is estimated that at most they will not be able to persist beyond Yizhuxiang's effort.

But even so, the other top expert in the battle between Kun Nu and Mo Li still did not show up, but in an emergency, he did not know where to send out several hidden weapons, and at the same time, he hit six people in Li Qing's camp. The master was killed.

Such a blow instantly relieved some pressure on Moli's guards, but the effect could not last long, and the commander of the imperial guards soon discovered that the hidden weapons just now came from his men.Immediately, he realized that some spies from Prince Mo's Mansion had mixed into his team.

With the general direction, and the commander was very clear about his subordinates, after a while, three traitors who were mixed in the Imperial Forest Army were found out.

However, before the commander of the Imperial Forest Army and others approached, those people gave an order, and in an instant, almost half of the Imperial Forest Guards directly tore off their hats and attacked other Imperial Forest Guards around without warning.

At the same time, it's not just the Royal Guards.Even among the masters that Li Qing had found from the people, one-third unexpectedly defected and attacked people in the same camp.

It's just that compared with ordinary Yulin Guards, those masters' reactions were definitely much faster, so although they were abrupt, they didn't cause too much confusion.

for a while.There were constant scuffles everywhere, and the scene was obviously no longer the one-sided situation controlled by Li Qing before.

And the three who were the first to hide in the imperial forest guards and throw hidden weapons were not inferior to the guards beside Mo Li at the moment.Even more than that.

Taking advantage of the scuffle, the three of them suddenly became violent, and directly performed lightness kung fu and flew towards Li Qing who was not far away in different directions. It is average to be able to penetrate Li Qing's body.

"Escort!" The commander of the imperial guards quickly reacted and roared anxiously.People also rushed towards Li Qing's side quickly, trying to stop him.

But regardless he was farther away.In addition, the speed was not half that of the three, so they could only be in a hurry, watching the emperor's life and death on the line.

Following the warning from the Commander Yulin, Li Qing and others naturally saw the sudden assassination of those three people, but those masters were all entangled at this moment and there was no time to rush to help, and the guards who were very close were in such a short period of time. He didn't react at all within his time.

The only one who had the fastest reaction was a close servant who had no skill. Although his face turned pale with fright, he firmly blocked Li Qing's front as a human shield.

But that kind of human shield is too vulnerable, and the servant was overturned to the ground with just a swipe of sword energy. In just two or three breaths of effort, Li Qing was completely surrounded by layers of defenses. If a person breaks through forcibly, he will be in front of him and take his life in a blink of an eye.

But even at this moment, although Li Qing's expression changed slightly, he didn't panic at all.

Sure enough, just when the fastest first sword was about to stab Li Qing, an extremely powerful internal force suddenly surged out from behind Li Qing, instantly forcing the sword and the person holding the sword back.

At the same time, an old man with white beard and hair appeared out of nowhere like a ghost, and slapped two other swordsmen who wanted to get close to Li Qing with two palms.

The three swordsmen who suddenly attacked Li Qing reacted very quickly, and the people who appeared at the mysterious old man no longer forcibly assassinated Li Qing, but instead quickly opened the distance on their own, without any intention of forcibly fighting the old man.

The purpose of the three of them was just to lure out the hidden guards beside Li Qing. Now that the purpose had been achieved, other people would handle the rest, and they immediately turned around and joined the guards against Mo Li.

But that formidable old man didn't chase after him. Instead, he sat cross-legged beside Li Qing calmly, and didn't pay attention to the scuffle in the square. He quickly closed his eyes and didn't look at anyone except Li Qing. Nothing matters to him other than his life.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Li Qing's expression finally turned ugly.

He never expected that Mo Li would insert so many people in without anyone noticing, and he could tell at a glance that he had done it a long time ago.However, although everything in front of him was much worse than what he had thought before, it was still under his control.

If Mo Li thinks.If these people alone can escape from the palace without incident, that is simply a dream!He only played one or two cards slowly, and the inside and outside of the palace have already been surrounded into an airtight iron barrel. Even if Mo Li tried to resist any more, it would be futile, and it would be difficult to fly out even with wings. His palm!

Looking at everything in front of him coldly, Li Qing didn't feel any impatience, while Mo Li at this moment was completely unimaginably calm like an outsider.

The slaughter here is not necessary for Mo Li to pay too much attention to. He knows in his heart that even if everyone in the square is killed, there will still be more people rushing in from the palace gate Stop and kill.

No matter how strong and powerful his subordinates are, they cannot withstand such consumption.You don't have to be killed, just dragging will sometimes die.

Therefore, if they wanted to leave the cage formed by the palace walls, not only could they not break out from the middle gate to the palace gate, but they had to go in the opposite direction to the inner palace.However, that's not the time yet.You have to wait for an optimal time before you can choose to break through.

"Do you think you can escape? Dreaming!" Li Qing's voice rang out, and through the extremely noisy scuffle, he looked fixedly at Mo Li who didn't know what he was thinking.

He didn't care whether Mo Li could hear what he said clearly, and even such words were more for himself.

And Mo Li immediately noticed Li Qing's actions. Although his excellent internal strength made his hearing much sharper than ordinary people, it was difficult to fully distinguish every word Li Qing said at this time.

But what difference does it make if you can't hear it completely?For Mo Li.Right now, only his own decisions and actions are meaningful, and everything else, including Li Qing, cannot change him in the slightest.

"I want my king's life. You don't have the qualifications yet!" He smiled slightly, and with a little bit of internal energy, he conveyed this sentence to Li Qing's ears, and looked at Li Qing as if he was watching a joke.

Such words, such a look of disdain, pierced into Li Qing's heart like a thorn, and immediately made him extremely unhappy.

Just when he was about to refute, he saw the person in charge of guarding outside the middle gate rushing over with a small group of people.The team ignored the scuffle in the square.They have their mission, so they will not rashly join the confrontation.

"Report to the emperor. Something happened outside the palace!" The adopter reported to Li Qing in a low voice: "I don't know who spread the news, saying that the emperor tricked King Mo into the palace to kill Mo directly on trumped-up charges." Wang, for a while, many people gathered at the palace gate. In less than half an hour, thousands of people had already surrounded the palace gate, and many people were heading towards the palace from all directions in the capital. Coming here, no matter how you stop it, you can’t stop it, no matter how you say it, you won’t let it go.”

The man seemed very worried: "The common people threw things at the palace gates one after another, clamoring for the emperor to let King Mo go, don't indiscriminately wrong good people, don't kill King Mo indiscriminately. King Mo has always had a very high reputation and prestige in the hearts of the people, and is extremely popular." Loved by the common people, this time someone must have deliberately incited the common people, the disturbance was extremely violent, and the emotions were extremely agitated, if it continues like this, it may easily lead to riots."

Hearing this, Li Qing's eyes became more gloomy: "Since we know that there are troublemakers, we can just kill some troublemakers directly!"

"Your majesty doesn't know. One is that those who provoked the troubles never showed their truth. It is difficult to argue while hiding in the crowd. The other is that his subordinates have actually killed many people who made the most trouble. They wanted to use this to shock them, but It didn't work at all. Those people seemed crazy. Not only were they not afraid of death, but their emotions became even stronger. The subordinates had already mobilized more people to go there, but they couldn't suppress it for a while. Thousands of people will be killed, right?"

Li Qing was about to make a sound, when another eunuch rushed over to report: "Your Majesty, Taifu Mu and Yuan Guolao brought over twenty important officials from the court to forcefully beg to see the Emperor, saying that the Emperor wants to execute King Mo privately. Reason, law, and emotion are all inconsistent, so we jointly wrote a letter, asking the emperor to release him as soon as possible!"

ps: The plot reached the most critical turning point yesterday. There were some cards, so they were broken yesterday and have not been updated. I made it up today, and I will send you six thousand chapters. Thank you for all the friends who support the subscription, okay~~(To be completed Continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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