Yip's Company.

In order to celebrate Ye Huanyu's first day reporting to Ye's, Ye Shengtian led all the colleagues in the company to hold a small welcome party for Ye Huanyu.

When Ye Huanyu saw the red flower sign hanging at the gate of Ye's company, she froze for a moment——

A few large characters on the flower card read: [Congratulations to Ms. Ye Huanyu on her appointment as Vice President of Ye's Company].

vice president?

The corners of her mouth quivered.Ye Shengtian's top hat was too permeable.

"Daughter, come, Dad will introduce you to the new member of the Ye family, Sun Junhao Sun Advisor." Ye Shengtian enthusiastically brought Ye Huanyu to Sun Junhao.

Ye Huanyu twitched the corners of her lips lightly, because her father said 'daughter', and goosebumps stood up.He nodded politely to Sun Junhao, "Hello, Consultant Sun."

Sun Junhao maintained a gentle demeanor, and responded politely with a smile, "The vice president is polite, and Sun will rely on the vice president to take care of him from now on."

Before Ye Huanyu could say anything, Ye Shengtian laughed back first: "Hahaha! Consultant Sun, you are too modest. With your talent, you are definitely above my daughter. I should thank you very much."

Listening to Ye Shengtian's words, he admired Sun Junhao very much.

Ye Huanyu listened quietly, observing Sun Junhao's expression carefully.

She remembers heavy.On the day of Qing Restaurant, Sun Junhao asked her at the bathroom door: 【Why aren't you curious?Not curious, why did I enter Ye's?Not curious why I would be a dog beside Ye Anqi? 】

Sun Junhao's eyes looked at her again, and she avoided it reflexively.

To be honest, she was far more curious about Yuxi than Sun Junhao.

She wondered where Sun Junhao went to pick up Yuxi that day?She was curious about how Yu Xi had been doing in the past few years?

However, she couldn't ask each of these curiosity.

"Dad! Can the welcome party be over? It has made the whole company a mess and affected everyone's work!" Ye Anqi endured it all morning, and finally couldn't help complaining.

Ye Shengtian glanced at Ye Anqi in displeasure, pulled her aside, and said in a low voice, "Don't you know that your sister is now the celebrity in front of Mr. Qi? What's the benefit of offending her? Please restrain yourself!"

When Ye Anqi was scolded by her father, she really became a lot more honest.

But the blue and white intertwined expression on his face and the sharp and resentful eyes still appeared.sold her emotions.

Ye Huanyu naturally took these things into consideration.

Instead, with the posture of an outsider, he watched the confrontation between Ye's father and daughter blushing.

Sun Junhao glanced at Ye's father and daughter who were not far away, and then glanced at Ye Huanyu, and asked softly, "Vice President, is Ye's really so important to you?"

Ye Huanyu was startled.

He raised his eyes and looked at Sun Junhao.She didn't expect him to ask such a question suddenly.

As for this sentence, Qi Yemo had questioned her many times, is Ye Shi really so important to her?

"Heh..." She smiled sadly, thinking of Qi Yemo, her forehead felt aching again, it seemed that in her life, the three words 'Qi Yemo' would always pop up inadvertently. "Why does Advisor Sun ask such a question?"

Sun Junhao's dark eyes flickered, "Ye Shi has obviously been kicked out by Qi Shi, and the vice president has a way to come back to life, which made President Qi change his mind for the first time! Among them, the vice president must have used a lot of methods, right? Ruo Ye Shi is not important, why does the vice president have to work so hard?"

"Really? Even you think so?"

She smiled bitterly, how would the world know that her biological parents had both betrayed her, how could she express that kind of heartache?

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