Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 111 Betting on the 5th Game, Past Thoughts

Ye Anqi turned against customers, picked up the chopsticks straight away, and graciously put vegetables into Qi Yemo's bowl, and smiled flatteringly: "Brother Qi, come, I will personally pick up a rib for you. I often come to this restaurant. It tastes good."

Ye Huanyu tightly clenched the chopsticks in her hand, wishing that she had peerless internal strength, and could smash the chopsticks into powder with one palm, so that Ye Anqi could see how powerful she was.As long as she treats guests, Anqi Ye will also come and get involved?

However, dreams are full and reality is always too skinny.

Even if she cut Ye Anqi into pieces with her eyes, she still couldn't stop that woman from flattering her mind.

Sun Junhao sat on the side, very humble and respectful, and glanced at Ye Huanyu from time to time, with thousands of emotions flashing in his eyes.

Ye Huanyu didn't have time to think about these things, she just stared at Qi Yemo's bowl, and in a daze, Ye Anqi had already filled him with vegetables.

She twitched her lips, Qi Yemo has a cleanliness habit, Ye Anqi is undoubtedly throwing salt on his dead point.

"Ahem..." Ye Huanyu pretended to clear her voice, and put on a bright smile, "President, Miss Ye is really enthusiastic, please do me a favor..."

Qi Yemo glanced at her.

Just this understated look made Ye Huanyu feel that this guy's sharp eyes had delayed her twice.

However, Anqi Ye was displeased and frowned——

"I'm talking to Big Brother Qi, when is it your turn to intervene as a little secretary?"

yo~.Ye Huanyu pouted, thanks to her escape from death and stealing the blueprint for Ye Shi, Ye Anqi fought a beautiful victory.

Not only did this woman not appreciate her, but she even spoke ill of her!

The long-cherished wishes accumulated over the years, new and old hatreds added up, instantly burned into a ball of flames in Ye Huanyu's mouth!

After thinking about it, she immediately stretched out her paw, and brought Qi Yemo's rice bowl to her in front of Ye Anqi, "Why doesn't Ms. Ye know that our CEO doesn't eat chili?"

Ye Anqi was startled for a moment, then her eyes revealed a fierce look.

Ye Huanyu smiled, and glanced at Qi Yemo with a paralyzed expression.

Then, in front of him, he took out the dishes Ye Anqi had just picked up for him, one by one, and threw them directly on the table.

It seemed that the annoyed Ye Anqi was, the more she threw it.

At the end, she picked up a few slices of crispy green vegetables, rinsed them twice in the clear water at the base of the mandarin duck soup, then put them in a bowl, and put them in front of Qi Yemo.

"Look, our president likes to eat fast, he can't bear food that tastes too strong~."

Ye Huanyu's words are too strong, and they are so ambiguous.

Her eyes were like Ye Anqi's enchanting and curvaceous plump body, not Qi Yemo's favorite...

Ye Anqi was so angry that her face turned blue and white.

"Brother Qi..." Ye Anqi suppressed her anger, and turned to act coquettishly at Qi Yemo, "I will definitely pay more attention to what you like to eat next time. Actually, when I was studying abroad, I often cooked by myself. My mother praised me for my good cooking skills. Why don't you come to my house when you have time, and I will cook for you to taste my skills..."

Ye Huanyu's goosebumps dropped from hearing such coquettish words.

Ye Anqi, who doesn't stick to the spring water, knows how to cook?She wouldn't believe it even if she was killed.

Qi Yemo was silent for a long time, then he raised his eyebrows, "When I have time..."

He purposely prolonged the ending slightly.Then, it was silent again.

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