Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 174 The Little Boy With Fireworks Perm

Sun Junhao glanced at Ye Huanyu, then at Qi Yemo who had gone away, "Vice President, didn't I tell you? Someone will fulfill your wish for you! So, it doesn't matter if it's someone else's work or not." Woolen cloth?"

Ye Huanyu's nerves tensed up!

The cold sweat on her forehead had already made her lose her mind to pursue Sun Junhao, not to mention, she was afraid that once the piece of paper was pierced, the person behind Sun Junhao's point would really be... Yuxi.She dare not even think about it!

"Well... I'm not feeling well, I want to go home and rest. Please help me take a leave from the company, I won't go back to Ye's."

Sun Junhao frowned, and asked with concern, "Vice President, do you need me to take you to the hospital?"

"Hey... no, no need."

How could she say that it was just dysmenorrhea?What's more, before her period came, she happened to be treated like a scumbag by Qi Yemo.Trespassed!As a result, her stomach is still swollen.

Carrying her bag and saying goodbye to Ye's team, Ye Huanyu hurried out of Qi's...

It's just that she didn't realize that there was a pair of resentful eyes hidden behind her...


Star Children's School.

On this day, the sky is clear and sunny.

Chenchen just came out of school with her schoolbag on her back. She passed by an alley and saw a small figure standing furtively at the end of the alley.

That small figure, with a slapped face and a white face, was wearing a pair of oversized clams.toad mirror.

Delicate and soft 丨 smooth black hair, combed the most in the most fashionable——

Fireworks hot hairstyle!

The hair is fluffy and explosive, and the hairstyle lines can be grasped by dipping the wax in the hand, just like the fireworks scattered in the sky, which shows the individuality extremely.

Fireworks are beautiful, especially when they bloom in the sky, they are gorgeous and colorful.


Has anyone ever seen a firework stacked on the head look good?

What's more, it's still an exploding firework...

Chen Chen unconsciously frowned, and his eyes showed helplessness.

If he could, he really didn't want to admit that this creepy little figure was Yang Yang who looked exactly like him!

"Ah, hello..." Yang Yang obviously saw Chen Chen, looked left and right, and then hurried over with his short legs.

Chenchen stood still, "I'm not, hey, I'm your brother."

Yang Yang pouted, and helped some big clams on the bridge of his nose.Toad Mirror, "Stop talking nonsense, who is who? You may not be sure! What did you find out recently?"

Chenchen looked Yangyang up and down, and then took a serious look at Yangyang's fireworks perm hairstyle, then hummed in an extremely disgusted tone——

"What provoked you? Whole self-mutilation like this Afro?"

"Exploding head? Self-mutilation?" Yang Yang cried out in disapproval, and hurriedly picked off the clam.Toad Mirror stared at Chenchen, "Please, this is the hottest firework perm! People who have no courage dare not perm this hairstyle! You really have no vision!"

Chenchen raised his brows, still with a calm expression on his face, "You don't need to ask to know that it was Uncle San who burned you?"

"Hey." Yang Yang scratched his exploding head, and grinned, showing his small teeth, "You don't know, third uncle took me to many places to fool around recently, Emma is so fun..."

"No wonder! I called you three times, but you didn't even come out to see me!" Chenchen knew that Yang Yang was actually suitable for the Qi family.

Yang Yang is a pure optimist, usually sad things will only be stored in his little head for one night, and when he wakes up, he still smiles happily.

In addition, Yang Yang, like the third uncle, likes to show off and go around without heart and heart, so it is not surprising that he and the third uncle like each other like a nest of snakes and rats.

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