Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 170 Going to the battlefield in person

Ye Huanyu was hugged by Qi Yemo and went directly into the exclusive elevator.

Go straight to the lounge of the president's office.

He directly pressed the internal number, and just said to Linda succinctly, "Go and buy some women's underwear and clothes. By the way, buy a box of painkillers for dysmenorrhea."

Then, hang up the phone decisively.

He carried Ye Huanyu into the bedroom again.

"Put me down!" She was pale and sweating profusely.

The pain in her stomach made her tremble uncontrollably.

Qi Yemo ignored her, and put her directly on the big bunk.

The dark eyes brushed the scarlet blood stains between her trousers, frowned, and scolded, "You really know how to pick the time and place! What day is hard to choose, but today!"

In his complaining tone, there seemed to be a little dissatisfaction, and he seemed to be mocking her.

After all, today is the day of the second round of the tournament.

These words reminded her!

"I still have to go to the competition..." The body that had just lay down was about to get up again.

But he was blocked by Qi Yemo's long arm!

It is rare for him to be emotional on weekdays, but at this moment there is a deep displeasure in his deep eyes.

"Whose face are you going to lose face by going out like this?" He unconsciously raised his emphasis, as if saying that he was the one she was embarrassing.

She couldn't resist his brute strength, after several struggles, she was already exhausted from the pain.

"Lie down for me!" He frowned, and reprimanded, but with a little indulgence that could not be detected.

Ye Huanyu's heart was instantly warmed...

Watching his stalwart body enter the bathroom...

It's not that she didn't notice that his pants were also stained with her blood just now.

He who has always been a clean freak, this time... he didn't get angry at her.

The heart seemed to be attacked by something, and it missed a beat.

She bit her lip, she didn't have time to think deeply about those...

Waves of pain and exhaustion struck*, and she fell into a drowsy sleep...


In a trance.

Ye Huanyu, who was in a drowsy sleep, seemed to be aware of someone coming in...

She smelled a fresh fragrance, a refreshing feminine perfume.

When she opened her eyes, the house was empty again.

Qi Yemo was also missing.

Is it a hallucination?

She raised her eyes, and didn't wake up until she saw the feminine products and a box of painkillers beside the pillow!

"Oops... Sun Junhao is still downstairs!"

Before she had time to think, she grabbed her clothes and rushed into the bathroom...


When Ye Huanyu returned to the competition venue——

"The first round is over." Sun Junhao told her, "Vice President, the second round is about to start... Have you changed your clothes?"

"Oh..." Ye Huanyu breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately there was no delay.Big mistake.

She glanced down at the pink dress she was wearing, and said perfunctorily, "Well, the original dress was accidentally dirty..."

In fact, she also struggled a bit before putting on this pink outfit.

Qi Yemo's obsession.Sure enough, it changed.state!

Fuck it, he thinks she's still a six-year-old little loli?

"Vice President, are you too nervous? Are you so pale?" Sun Junhao asked.

"'s okay..." Ye Huanyu nodded with a smile.

After resting for a while, the pain was not so obvious.

"That's good. The second game depends on the vice president's performance!"

She nodded, her expression suddenly became serious...

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