Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 122 Betting on the 5th Game, Past Thoughts

To be able to kiss Anthony's beauty is something that many girls would not be envious of!


That perfect opportunity was snuffed out in the cradle by Qi Yemo!

She beat her chest and stamped her feet, regretting it...

Qi Yemo shoved her into the car, and then, the door slammed shut.

The temperature in the cabin suddenly dropped.

His bright starry eyes brushed against her cheeks that were flushed from drinking.

This time, fortunately, the concentration of the wine was not high, and she was not drunk.

Looking at her clean and bright eyes like a small elk, his eyes dimmed.

The slender knuckles couldn't help caressing her cheek.

……………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………


Why not let her kiss Anthony?

His action directly gave her the answer.

Because he doesn't like it.

So he personally returned this opportunity to her...

There seems to be factors of emotion flowing between each other.

She actually indulged in his silence.


In the carriage, ambiguous factors floated out.


His hoarse voice sounded like deep sea waves——

"Ye Huanyu, who is your white moonlight?"

Her heart skipped a beat.

Well, if you can't kiss Anthony, you won't be at a disadvantage if you kiss Qi Yemo...

Sniffing, staring deeply at his handsome and charming face, for some reason, Qi Yemo at this moment made her heart skip a beat.

She fixedly looked at him with deep eyes.There is a faint blur...

Following his tone, her slender fingertips touched his cold lips, and she smiled foolishly——

"Qi Yemo, who is your white moonlight?"


The next day, the Qi family mansion.

The first ray of dawn in the morning broke through the clouds and mist and spilled into a small iron cage.

"Hurrah..." the dog purred in sleep.

"Woooooo..." The little baby cried softly.

The servant who stayed by the cage all night has already begged for mercy three times: "Master Chenchen, please stop crying, my heart, liver, spleen and lungs are torn apart..."

Yang Yang rolled his eyes, and continued to fake cry: "You let me out, I won't cry and rupture your kidney."

The servant was embarrassing, and his face was extremely pale: "Young master, please don't torture me anymore, even if you give me ten guts, I won't dare to disobey the second young master's intention..."

Yang Yang pursed his lips, with a sad expression on his face: "Am I my father's own son? How could he be willing to hurt me like this? I'm still a child, right?"

"Uh, young master, please stop pretending to be pitiful. You have used this trick 56 times since last night. I have already said that the second young master is just to punish you, young master. I hope young master Never run away from home casually again."

Yang Yang pursed his lips, held back his sadness, and grabbed Bella, who was sleeping peacefully, "Damn it, you are so annoying, you can sleep so soundly in a cage!"

"Woo..." Bella, who was hurt by the pain, opened a misty sleepy eye, and her eyes were extremely innocent.

It's like saying, it's not a human being, it's just a dog that sleeps in a cage.

"I want to go out, I want to go out, I want to go out..." Yang Yang pouted and shouted again.

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