
Ye Huanyu let out a scream.

Holding on to the painful PP, I got up from the ground.

This time, he was completely awake.

Eyes wide open in astonishment, even horror.

Stare at this tall man!

Qi Yemo? !

"How will you be here?"

A trace of sarcasm curled up on the corner of Qi Yemo's lips, "I should be asking you, who gave you the courage to sneak into my room!"

"your room?"

Ye Huanyu was stunned for a moment, then glanced around at the interior decoration.

The luxurious and rich strange house is indeed not her home!

She only remembered that at the dinner party, after he left the bathroom, her head became dizzy, and then she couldn't remember anything...

Responding in an instant, she shook her head abruptly at him:

"I, I don't know... I just remember that I seemed to pass out, and I woke up here..."

"Pretend, keep pretending!" He scolded coldly, apparently not believing what she said at all.

"I didn't." Ye Huanyu bit her lip, she had no idea why she woke up in his room.

He glanced at her coldly.

There was an undisguised panic on her face and a look of confusion.

Doesn't seem like a lie!

Earlier, downstairs in the hotel, when she winked at his car window.

He was sure she didn't know it was his car.

Especially after seeing him, not only did she not recognize him, she even dared to stretch out her paws to tease his face!

Thinking of this, an uncontrollable anger still rose in his heart.

In an instant, I also understood the whole thing!

With a cold voice, he asked, "Which company is it from?"

"Ah?" Ye Huanyu trembled.

I think of my colleagues in the company, who are very busy with the project of "Ying" project recently.

She bit her lip and raised her innocent eyes like elk.

Looking up at him, this man seems to have the power of life and death.

Should she say it?

Of course, her hesitation aroused his impatience.

He bent his slender body and pushed her close to the corner.

The slender fingers lifted her jaw easily, her eyes were dark and pretentious——

"You don't need to tell me, but I will find out which company you belong to! Don't think that if you can get into my room, you can win the 'mirror' project! This is undoubtedly an extremely stupid way, and you are asking for death! What's more ——It’s up to you? Overestimate yourself!”

In his black pupils full of sarcasm like a deep pool, her beauty is reflected.

Even this woman does seem to have a unique charm.

But he, Qi Yemo, has never been a person who is greedy for beauty!

Otherwise, how could it be her turn?

Ye Huanyu shook her body, and a mist instantly covered her eye sockets.

At the dinner party, the glass of champagne that Mr. Li handed her flashed through her mind.

Suddenly realized something.

She turned out to be a victim of a commercial fight!

My heart was suddenly hurt.

"I'm sorry... I don't know how this happened, but that was not my intention... I'm leaving right now... I'm sorry..."

Throat choked.

Even though she had done nothing wrong, she was in his house right now!

Even shamelessly woke up from him!

She hates herself like this...

Taking advantage of the moment when tears fell, she resisted the pain in her cheek and pulled away from his knuckles.

While retreating in a panic, he began to look for clothes.

But the moment he stood up, his legs went limp and he bumped into the corner cabinet.

Grinning pain!

Only to find that there was nothing else on the floor except his limited-edition white suit jacket...

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