Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 120 Betting on the 5th Game, Past Thoughts

Ye Huanyu supported her forehead, puffed her cheeks, and nodded silently.

There were also a few women who accompanied the wine in the box, and they also agreed with each other.

There was only the last breath of cold air left, and Qi Yemo didn't express his opinion.

Everyone looked at him in unison——

That is to say, Qi Yemo could sit calmly in the distance while all eyes were on him.

After a while, his cold lips twitched, his brows frowned, and there was a touch of impatience in his thick voice: "You guys just know how to play!"

"Hey, I said Qi Er, don't be a jerk, you are the only one left, come here quickly, don't leave the organization." Anthony waved at Qi Yemo, showing excitement on his face.

So, everyone sat around on the sofa.

The box was quiet for a while, and the atmosphere began to become a little tense, and the five handsome guys looked darkly at each other.

Ye Huanyu was squeezed between Chu Yunfeng and Anthony, and a feeling of uneasiness surfaced in her heart...

Bai Muxi casually took an empty wine bottle and poured it flat on the coffee table.

That begins! "Speaking, he turned the wine bottle with his fingers neatly.

The rotation of the wine bottle gradually stopped. In the first game, the mouth of the bottle was aimed at Ye Huanyu.

She sighed feebly, knowing that the premonition of uneasiness was always accurate.

The corner of Bai Muxi's mouth opened into a smile, "Huanhuan, do you want to choose the truth or the big risk?"

She frowned, and took a sip from her glass casually: "Let's be honest."

I really don't want to play any big adventure with them.

"Then I asked... Who was your first date with?"

"Pfft—" The wine in Ye Huanyu's mouth sprayed out before she could swallow it.

She didn't expect that Bai Muxi would actually ask such... Chiguo's question.

His cheeks suddenly flushed red.

Subconsciously glanced at Qi Yemo, only to realize that the guy's eyes were very gloomy, staring at her closely, as if he also wanted to know the answer...

First time with whom?

That night, in the dark room, who was the man who took her first time?

To be honest, the answer even she wanted to know.

Holding her forehead, she frowned, and said helplessly, "Uh... can I choose the big adventure instead?"

Bai Muxi raised his eyebrows and smiled again, "Of course you can. But the big adventure is - you have to kiss the next person drawn for 1 minute!"

"Eh?" Ye Huanyu was surprised.

At the beginning of the second round, the wine bottle was turned, and the position where the mouth of the bottle was finally aligned was Anthony.

"Wow! I won the jackpot!" Anthony cheered happily.

Chu Yunfeng looked aggrieved.

Bai Muxi raised his eyebrows and smiled inscrutablely.

Qi Yemo's face was still as paralyzed as before, and he couldn't see any emotion in his eyes.

Ye Huanyu trembled.

"Haha, Huanyu, come on, do you want the French style or the American style? I don't mind!" Anthony has obviously rubbed his hands and pouted his lips eagerly.

"That...Anthony..." Ye Huanyu looked at Anthony's handsome and cute face. Although he was really attractive, she couldn't kiss him.

"Kiss for a minute!" Anthony suddenly softened, and looked at Ye Huanyu with curled eyelashes.

She looked a little silly, the man from the Qi family looks so good-looking...

She found that Anthony's eyelashes were curled and cute, but Qi Yemo was slender and cold.

Seeing Anthony's smiling face pushing her closer and closer, their lips seemed to be touching——

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