Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 114 The 5th Day of the Bet, Past Thoughts

A drop of something like blood spilled from the tip of her heart, Ye Huanyu sneered desolately, and cursed inwardly——

Wonderful, Miss Ye Anqi!

But she didn't want to, Ye Anqi persisted, and continued to chatter: "Hehe, I don't know if Big Brother Qi is still satisfied with Ye's performance this time, and when he is shortlisted for the second round of the competition, please continue to take care of Brother Qi..."

Ye Huanyu couldn't help but roll her eyes, she really wanted to seal the woman's mouth with tape.It's not her business to ask for her own death, but don't drag her down any longer.

Suddenly, she lifted her leg under the table——

"Ah... who kicked me!"

Ye Anqi screamed, clutching her sore lower leg, and immediately reacted, glaring at Ye Huanyu angrily, without even thinking, she picked up the juice glass in her hand——


It covered Ye Huanyu's head and face mercilessly, flowed into his heart, and the skirt of his clothes...

Ye Anqi's quick, ruthless and precise kung fu is unmatched by anyone.

The important thing is that Qi Yemo sat next to Ye Huanyu, and he was unscathed.

Ye Huanyu took a deep breath and clenched her trembling knuckles.

the second time!

This is the second time that Ye Anqi has poured her a cup of silk stocking Longjing tea since the last time!

If it wasn't for a tissue being handed in front of her suddenly, she swears, she would have jumped on it and tore off Angel Ye's face.

"Clean it up." The one who spoke was none other than Sun Junhao who had been silent for the entire meal.

Ye Huanyu took the tissue with trembling fingers, raised her eyes, and glanced at Sun Junhao gratefully: "Thank you..."

But seeing Sun Junhao's look, she almost burst into tears.

He quickly stood up, "I'm sorry, I'm going to the bathroom."

Immediately turned around, and before the tears fell, she strode into the bathroom proudly...


Ye Huanyu scrubbed in the bathroom.

Helpless, the color of the fruit juice has soaked into the white skirt, and it can't be wiped clean for a while.

That's it.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she came out of the bathroom, she saw Sun Junhao who was leaning against the wall and smoking a cigarette not far away...

Seeing her come out, Sun Junhao twisted a cigarette.

Walking towards her, he took a look at her and said, "Ye Huanyu, long time no see."

She nodded and smiled back politely: "Yeah, long time no see. How are you?"

Sun Junhao nodded, frowning slightly: "It's not bad. You saw it, working as a construction consultant in Ye's."

Ye Huanyu laughed silently.

"Why aren't you curious?" Sun Junhao asked.

"Curiosity?" She raised her eyebrows, not understanding why he would ask such a question.

"I'm not curious, why did I want to join Ye's? I'm not curious why I would be a dog by Angel Ye's side?"

Ye Huanyu was taken aback by Sun Junhao's straightforward words.

"Heh, everyone has their own choice, and I respect it." She smiled.

After finishing speaking, she was about to turn around and walk back to the dining table.

Sun Junhao shouted resolutely behind her: "Ye Huanyu, you have changed. If you were willing to fight thoroughly with Ye Anqi for Yuxi like today, then today, the fate of all of us will be different!"

The word 'Yuxi' made Ye Huanyu's back tremble.

She stopped.


Sun Junhao continued: "Ye Huanyu, Yuxi has returned to China, do you know?"

Her body trembled again.

When I saw Sun Junhao just now, I almost burst into tears.And those tears were not for him, but when she saw Sun Junhao, she would think of that kind and quiet young man back then...

———The author has something to say——

Well, the character Sun Junhao, who appeared in Chapter 1 of this article, is Yuxi's roommate back then. *^_^*

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