Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 148 Betting on the 7th Game, Winning or Losing

Yesterday was full of news about the love affair between the second child and the woman surnamed Su. Perhaps it was joy, but this morning was another photo bomb. At this moment, the old man only felt a headache.

Come to think of it, he still underestimated the second child.Or, overestimated that woman surnamed Su!

The old man finally sighed, "Second, no matter what, the boss is always your elder brother, even if you were not born by the same mother, you are still two brothers with the blood of the Qi family, so why do you have to be so extreme..."

Qi Yemo's eyes were cold.

He avoided the old man's questioning, but said indifferently, "Keep your promise."

Then, pa~ta.

Resolutely hung up the phone.

Ye Huanyu woke up the moment the phone rang.

She lay quietly, her nerves tensed because of Qi Yemo's arms that restrained her heart.

She didn't know who it was that called, but she just felt that Qi Yemo didn't seem very happy.

The room suddenly became cold again.

"Are you awake?" His deep and hoarse voice came closer, spraying a little warm breath in her ear.

It made her itch…………

Her cheeks were hot, and she tried to move away carefully.

But he caught it with his long arm, and easily brought it back.

"It's only now that I know how to be shy, isn't it too late?" His mocking voice sounded again.

"Qi, Qi Yemo...what you said last night...does it count?" She bit her lip.

He raised his eyebrows, turned her around, and forced her to press against him.

"What did you say, huh?" A frivolous voice.

Hearing it is full of ruffian words!

She stared at her almond-shaped eyes, and her anger came to her head, "You said you gave Mrs. Ye a chance!"

"Really?" He smiled lowly, "How did you know that I promised to give Mrs. Ye a chance?"

"You—" Ye Huanyu was dumbfounded, and stared at the man with a monstrous smile in front of him in disbelief, "Bastard, are you stupid?!"

For some reason, seeing her angry and flushed face, he thought it looked very pretty.

As if the annoyed she was, the happier he felt.

This is really a bad taste, but it seems that he does not reject it, but enjoys it.

"I just remember that someone ran over very spineless last night and lost the bet."

She raised her hand and punched him hard!

Embarrassed and angry: "Qi Yemo! You bastard who doesn't keep promises! I lost the bet, I've already confessed, okay? I don't care, if you don't let Mrs. Ye be shortlisted, I'll go..." For a moment In a hurry, she thought about how to threaten him, and then blurted out, "I'll tell Soso! Said you were stealing outside. Fishy! Ah..."

When she said it filled with righteous indignation, he…………………………………………

"Qi, Qi rascal..." Her breath was unsteady.

"Huh? Keep on scolding, the more you scold me, the more willing I am to punish, punish, you!"

It was rare for him to show his white and neat teeth, and that smile almost blinded her eyes!

Nima, what a wicked evildoer that will bring disaster to the country and the people!

Ye Huanyu suddenly realized--

Qi Yemo is definitely a well-dressed bird who is cold on the outside and scratchy on the inside.Beast!

She was so angry that she raised her fist and punched him on the heart several times!

Caused his dull pain.

"...Qi, Qi Yemo! Let go, let me go...".

However, this guy is not willing to let her go!

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