Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 160 The benefactor in the delivery room 5 years ago

Ye Huanyu's eyes were moist in an instant, holding a large number of shopping bags, holding his son's little hand, trotted to Rosalind, and said happily, "Have you returned to China?"

Rosalind smiled and nodded, "I've just been back for a few days. How about you, how are you doing now?"

Immediately, seeing the little boy at Ye Huanyu's feet, Rosalin immediately opened her bright eyes and asked in surprise, "Is this the beautiful boy I delivered for you back then?"

"En!" Ye Huanyu nodded excitedly, immediately leaned down, and said to her son, "Yangyang, call Auntie quickly. Aunt Rosalin is the benefactor of our mother and son."

Chenchen raised his little head, took a serious look at Rosalind, and called out obediently, "Aunt Rosalind."

"Good..." When Rosalin saw the child's handsome appearance, she fell in love with her. "Huanyu, that's great! That's great..."

Ye Huanyu knew the meaning of Rosalind's words well, her eyes were red, and she nodded hastily, "Well... Thanks to you back then... Rosalind, I will never forget this kindness..."

In fact, when her mother was seriously ill, domestic doctors were helpless and suggested that she take her mother to the United States for treatment.

And she happened to be pregnant again, so she had to ask the employer's assistant to ask her to take her mother to the United States for treatment.

In the end, the employer finally agreed, but only if they arranged for an obstetrician to take care of her at all times.

Rosalind was the doctor.

Back then, Rosalind did it for her when she had the first B-ultrasound in the United States.

When she found out that she was carrying twins, she was overjoyed.

After several times of thinking and struggling, I was finally reluctant to give up the flesh and blood in my stomach.

She could only ask Rosalind to help her conceal her employer.

Without Rosalind's help back then, Yang Yang would not have been able to stay by her side at all...

"Fool. You have said this sentence many times. You are not annoying, I am tired of hearing it." Rosalin shook her head gently, then squatted down, and hugged the well-behaved boy Get up, "Hehe, handsome boy, tell auntie what's your name?"

"Yangyang!" Chenchen's childish voice sounded softly.

"Yangyang is so good..." Rosalind felt a warm feeling in her heart.Having had a miscarriage, she can especially understand the feelings of a mother who lost her child, so she helped Ye Huanyu without hesitation back then.

At this moment, the cell phone in Rosalind's pocket rang——

Ye Huanyu quickly took her son from her arms.

Rosalin took out her mobile phone: "Hey... well, I see, I'll go back right away."

After hanging up the phone, Rosalin smiled apologetically at Ye Huanyu's mother and son, "I'm sorry, Huanyu, I have to go back to deal with something at the clinic. This is my business card, come and catch up with me when you have time."

"Well, okay! I won't delay you. Be careful on the road." Ye Huanyu took the business card with a smile.

Chenchen glanced at the information on Rosalind's business card...

Aunt Rosalin was the doctor who delivered the mother back then, and the mother said that Aunt Rosalin was the benefactor of their mother and child. It seems that the mother really concealed something.

After Rosalin left, Chen Chen took a serious look at Ye Huanyu, and suddenly asked, "Mom, why is Aunt Rosalin our benefactor?"

Ye Huanyu was stunned for a moment, " was because mother bled profusely when she gave birth to you, and it was Dr. Rosalind who saved our mother and child."

"...So simple?" Chen Chen subconsciously frowned.

"Little villain! Mom almost died in the delivery room, you actually said it was so simple?"

In fact, Ye Huanyu did not lie, she gave birth to her first child that year.

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