The return of the first daughter

Chapter 459 I'm afraid...

One month later, the first battle of Guangqing was well known to the whole world, and Mo Li led the Qing and Suppression Army, which had been renamed the Mohist Army long ago, fought and advanced all the way, and finally joined forces with Nankun's supporters and returned to Nankun smoothly. Officially escaped from danger.

After a life-and-death experience, not only did Mo Li not die under Li Qing's schemes, but he lived extremely proudly.Although most of the entire Mohist family had been killed or killed, and many properties were destroyed by Dongming, the loss was not small, but the most important foundation and power of the entire Mohist family had been preserved, and after Moli officially escaped from danger, it quickly stabilized and became stronger again. sequence expands.

What's more, following the forced rebellion of King Mo's Mansion this time, the entire Dongming's power occupation has undergone rapid qualitative changes. Many people were surprised to find that there are so many people following Mo Li.

In addition to the whole Nankun unconditionally declaring allegiance to Moli and belonging to the Mohist forces, even some of the original court soldiers and horses and many rebellious troops who took up land in Dongming have officially changed their names to join the Mohist army. , The momentum is unstoppable.

At the same time, Mo Li quickly released the list of teachers in Nankun to the whole world, and formally launched a conquest against the corrupt imperial court. He demanded justice from the imperial court for the Prince Mo's Mansion, for the Mo family, and for all the poor people in dire straits in the world. , Fight for the right to live that should belong to them!

Mo Li's statement was concise and clear, without any general reasoning. Even ordinary people who didn't read a book could understand it.Among them, he didn't try to justify what he did too much, because in the past two months, people in the world have seen everything that happened with their own eyes, and witnessed how the court forced people who just wanted to live and work in peace and contentment time and time again. At a dead end.

Therefore, even if Mo Li doesn't say anything in this list of teachers, the facts are good, or all the public opinion tendencies in the early stage, or the accumulation of what the Mo Palace and Mo Li himself have done in the hearts of the people in the world over the past ten years Fame and prestige have made the Mohist army he is now leading an army of justice.

And this righteous teacher also gave all the people in dire straits hope for the future life again.

and.Although Mo Li openly raised the flag to rebel, he did not claim the emperor directly like the Meng family did back then, but still just as before, with his original identity.Mo Wang himself.Although such an approach may seem subtle, the impression it brings to people is very different.

Regardless of the reason for the former, they all go straight to their own ultimate selfish desires, while the latter is more of a kind of self-protection, and at the same time, it is also a fight for all the suffering people in the world.

With Nankun as the center, many nearby counties and counties are now under the actual control of the Mohist army. On the same day when Moli officially released the list of teachers, as many as ten counties and counties directly declared their separation from the rule of the Dongming court by force, and have since been classified as Prince Mo's mansion was in charge, but the local people not only did not resist.On the contrary, many places directly set off fireworks and firecrackers to celebrate.

From then on, the people in these places willingly became the people under the management of King Mo's Mansion, respected their King Mo Li, and were no longer oppressed by the Eastern Ming court.

The list of teachers sent by Mo Li exploded in almost every corner of Dongming, big and small, like a spring breeze overnight.And within a short period of one month after that, not only the counties and counties that automatically belonged to the Mohist Mansion, but also young and middle-aged people rushed to sign up to join the Mohist army, and other surrounding places that were still under the control of the Dongming court , There are also many people who secretly ran to join the army.

For a time, the Mohist army became more famous, with a steady stream of excellent soldiers to choose and expand, and the number of troops increased dramatically.All weather is prosperous.

At this moment, Mo Li did not rush to send troops to expand his power immediately, but focused on defensive training within his existing jurisdiction, and prioritized recuperation and consolidation.

Now all the counties and counties that have been actively merged into Prince Mo's Mansion will be exempted from taxation for three years. Even after three years, the tax they pay is only [-]% of what they originally had to pay to the Dongming court.

At the same time, Mo Li did not encourage the common people to join the army too much.On the contrary, vigorously reward farming, promote commerce and trade, and give the local people a relatively stable and safe living environment as much as possible, so that the economies of various places can recover and develop in a healthy way.

And because of this.That's why Mo Li was unanimously crowded by the local people, and becoming a Mohist soldier has become an honor for countless young and strong men in the area.

The Mohist army is relatively strict in the selection of recruits, but the more so, the more precious this honor becomes.Because everyone knows that their princes choose soldiers to join the army not to be cannon fodder, but to hope that they can protect their parents' homes while also saving their own lives.

Compared with the prosperous prospects here in Nankun, at this moment, the palace in Dongming capital is dark and bleak like never before.

For more than three months, Li Qing has been able to receive the latest information about Nankun every day, but everything is not what he wants to hear. Gradually, his heart seems to have become numb, and even the last I no longer have the excitement and anger I had before.

"Okay, don't read any more!" Waving his hand, Li Qing interrupted the report of the officials beside him, and said directly: "I will pass on my order, release Song Xiang, pardon his crimes, and order him to perform meritorious service on his behalf. Lead an army of 20 to Nankun to conquer the Mo thieves, and regain the territory occupied by the Mo thieves in Dongming!"

"Your majesty is wise!" Upon hearing this, all the ministers received the decree, seeing that the emperor finally no longer pursued General Song's crime of dereliction of duty that day, and reused it, they subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief for a while.

At this juncture, there are really not many trustworthy and loyal generals who can enlist in the imperial court. A few months ago, General Song had to bear all the responsibilities for the rebellion of the Guangqing Qing suppression army because of Mo Li's tricks. It can be regarded as being badly harmed by the innocent disaster.

In fact, everyone knows that General Song is really not to blame for this matter, but at the time when the emperor was furious, no one had the guts to intercede with General Song. Fortunately, in the end, it was only house arrest and no real punishment. After all, the emperor also knew that Moli Nankun's rebellion was a foregone conclusion, and the Song family would still have to suppress it in the future.

Now the imperial court is really in a state of desperation, Ximo has been unable to make any practical progress for a long time, but Nankun has suddenly stood up like a god, such terrible power and threat are more important than Ximo. Much bigger.

The troops defending the city everywhere are in panic, and Dongming's country is becoming more and more precarious.

in the first time.Li Qing knew that if he was willing to lose, he would end up losing every step of the way, and now he had to face up to the Mohists who raised their flags and rebelled against him on the battlefield.

The cruel reality even made Li Qing's temples turn gray overnight. Although he didn't say anything, he already understood the battle between him and Mo Li in his heart.He has lost!

He had never faced his own heart in this way, but at the moment when the Guangqing incident came out, he realized that he had lost all the opportunities he should have had, and lost the slightest hope and chance of winning.

The tide is gone!Maybe it's because there is no big trend for a long time, this dilapidated country is bound to perish in his hands, and no matter how hard he tries, he can't reverse anything at all.

He has already understood all of this, and he clearly knows that doing anything now is futile, nothing more than letting the remaining mountains and rivers use more blood to suck up the few days of respite.

But even so, there is no way to stop, right or wrong.He already had no way out, let alone a choice. He could only continue to move forward in such a numb manner. Wherever he went, it counted, and where he reached the end was the real end.

"Your Majesty, there is one more thing that I would like to ask you to play." Seeing Li Qing who was in a bad mood at the moment, an old minister hesitated for a long time, and finally mustered up the courage to speak out.

"Quite." Without any extra words, Li Qingwei closed his eyes, with an undisguised tiredness on his face, and he no longer armed himself as an invulnerable iron-blooded strongman like before.

And in fact.Over the past few days, his body has deteriorated day by day, and his spirit is even more so.The hidden illness caused by Mo Li last year has never been really cured at all, and the root cause of the disease has already emptied more than half of his energy.

In addition, the real sustenance and hope have been lost in the bottom of my heart now, and even the illusory obsessions that are so unreal are gradually obliterated in the cruel baptism of reality, like an oil lamp without a wick.Only Li Qing knew his real situation best.

Seeing this, the veteran didn't delay any longer, and quickly reported: "Your Majesty, I just got the news that Nanliang has announced the cancellation of the marriage. Princess Xi has never been found, and I am afraid that something has happened to me, so this marriage no longer exists."

"En." Li Qing simply responded, expressing that he already knew about it, but he still didn't even open his eyes, obviously he didn't care that much about Nanliang's attitude now.

Seeing Li Qing being so negative, the old official couldn't help sighing secretly, and said again: "Your Majesty, in addition to canceling the marriage, the Lord of Nanliang also said that what happened to Princess Xi happened in our Dongming, so he pushed the responsibility to us. Dongming said that if the emperor can't give him a satisfactory answer, he will definitely seek justice for Princess Xi himself."

As soon as these words came out, the other officials below were all very angry. Over the past few months, although there is no hard evidence or absolute conclusion about Princess Xi's disappearance, they all know that it has nothing to do with Dongming at all, but Ximomeng's family. Then the hands of the rebels.It is understandable that the Lord of Nanliang wants to avenge his beloved daughter, but he can't let the real culprit go and find trouble with their emperor for no reason. This is really too bullying!

However, Li Qing didn't intend to be annoyed in the slightest. Instead, he blinked his eyes, sat upright a little, and waved his hands to the officials below to signal them not to make noise.

"Princess Xi was killed, and I, Dongming, did have an inescapable responsibility. What's more, she came here to help Dongming, so I also deeply regret the murder of Princess Xi. Even if the Nanliang King didn't mention it, I would take it as compensation." .”

Li Qing directly said to the old official: "Wu Aiqing, you can handle this matter with full power, let the soldiers in Ximo withdraw from the battlefield, withdraw from the border of Ximo, and tell the king of Nanliang that I, Dongming, will not interfere in the affairs of Ximo in the future. If Nanliang has that ability, the entire Western Desert should be regarded as my compensation to Princess Xi!"

As soon as the words came out, all the servants were shocked, everyone understood what the words meant, the emperor had directly sent Ximo to Nanliang.Maybe Nanliang was willing to send troops with such an idea at that time, but now things have not reached the final impasse, but the emperor did so, which is enough to see the concessions and choices the emperor has made.

Without waiting for anyone to object or speak, Li Qing continued to speak to the ministers again: "As for the future whereabouts and arrangements of the 20 troops who retreated from the West Desert, everything can be decided by the Ministry of War through consultation. If there is nothing else, Let's go back to court today, I'm tired, I have to rest for a while!"

Li Qing left quickly, leaving only a group of courtiers who were at a loss, and then sighed everywhere, but soon everyone also slowly retreated one by one.

The news that Li Qing gave up on the West Desert and directly handed over the entire West Desert to Nanliang soon spread to Nankun, Mo Li and the others.

"Liang Xi is really dead?" Han Jiangxue had just finished playing with his nephew Ling'er, who was already like a little adult, before the child was picked up by his sister-in-law. Just when he was still a little unsure, Mo Li suddenly came back to report the latest incident in the capital. Some important news was told to her one by one.

"Maybe, but that's not the point. The point is that Li Qing's attitude is very different from before." Mo Li took the initiative to discuss Li Qinglai with Han Jiangxue for the first time.

Han Jiangxue understood what Mo Li meant by the difference, and after listening to what Mo Li just said, she also noticed it: "That's right, I also feel that he doesn't seem to care about the Li family anymore. I don't know whether this phenomenon is good or bad, and I always feel that something is not right."

Mo Li also nodded: "I heard that Li Qing's physical condition has gotten worse recently. Judging from the current situation, it is estimated that he will not be able to last for two years. I am afraid that apart from his poor health, the rise of Nankun has also made him completely exhausted. Lost hope, that's why it became like this. But..."

Speaking of this, Mo Li paused for a moment, then shook his head and said, "When a king is in such a situation, things will often have two extremes."

"Are you afraid that he will be buried with the entire Dongming people, and take revenge on everyone madly and regardless of any consequences for the last time?" Han Jiangxue's expression was also extremely dignified, and with Li Qing's heart, there was nothing he couldn't do.

If that's the case, although they can't really hurt them, it will be an unprecedented and tragic disaster for all the people. No one knows what Li Qing will do in the end, and no one can predict the final consequences .

"I hope we think too much!" Seeing this, Mo Li didn't say any more, and changed the subject instead: "By the way, did Linger leave just now?"

Hearing the word Ling'er, Han Jiangxue's expression softened involuntarily. The little guy is so cute now, with a sweet mouth, and aunts and aunts screaming all day long. As long as he comes, he will stick to her, which makes Han Jiangxue so fond of her.

"Yeah, after only playing for a while, my sister-in-law came over to pick him up, saying that it was the child's grandfather who asked him to pick him up, because he was afraid that the game would be too wild!" Said: "You judge, how can my father do this, I'm afraid that my aunt, who has stayed with the child for too long, will steal his grandfather's position in Ling'er's heart."

Seeing Han Jiangxue's appearance, Mo Li smiled and said, "Since you like children so much, let's give birth to a few more and play with them ourselves, and then we won't let them play too much!"

Hearing Mo Li's words, Han Jiangxue was a little stiff for a moment, but soon she pretended to be calm and said: "Nonsense, are children born to play?"

"Uh, isn't it for playing?" Mo Li giggled, pinching Han Jiangxue's face, full of hints.

This time, Han Jiangxue could no longer pretend to be calm and indifferent, and suddenly felt a little sad, she lowered her head and murmured: "Li, we have been married for almost two years, but my stomach has never had any pain. News, I'm afraid..."

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