Tan Yun sent a letter from Song Qin this time. Because of the current status and situation of the Song family, such letters are not convenient for public communication.

Song Qin thought of a lot of ways, went through several secrets, and finally found the Tan family. The content of the letter was too important, and the Tan family didn't dare to be careless, so he let Tan Yun take advantage of this chance of Han Jiangxue's happy visit. Tan Yun specially brought the letter here.

Mo Li quickly took the letter, read the contents of the letter, and then didn't say much, then handed the letter to Han Jiangxue, who was beside him, to let her read it herself.

"Look, how should we deal with this matter?" Apart from the three of them, there will be no one else in the room, so Tan Yun doesn't have to worry about it. After both Mo Li and Han Jiangxue have read the contents of the letter, Then asked.

Speaking of it, the Tan family and the Song family are quite friendly. Back then, Tan Xiao and Song Qin's grandfather were friends who respected each other, and Tan Jing and Song Qin's father were friends when they were young. If the Tan family hadn't lived in Nantong for a long time, the two If the two families lose contact due to the practical inconvenience of geography, the contacts between the two families will definitely be very close.

Now Dongming and Nankun are completely opposed to each other, and the Song family and the Tan family have also chosen their own camps, which has become a real hostile relationship.Such a big deal.Naturally, Tan Yun didn't dare to make random judgments. After all, the Song family was now the general of Dongming, and Song Qin's arrival might have hidden secrets or conspiracies.

Tan Yun quickly handed the matter and the letter to his father Tan Jing.Tan Jing reported the matter to Tan Xiao again, and after several people discussed it, they made a final decision. They chose to believe Song Qin's words, and asked Tan Yun to come and hand over the letter to Mo Li. , it is up to Mo Li to make his own judgment to see if this matter is feasible.

Hearing Tan Yun's inquiry.Mo Li didn't say anything immediately, but glanced at Han Jiangxue beside him inquiringly.

Song Qin is Han Jiangxue's senior brother.Compared to him, Han Jiangxue should have a deeper understanding of Song Qin.

"I believe everything that brother said in the letter." Han Jiangxue did not hesitate at all, and said directly: "Now that the battle is going on, the Dongming coalition forces are completely at a disadvantage. If it weren't for the Song family army led by General Song to hold them back desperately, the entire Dongming's army has already been defeated and retreated." "Although our troops will surely win in the end. However, because of General Song's tenacious defense, this battle is bound to be prolonged for a long time, and our troops will be unnecessary. casualties. Therefore, if we can really solve the Song family's obstacle without bloodshed, it is of course the best thing for us."

Speaking of this, Han Jiangxue paused.Slightly frowned and said: "It's just that it's so difficult to convince General Song. I'm afraid it won't be easy. If senior brother can really make General Song put down his weapons and stop being an enemy of our Nankun soldiers, Don't say that it is just to save the life of General Song and the safety of the Song family, even if you ask for more, it is not an exaggeration."...

Han Jiangxue can understand senior brother's considerations. Senior brother is not the kind of person who is greedy for life and fears death. Now that he can make such a decision against his father's will, of course it is not for himself.

For one thing, Song Qin understood the general trend of the world early on, and also understood that Dongming's demise was entirely caused by himself, and he had to blame himself. In comparison, the new dynasty that Moli will establish in the future must be the same for the common people and the common people in the world. a blessing.Song Qin didn't want to go against the sky, and he didn't want to continue to help the evildoers.

Second, if the two armies are fighting, if his father continues to resist so stubbornly and desperately, the result will not only be meaningless, but also will only make all the brothers of the Song family army innocent to be buried with the royal family of the Li family.This is not what Song Qin wants to see.After all, so many brothers in the Song family's army trusted the Song family because of their loyalty, so they would never leave and protect each other with their lives.

Three things, if this continues, Song Qin knows that his father will die in the end. As a son, he is not willing to watch his father make such a useless sacrifice like this.

Therefore, due to various reasons, Song Qin finally made this decision after secretly discussing with the two brothers, and reached an agreement with the Lord of Nankun in private to resolve the war together.

But they all knew very well that with their father's personality, he would never agree to do what they wanted.That's why Song Qin contacted Moli behind his father's back, hoping to gain Moli's trust and cooperation, and help them put on a show together to really resolve this matter.

That is to say, Song Qin and his brothers took the initiative to express their intentions to Mo Li, and they were willing to surrender to Nankun, but the request they made was only the most basic in essence, and there was nothing excessive about it.

The only thing Mo Li had to consider was the safety of Song Qin and the others' actions this time. Objectively speaking, no matter whether the matter was successful or not, there was no real loss to Nan Kun.On the contrary, once it succeeds, not to mention substantial progress can be made immediately in the war, and many unnecessary casualties can be reduced, and good generals and warriors can be recruited. Of course, it is the best for Mo Li.

"I have the same opinion as Jiang Xue on this matter." Mo Li thought for a while, and quickly made a decision: "According to what I know about Song Qin, since he has made up his mind to do this matter, then he must I have already made detailed plans and preparations. I can trust his character, so I must cooperate with him."

"Also. The request he made couldn't be more reasonable, and it should have been done by us, so I will send people to work separately. On the one hand, I will be responsible for escorting the family members of the Song family to a safe place in Nankun to ensure their safety. On the other hand, On the one hand, General Qin will be ready to cooperate and respond."

After Mo Li finished speaking, he paused again, as if thinking about something.Then he said to Tan Yun: "In order to ensure that there will be no accidents in Song Qin's actions this time, I want to go there in person. It's best to meet General Song in secret again. Cousin just answer Song Qin truthfully for me, and the rest I will deal with it naturally, just let him rest assured."

Seeing that Mo Li responded with one mouthful, Tan Yun was slightly relieved.However, when I heard that Mo Li was going to meet General Song in person, he said worriedly: "Song Qin said, he has his own way to take charge of this matter, as long as our Real Madrid cooperates on the scene, and then secretly It’s just a matter of answering, you don’t even need to go there yourself.”

According to General Song's temper, if he sees Mo Li again, he won't take him down immediately, so Tan Yun can't rest assured that Mo Li will take such an unnecessary risk.

"If my guess is correct, Song Qin most likely wants to do all this behind General Song's back. At that time, I am afraid that General Song will not forgive Song Qin easily, and if that is the case, General Song will not choose Survive.”…

Mo Li explained: "Since I have the opportunity to make the Song family work for me, I naturally hope for the best result."

"But, my cousin is right. If you go to see General Song like this, I'm afraid he won't let you go easily. What's more, even if you go, it is impossible to convince this person. Why bother?" Han Jiangxue Naturally, he was worried that Mo Li would go to see General Song again at this time.It wasn't that they hadn't seen each other last time.It is not without persuasion, but General Song's attitude is obviously impossible to persuade.

Mo Li understood Han Jiangxue's thoughts, he took Jiangxue's hand, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, I have my own ideas, and I will pay attention to safety, and I won't make fun of my own life."

Of course, Han Jiangxue knew Mo Li best. Since he had already made a decision, it meant that this trip was absolutely necessary, so he didn't refute it any more, but just reminded him again.

Time was running out, Mo Li left the house an hour later, and he had to meet with General Song in secret before Song Qin and his brothers moved.

Of course, this time he still doesn't expect himself to be able to persuade others, it's just to pave the way for the Song family's future situation, and at least to ensure that after Song Qin brings his father to Nankun, General Song will not I couldn't think about it for a while and took short-sightedness.

Although the Song family brothers had decided to surrender to Nankun, their prestige in the Song family army was still far inferior to that of their father.Mo Li didn't want this army, which was finally instigated to rebel, to become a special and unstable existence in Nankun due to the death of General Song in the future.

Early the next morning, Tan Yun returned to Nantong early, and Mo Li, who secretly went to the front line of the war to meet with General Song secretly, also quietly returned to Prince Mo's Mansion the next day.

Things went smoothly, just as Mo Li expected, his trip was still the same as before, and there was no way to persuade General Song to take the initiative to serve Nankun.Even General Song really moved his hands, wanting to take the opportunity to capture and kill Mo Li, but Mo Li had been prepared for a long time, he was not succeeded by General Song, but retreated completely.

By this time, Mo Li had done everything he could do, and he had said everything he wanted to say to General Song.

Although General Song looked completely unmoved, Mo Li could tell that deep down in General Song's heart, he didn't hate Mo Li or Nankun as much as he showed.It's just that because of his position and his stupid loyalty, he has cut off all his retreats and has no choice but to do so.

General Song also knew that what Mo Li said was reasonable. He also knew that the Li family no longer had the ability to manage the people in the world. Mo Li repeatedly persuaded him regardless of his own safety with full sincerity, and he didn't want the Song family to kill themselves like this.

However, no matter how much he knew, General Song felt that he had no way out and could not retreat.He can't do this kind of retreat before the battle, even betrayal, he would rather die than do it!

"That being the case, then what's the use of your trip?" After listening to Mo Li's narration, Han Jiangxue didn't hide anything, and directly raised his own doubts: "I originally thought that you were in person this time. , but you really just came back after a round of persuasion, and didn't interfere with the senior brother's plan."

Mo Li smiled, touched Han Jiangxue's belly, and did not answer directly, but continued: "It is inconvenient for me to directly intervene in your brother's plan, otherwise it will easily make General Song suspicious. In fact , this matter is not too complicated. Song Qin will use the name of night attack in three days to lead the Song family army to encircle a relatively remote stronghold of our army in three ways. At that time, the entire Song family army will participate in the battle, and General Song will even He will personally lead the troops to join the battle under the suggestion of Brother Song Qin. General Qin has already made preparations for the response at that stronghold. Three days later, the Song family army will join forces with General Qin and the others smoothly."...

"During the whole process, Song Qin and the others will let General Song fall into a coma for a while. When General Song wakes up again, everything is a foregone conclusion. And I will meet General Song in person again and try to persuade him. I sincerely invite you."

Hear this.Han Jiangxue understood immediately, and quickly said with a sudden realization: "I see, so you are going to follow others' example of paying attention to the thatched cottage. That's fine. Since the matter was a foregone conclusion at that time, I think General Song will still think about the past. All kinds of things, from another angle, I think more about the common people in the world."

"I hope, I don't dare to be 100% sure, but it's good to work harder, at least ask without shame. In the end, even if things come true, I won't have any regrets." Mo Li sighed slightly.Slightly emotional.

Three days later, everything was going on as Mo Li said, without any accidents.

When Xin Wei returned to Prince Mo's mansion, Mo Lidang set off out of the mansion, as he said before, and rushed to see General Song personally for the third time.

At the same time, it was only now that the Dongming Allied Forces knew that the Song family brothers had secretly joined Nankun. The most powerful Song family army in the entire coalition was taken to Nankun and became soldiers serving Nankun.

All of a sudden, the Dongming coalition forces were in chaos, and the remaining generals and soldiers who dared to resist the Nankun army here did not even hold on for two days, and then directly abandoned the current battlefield and withdrew all the way to the east and flee.

The news quickly spread to the capital, but the current order of the imperial court has long been unable to restrain these soldiers. In less than forty days, they were captured by the Nankun army and captured a dozen cities and counties. Almost no one can stop them. , even most of them don’t need the Nankun army at all, and the officials and defenders in the city directly open the city gate to greet them. civil.

The resistance encountered in some places is not worth mentioning at all, and then only three months later, the army led by General Qin chased the defeated Dongming army all the way to the Yuanshui River, which was only three hundred miles away from the capital of Dongming. Because of the natural barrier of this river, the chasing Nankun army temporarily stopped.

With the advancement of the war, Nankun has already occupied more than half of the entire Dongming. Except for the West Desert, which is still insisting on fighting against the mad dog in Nanliang, the Dongming court now only has the capital and surrounding areas. Control of ten cities and counties.

As soon as Li Qing couldn't get sick, the court fell into extreme chaos. Many members of the royal family and some of the few tied families under Li's subordinates had already begun to move out of the capital, and went to the far east to cross the sea to Jiling Island. There as their last retreat.

Jiling Island is the only Dalong island in Dongming. It is surrounded by the sea on all sides, easy to defend and difficult to attack. As early as the war officially broke out, it has become the best choice for the Li family's royal family to retreat.If in the end they are unable to keep the capital and keep the foundation of more than 200 years, then they can only retreat to Jiling Island first, save their last strength and hope, and make counterattacks and plots one day in the future.

And a few days ago, all the ministers in the court had asked Li Qing to retreat to Jiling Island countless times, and go to a safe place to protect the safety of the emperor.After all, the flames of war are now under their noses. Although there is a natural barrier like the Yuanshui River to stop the Nankun soldiers and horses, everyone knows that just relying on natural dangers, it is nothing more than just sending more Nankun soldiers and horses Just procrastinate by the river for a few days.

When the Nankun soldiers and horses are fully prepared, the day when these people cross the river is equivalent to the time when the capital is destroyed. When that time really comes, it will be too late to run away.

But Li Qing has always been unwilling to retreat to Jiling Island, and he doesn't care much about political affairs. He just shuts himself in the palace all day long, looking like a walking dead.

The actual situation of the capital was passed on to Nankun and Mo Li's ears. During the battle, Mo Li was completely handed over to General Sun, with General Qin and General Yue as assistants. General literati and virtuous men tried their best to incorporate every city and county in Nankun to make the most complicated and proper aftermath arrangements.

Concerning the future of so many Limin people, everything is the top priority, and there is no room for carelessness.

In the blink of an eye, Han Jiangxue's belly is almost nine months old, and it's not long before she gives birth. Mo Li has become more and more careful. No matter how busy he is, he will try to come back early to accompany his wife every day, and repeatedly told Shui'er She and Ziyue took turns serving Jiang Xue beside her.

All the preparations for the labor were in place. The midwives and nannies were all on standby at the mansion early on. Han Jiangxue's aunt also came to Prince Mo's mansion in the past few days to take care of her niece.

Han Jiangxue's biological mother passed away early, and Prince Mo's mansion did not have any serious elders and female relatives, so at this time, the arrival of the aunt not only made up for the most important female relatives' elders, but also gave Mo Li a lot of peace of mind.

"After today, you will only have 27 days to give birth, right?" Mo Li squatted beside Han Jiangxue, leaning his ear on Jiang Xue's high abdomen, listening to the sound of the baby in his stomach with a happy face.

He calculated the days according to the expected date of birth calculated by the doctor. Although the doctor also said that it might be a few days earlier or later, but this did not affect his counting the number of days until the child was born every day with his fingers bent.

"I don't know the exact date until I've said it." Han Jiangxue smiled wryly: "Okay, you've been tired for a day, please sit down and have a rest, what are you doing squatting there, don't get tired. "

"I'm not tired, I'm talking to my son!" Mo Li responded with a smile, as expected, there was no trace of tiredness on his face, as if he had just woken up.

"Son? What about a daughter?" Han Jiangxue deliberately asked back. She knew that Mo Li didn't care whether he was a man or a woman, and what she said to her son was just a matter of phrasing, without any real meaning.

"My daughter is even better, she looks as beautiful and cute as you, how wonderful!" Mo Li finally finished the daily communication with the child, which is now a must, and sat down beside Han Jiangxue, stretching out his arms Looking at his wife, he is very satisfied.

Han Jiangxue smiled and said nothing, leaning against Mo Li's arms, quietly enjoying the warmth and happiness.

"By the way, the Meng family sent people here today." After a while, Mo Li remembered something, and said to Han Jiangxue, who was quite interesting: "I really didn't expect that the king of Nanliang would be so stubborn and bite hard. It’s been so long since we’ve been holding onto Ximo, and we’re reluctant to let go. Xishu has already reached their border, and according to intelligence, they have already occupied at least two important places. Unexpectedly, the King of Nanliang could still hold his breath. I intend to let go, and I want to swallow the fat of Ximo with all my heart."

After hearing this, Han Jiangxue immediately became interested, blinked his eyes and asked back: "So, the Meng family sent people to ask for help this time? After fighting for so long, their Meng family should have been almost exhausted Now, if there is no reinforcements, I'm afraid Nanliang will definitely swallow it up in one mouthful within a month!"

Mo Li nodded: "That's right, this time, Nanliang really did us a big favor, and the play we sang with Xishu finally came to an end!"

"What are you going to do?" Han Jiangxue thought for a while and said, "Should I directly let the Meng family become a vassal and then send troops to repel Nanliang, or help with reinforcements first, and then take over Ximo?"

Mo Li didn't answer right away, his eyes were shining with the most charming light, and he said after a while: "This time, I will make the Meng family and Nanliang suffer a lot, and let them all see how powerful we are in Nankun." !"


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