Liu Fen blinked, she didn't dare to look at Ye Huanyu, she just sobbed softly, "Huanhuan, mom doesn't want to sacrifice you, mom just doesn't want to see you. Dad will suffer again..."

"If you don't want him to suffer, do you deserve me to suffer?" She roared excitedly, her fists hanging on both sides clenched tightly, "You can see everything I have endured in the Ye family for so many years Yes! If you don’t let me resist them, I won’t resist. But today, this bastard. Your biological father ordered you to be beaten like this. Do you still want to favor him?”

Liu Fen gritted her teeth, looked straight into Ye Huanyu's pupils, "Yes!"

A simple word instantly destroyed the faith in Ye Huanyu's heart!

For many years, she and her mother endured humiliation in the Ye family, went through many twists and turns for her mother's illness, and even sacrificed everything for her mother.

But it turns out... still no match for a bird.Ye Shengtian who is not as good as a beast!

Tears fell like this, Ye Huanyu laughed sadly, "Mom, in your heart, where does Huanhuan rank?"

Perhaps she already knew the answer.

To her, her mother's dishonesty was far more cruel than her father's viciousness!

Liu Fen frowned, pursed her lips resentfully, unwilling to answer any more.


"Ah..." Liu Fen cried out miserably...

The sudden sound of whipping made Ye Huanyu's heart tighten.

"Lao Ye, tsk tsk, the relationship between your family is really complicated." Brother Chao slowly retracted the whip in his hand, staring at Ye Huanyu with gloomy eyes.

"Brother Chao, you have arrested my two wives and two daughters, please be merciful..." Ye Shengtian was so frightened that his face turned pale and his back was sweating profusely.

"I can show mercy, but the premise is that you have to save money, Lao Ye!"

After Brother Chao finished speaking, he swung his whip——


"Ah..." Liu Fen let out another horrific cry.

Ye Huanyu's fingertips were numb inch by inch, her heart was trembling, and her blood was cold...

The mother's shrill cry pierced through her heart, and blood oozed drop by drop.

Seeing that brother Chao is going to swing down the whip again——

"Stop!" Ye Huanyu couldn't bear it anymore, and finally shouted out!

Liu Fen seemed to secretly heave a sigh of relief.

Only then did Ye Shengtian's pale face regain some color.

The corner of Brother Chao's mouth raised a triumphant smile, "Why, the little girl figured it out?"

Ye Huanyu took a deep breath, her knuckles trembling, and she bravely looked directly at Brother Chao: "Let my mother go."

"Oh?" Brother Chao sneered, "Are you ordering me, or begging me?"

Ye Huanyu clenched her fists, "Please!"

"Hahaha, it's not impossible to let her go, exchange for [-] million!" Brother Chao grinned.

She frowned, with an extremely disgusted expression, "[-] million, I can't get it out. At most, I will try to help Mrs. Ye fight for it."

"Try?" Brother Chao frowned unhappily, "How long will it take? What if it doesn't work again? Aren't you playing with me?"

"No, no!" Ye Shengtian interrupted hastily, "How dare we play with you Brother Chao? Let her try it, please..."

Brother Chao glared at Ye Shengtian, then sized up Ye Huanyu, remained silent for a while, and nodded: "Okay, I'll give you a day!"

Ye Huanyu's pupils shrank, "One day? One day is too short..."

"You don't have the right to bargain!" Brother Chao interrupted her harshly, "If I don't get the answer I want before dark tomorrow, you will come and collect your parents' corpses!"

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