Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 106 Bet on the 4th game, startled

"Huh?" She was surprised.

Qi Zhengtian smiled and raised his eyebrows, "Anyway, I don't like the 'mirror' projects of the second child. Now that you have meddled in like this, I am happy to be free."

An old fox is an old fox, and he has a plan in mind.

Ye Huanyu raised her eyebrows suspiciously, "I don't quite understand..."

"Let's put it this way, I don't like anything related to 'ying'. I even really want to remove the ingrained word 'ying' for my second child. It's a pity that no matter how many people I send to mess it up, But it’s not as loud as you being silent.”

Ye Huanyu's heart trembled at the word Ying in the old man's mouth.

Somewhat unexpectedly, she actually saw a hint of appreciation in the old man's eyes.

Responding quickly, Ye Huanyu pulled her lips, "Don't the old man like her?"

Qi Zhengtian's eyebrows flashed, "It seems that you know something. Yes, I have always regarded Dai'er as the future daughter-in-law of my Qi family."

Ye Huanyu smiled lightly, it turns out that...

"Then, the purpose of Master Qi asking me to monitor Mr. Qi was to destroy Mr. Qi and that young lady, right?"

"Hehe, since you guessed it, I won't hide it from you. I really hope that you can help me get rid of the woman next to my second child, so that he can honestly come back and marry Dai'er."

She unconsciously tightened her brows. The thrilling scene of jumping off the building last night was still revolving in her mind, and she was still trembling with fear.

He smiled feebly, "Master Qi, I'm afraid I will fail your expectations."

She didn't have that ability, after all, she just stole a blueprint and let Mrs. Ye be shortlisted, which would provoke such cruel revenge from him.

Not to mention getting rid of Soso beside him?

There was a chill down her spine, and she didn't even dare to think about it.

"Don't make up your mind so early." Qi Zhengtian picked up his teacup, took a sip, and smiled unfathomably, "You just need to continue to spoil the situation in all matters related to 'Ying', I can guarantee that someone will Can't hold back..."

Ye Huanyu's eyes flashed, and she suddenly felt like an innocent rabbit being dragged into a pack of wolves, but there was another tiger wandering nearby...


Farewell to Mr. Qi.

Ye Huanyu returned to work in Qi's Building on time as usual.

After seven days of betting, it finally reached the fifth day.

Now, she just wants to live out the rest of her life in peace.

After all, as long as she wins the bet, Qi Yemo will naturally set her free.

Freedom... how much she longed for it now!

Walking to the familiar door of the president's office, she sank, thinking of Qi Yemo's gloomy and cold face last night, her fingers still trembled.

knock knock knock...

After knocking on the door a few times, she opened it and walked in——

"Well, I got it. Don't worry, I will send someone to look for it again..."

Qi Yemo was holding the phone, still talking on the phone.

His deep pupils glanced at Ye Huanyu who walked in.

Ye Huanyu settled down and waited for him to finish talking on the phone.

Since last night, when she saw Qi Yemo now, she couldn't help but feel chills all over her body.

This icy man looks elegant and harmless, but when you are most defenseless, he will give you the coldest and most painful knife!

Qi Yemo hung up the phone, a frown flickered between his brows.

"I'm 3 minutes late." His deep voice floated, "As a secretary, if you do what you want, should I say that the old man's money is too easy to earn, or am I too easy to be fooled by you?"

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