Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 165 Going to the battlefield in person

In her impression, Sun Junhao next to Yuxi has always been gentle and polite.

On the contrary, Ye Anqi, who always loves to play, has a chaotic relationship between men and women.

"Ye Anqi, I don't care what kind of relationship you have with Sun Junhao, but he is a decent man, don't let him down!"

In this life, Yu Xi and Qi Yemo are probably the only men she can't get Ye Anqi.

However, the two men that Ye Anqi wanted the most only had eyes for Ye Huanyu!

Ye Anqi became even more resentful, "What right do you have to control me? Don't tell me, you don't enjoy Qi Yemo's touch! What, is he fierce? Are you happy?"

She reveals.The bone-chilling words made Ye Huanyu's cheeks burn.

"What nonsense are you talking about!" She subconsciously avoided Ye Anqi's sight.

"Stop pretending! Apart from your low-slung body, what do you think you can do to make Qi Yemo take back his life?" Ye Anqi swept Ye Huanyu's flushed cheeks contemptuously, "You know, I hate to see you pretending The way you look! Back then, Yuxi only had you in his heart, and now Qi Yemo is only willing to go. You, Ye Huanyu, you are a fox. The daughter of Jingsheng is born with a foxy taste..."

Ye Huanyu's expression darkened.Pursing his lips, he didn't say anything.

In the past, she would definitely defend her mother's dignity to the death, but now, she couldn't even utter a single rebuttal.

She didn't want to argue with Ye Anqi again, so she took out a document and looked through it.

"What? Are you dumb? Or did I hit the mark?" Ye Anqi sneered, "Don't pretend to be very capable, anyway, you wash it. Clean it up and take care of it yourself. Just wait for Qi Yemo, deputy, president, and president!"

Putting down a sarcasm, Ye Anqi left proudly.


Finally came the second round of the 'Ying' project.The day of the open competition.

Early in the morning, Qi's Building was packed to the brim.

The media from all walks of life shot and fired, and their cameras were aimed at Qi's building.

What was even more sensational than the first round of the competition was the image spokesperson of the 'Ying' project——

Soso, will attend in full costumes, to create a grand momentum for the "Ying" project.

Su Yingwan, who came back from overseas, made a high-profile appearance in front of the domestic media for the first time.

Especially the overwhelming news that Soso and Qi Yemo's ten-year relationship ended a while ago, it was even more noisy.

As a result, Soso has just returned to China, and without any domestic representative works, he can become famous overnight and cause a sensation all over the country.

This is an extremely rare case in the country.

Under the protection of his manager and several assistants, Soso got out of the limousine.

The reporters swarmed up at once——

"Soso, you are prettier than you look on camera! Excuse me, some reports claimed that you and Mr. Qi Ye and Mo Qi have been dating for ten years. Is it true?"

"You really broke up? Mr. Qi really cheated?"

"May I ask who the third party is, can Soso disclose it. Tell me?"


Soso faced hundreds of media without fear.

As if born to be a beauty under the camera, dignified, gentle, beautiful and humble.

She maintained the smiling posture of a noble lady, stood still slightly, and said with a soft smile: "Hehe, I just returned to China, and I am still getting used to it these days. As for the rumors in the newspapers, I will not respond. The purpose of my visit today is It is for the platform of the 'Ying' project, and I hope everyone will pay more attention to this project."

In the gentle and sweet voice, he said that he did not respond, but made a high-profile platform for the 'Ying' project, and the words between the lines fully showed that he had an extraordinary relationship with Qi Yemo.

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