And these bruises on his body are the marks left by those servants when he fought with his father that day, in order to save Bella.It's not all right yet.

"Qi Yemo, you bastard!" After Ye Huanyu listened to Chenchen's story, there were tears of distress in his eyes, and the flames of anger in his pupils! "How dare you treat your own son like this!"

He remembered Qi Yemo's rough treatment of Yang Yang before.Ye Huanyu couldn't help but feel sorry for the two children because of the violence.

Chenchen's melancholy pretty face was full of guilt, and he choked, "Mom, I'm very selfish, right? I selfishly let Yangyang replace me..."

"Fool!" Ye Huanyu took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in her heart, and brushed her son compassionately, "Actually, you and your father have very similar personalities, they are both too calm, too stubborn, too proud, and you will only lose if you fight head-on. On the contrary, that child Yangyang is very cunning, so mother doesn't worry that Yangyang will get hurt if he goes to Qi's house, it's just..."

"Just what?" Chenchen asked curiously.

"It's just that mother is worried. Yang Yang can't hide his words in his heart, so he will confess mother and you in front of you and father." Ye Huanyu sighed.

Chenchen's tender little hands clung to her mother's face, and her jet-black eyes shone with a thoughtfulness that didn't match her age, "Mom, these days, I have been wondering why Yangyang and I can't have mother and mother at the same time." Dad? Why have we been separated from each other for five years, but we don’t know each other’s existence? Why did Dad never mention Mom, why did Mom say that Dad turned into a bird and flew into the sky? So many questions are in my mind, and I always have to to the answer..."

"So, you dare not open your mouth to ask mom directly, are you afraid that once you know the truth, you will be forced to change identities with Yangyang and return to Qi's house in the end?"

Maybe mother and child are connected, Ye Huanyu can easily see through this little guy Min.Emotional but sad thoughts.

"... Mmm." Chenchen snorted cautiously.

Ye Huanyu hugged her son tightly in her arms with distress, "Silly boy! Who said Chenchen is a genius? Hehe, in the eyes of mother, he is just a little fool..."

How lucky she is, the child in her arms, warm touch.How real the feeling is.She couldn't help her heart pounding.

Is this happiness?

Holding her son tightly, her eyes were wet.Run, telling the secret that has been hidden in the bottom of my heart for five years, "Little fool! The reason why mother didn't tell you is because... Yangyang is actually mother's selfishness. The Qi family doesn't know about the child left behind by Yangyang The presence."

Chenchen immediately understood, "So mother is afraid that once the Qi family finds out about Yangyang's existence, they will take Yangyang away, isn't it?"

"Hmm..." Ye Huanyu nodded sourly.

Chenchen's exquisite seven-aperture heart, and Yangyang's cute and clear heart, all made her feel grateful to her fate. If she had a son like this, what more could a husband ask for?

This night, the mother and son, who had been separated for five years, nestled warmly in the bed and chatted all night, all night...


Early the next morning.

Ye Huanyu got up early and started making breakfast.

Chenchen Xu is a legacy.Passed down from his father's cleanliness, as usual, he folded the quilt neatly and cleaned himself up.

"Baby, Yang Yang likes hot and sour food, how about you?" Ye Huanyu's voice came from the kitchen where rice noodles were cooking.

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