Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 145 Betting on the 7th Game, Winning or Losing

The door opens automatically.

Her heart tightened.

He opened his legs and stepped in lightly.

The room was dim, and by the floor-to-ceiling windows, a handsome and arrogant figure was shrouded in dim shadows.

The man leaned lazily, seemingly carelessly, but there was a hint of deterrence. It was a trick used by leopards. He was proud and independent but swift and brave.

A strong smell of cigarettes hits the nostrils.

Ye Huanyu felt a chill down her spine, locked the door, and took two steps forward, "I..."

The second word was stuck in his mouth.

Thinking of the meeting when I resigned with him in the morning, I swore that I would win the bet, but I didn't expect to come here at this moment.

In the dimness, she saw that indifferent figure holding a cigar between his slender knuckles, smoking gracefully.

There seemed to be no surprise at all about her presence.

Immediately afterwards, the room fell silent.

It was so quiet that I could hear her restless heartbeat.

Seeing that he didn't say a word, she took another breath and walked two steps forward, "Qi Yemo, let's talk..."

I saw the indifferent figure chuckle, and then he turned around slowly——

The cold and handsome face, and the fierce eyes flashing across the darkness, made her retreat involuntarily...

With a cigar in his finger, he could see her panic in full view.

A sneer flashed in his eyes: "Talk about Mrs. Ye, or about the bet between you and me?"

The blood on Ye Huanyu's face was gone, and there was a trace of bitterness in her heart.

Although tonight, I was already prepared to lose face in front of him, but I didn't expect to face it, it would still be very uncomfortable.

She shook her voice, and said with difficulty, "If I say, I am willing to lose this bet, can you give Ship a chance?"

"Are you willing to admit defeat?" He narrowed his eyes coldly, took a step forward, and walked slowly towards his prey like an elegant leopard, approaching her step by step.

Every time he took a step, her breathing became more and more rapid, and her footsteps followed, until her back was firmly pressed against the door panel, and there was no way to retreat.

Just when she was about to suffocate, he stood still a step away from her, and his cold voice came——

"Ye Huanyu, is Ye's so important to you? So important that you are even willing to give up your persistence for it, and would rather take the initiative to lose the bet with me?"

Among his cold words, there was one point of ridicule, two points of slight anger, three points of contempt, and four points of disbelief.

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Ye Huanyu's pale face.

She knew very well what he thought of her at this moment.

In fact, even she felt ashamed!

I still remember how she swaggered in front of him in the morning, but at this moment, she was so embarrassed.

Glancing at her eyes embarrassingly, she subconsciously bit her lips, "Mr. Ye is worthless to me, but it is my weakness. I know that no matter what I do, even if I helped Mr. Ye steal the drawings last time, you There is also a way to kick Ye Shi out of the game. Ye Shi's fate is still in your hands. So...Qi Yemo, you have won."

Or to be more correct, her weakness is her mother, whom she can never leave behind in this life.

No matter how weak and incompetent her mother is, how timid and forbearing, and how unbelievable she is, she will always be Ye Huanyu's mother. This is an indelible fact!

She couldn't do it if she wanted to just watch her mother and ignore her!

Her fate, mother's fate, and Ye's fate, in the final analysis, are all just a decision made by Qi Yemo at the snap of his fingers!

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