"That's not true. The eldest son of the Zhang family is very good, and this marriage is also very good. How could Dad not be willing, but..."

Seeing this, Han Feng had no choice but to grit his teeth and tell the whole story: "It's just that this time the Zhang family is not discussing marriage with you, but your sister. They said...they said they wanted Yajing to marry into the Zhang family."

After saying this, Han Feng felt his heart pause for a moment. He looked at his daughter without blinking, completely unable to predict what kind of reaction her daughter would have next.

And Mrs. Liu is also looking at Han Jiangxue fixedly at this meeting, with a look of helplessness on her face, but she has already laughed her teeth out of her heart.

Han Jiangxue frowned immediately, looking very annoyed but forcibly enduring, even his breath was a little unstable, his chest heaved sharply, and he seemed completely unacceptable to such a result!The atmosphere in the hall seemed to imply a strong smell of gunpowder, which was in danger of exploding at any time.

But after a while, Han Jiangxue still didn't do anything too outrageous after all, but she also vividly expressed the complex emotions of struggle, anger, and desperate restraint that should be there.

When acting in a play, it is natural to have as much resemblance as possible. This play is not only for Liu Shi, but also for her father, because she just wants to take advantage of her father's feeling of indebtedness to her marriage, so that she can Make some efforts to be able to lead your own marriage in the future.

In her first rebirth, there are some things that she doesn't want to be as muddled as in the previous life. She wants to hold her own destiny in her own hands!

"It seems that my father agreed with the Zhang family and let my sister marry into the Zhang family!" After a while, Han Jiangxue said expressionlessly: "In this case, father should go to congratulate my sister, and it is still necessary What are you saying to someone who has nothing to do with me!"

Her words were intentionally filled with strong resentment, and she stood up while speaking: "It seems that I was overthinking myself before, and I took it for granted that this marriage contract is really related to me, the eldest daughter. Fortunately, I'm not at home today. Otherwise, I don't know where I lost my face! Although it is said that the seniority is orderly, but if it wasn't for my father's words in the past, he also revealed the meaning of letting me marry into the Zhang family with peace of mind. I really wouldn't have such thoughts. Now my father changed as soon as he said he would, and he agreed to the Zhang family to let his sister marry in a blink of an eye. Did the father deliberately play tricks on his daughter? Or did he think that his daughter was a heartless person? Wouldn't he care about anything? ?”

Facing his daughter's questioning, Han Feng looked extremely self-blaming, and quickly explained: "Xue'er, Daddy knows this and I'm sorry for you. Originally, this marriage should be yours, and Daddy has always been like this." I thought about it. But. But the Zhang family..."

"Zhang family, Zhang family, Zhang family! Does the Zhang family mean what they say? Then what do you need to do with the paper marriage contract that grandpa and the others made? People can choose whatever they want. Is it easy to bully our daughter of the Han family? It's fine for them to do so. But what about you, Dad, have you ever fought hard for your daughter? In your heart, is my daughter dispensable at all?"

Han Jiangxue became more and more excited, and her words became more sharp, but her words and deeds were in line with the reactions that ordinary people should have today.

Seeing this, Han Feng's heart became more and more uncomfortable, he quickly shook his head and said: "No, it's not like that. How could Daddy not care about you, it's just...just..."

Han Feng was distressed and anxious.For a while, the language was poor, and I didn't know how to explain it.

Seeing this, Mrs. Liu on the side hurriedly explained to Han Jiangxue on her behalf: "Xue'er, things are not what you think, you have wronged your father."

"Really? It's not that, that's what? I want to listen to my mother's explanation!" Han Jiangxue flashed a cold light, and deliberately transferred a wave of resentment to Liu's body like a prank.

It doesn't matter if it's true or not, the important thing is that Han Jiangxue is thinking about how to extend his anger to Mrs. Liu.Since this woman came forward on her own initiative, she would not be polite at all.

Liu Shi saw that Han Jiangxue was deliberately trying to draw his anger on her, and he made it clear that he didn't intend to take it out on her rationally, so he wasn't afraid.I didn't want to provoke such idleness at this time, but it was inevitable.

She didn't know that Han Jiangxue had always been at odds with her, and it would be strange if she didn't make trouble with her when encountering such a thing, so she simply sold it to Han Feng, as long as she got some good points.

"Xue'er, don't worry, you really can't blame your father for this matter. Both your father and I have said that this marriage should be yours, but the Zhang family insists on Jing'er. They feel that the Zhang family and our family The marriage contract did not specify that she must be the eldest daughter, so it is not a violation of the marriage contract that the Zhang family proposed to marry Jinger. After all, Jinger is also the first daughter of the Han family. Although we try our best to persuade, we can't force it People, no matter what they say, their request is still reasonable."

In a few words, Liu said what she thought was the best. Originally, this marriage didn't mean that Han Jiangxue had to be married, not to mention that people looked down on Han Jiangxue, so they couldn't force others, right?If you want to blame, you can only blame Han Jiangxue for being unpopular.

Of course, Mrs. Liu definitely didn't say these words, and she looked at Han Jiangxue with regret and helplessness, as if she had nothing to do with them.

Hearing this, Han Jiangxue sneered and retorted immediately: "Mother's words are really nice, you don't have to hide it, just say that the Zhang family doesn't like me, and I don't have the ability to let people marry me. No wonder my mother has always spent money, thought, and money to let my sister send this to that to please Zhang's aunt. It turned out that this marriage was more suitable for my sister early in the morning!"

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Liu's complexion turned extremely ugly, and she forced herself to argue with the anger in her heart: "Xue'er's words are wronged to death. How have I ever treated you badly in all these years? You and Jing'er and I have never treated you badly." Regardless of each other, who will marry the Zhang family? I didn't think about it at all before, and I didn't have the kind of flattery as you said. Today, Mrs. Zhang raised this matter on her own initiative, and she also pointed out that it was her son. I like Jing'er, and they can't help it, but you insist on pushing this responsibility on me, isn't it too much?"

Hearing this, Han Jiangxue really felt a little funny, but naturally she would not say that Zhang Haocheng had no intention of marrying Han Yajing, and she was still waiting to see Liu's mother and daughter slap her face in the future!

"Really? Does my mother really not distinguish between me and my sister at all? If there is no distinction between each other, why does the favor always belong to my sister when I send things to Zhang's family at all costs? Why do you never do it for me? What about one or two? We all have a reputation in our hearts, so don’t just pick up nice words, who will believe what’s right in front of you?”

Han Jiangxue said unceremoniously: "Didn't I see it, you have already planned to win this marriage for your sister in your heart! This calculation is really well done. If it is true that your own is your own, what a good thing There are mother-in-law paving the way everywhere, so what about the eldest daughter like me who has no mother-in-law? You can’t even sell decent things, let alone spend such big money to please others again and again happy!"

"You... how can you talk like that, I..."

Mrs. Liu was blushed by Han Jiangxue, and her eloquent mouth completely lost her strengths in front of Han Jiangxue. She "me" for a long time, and finally had to complain to Han Feng, tears were about to fall, as if she was very wronged: "Master , listen, I am also her mother anyway, how can this child think of me like this and wrong me so much?"

Han Feng will be made even more depressed by the two women, but compared to the past, he subconsciously feels that what his daughter said is not unreasonable.If it was Liu Shi before, he would naturally not doubt that he had such thoughts, but now, he also gradually felt that Liu Shi was not as perfect, magnanimous and selfless as he appeared on the surface.

On the contrary, the few facts that happened before made him more and more aware of Liu's selfishness, and when he thought of Han Jiangxue saying that Liu's money was spent on Jing'er to give Mrs. Zhang a birthday gift, he was naturally convinced that it was inevitable. Mrs. Liu had this idea in her heart.

But now that everything has been negotiated, what else can it do?Besides, Jing'er is also his daughter, and it's not a serious crime for Liu Shi to have a bias in his heart, even if he has such thoughts, even if he is a little dissatisfied, he doesn't have much to say.

Sighing, Han Feng still turned to Han Jiangxue and said: "Xue'er, the matter is already like this. Although your mother's actions are a little inappropriate, it's not as good as you said. Daddy knows that you have been hurt by this matter." If you feel wronged, Daddy promises you that he will make it up to you in the future, and find a better marriage for you..."

Before he finished speaking, Han Jiangxue interrupted with a look of extreme loss: "It turns out that not only the mother is biased, but even the father is biased in this way! Now I am more obedient and sensible, but The grievances I have suffered are correspondingly more. It is true that Ren Shan was bullied by others, and Ma Shan was ridden by others! Father, don’t say those nice things, why find a better marriage for me? This is the most That is to coax a three-year-old child, is it interesting for father to say these things now?"

"Xue'er, what daddy said is true, how could he lie to you?" Han Feng was a little anxious, and what worried him most was that this child was going to be a dead end.

"So what if it's true, is my father really confused or fake? I have a marriage contract with Zhang Haocheng, but he was abandoned by others and I don't want to marry. What will people think of me after this news gets out? Does my father think there will be more people than me?" Can the better members of the Zhang family think of me, who the Zhang family dislikes and does not want?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

ps: Dear friends, today is the last day of Double Pink. On the last day, one vote is worth two. Please be pink. If you have a little pink, please vote, thank you!I will continue to add updates in the afternoon, okay~~

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