Nine months later, America.

On a blue and clear day, in a delivery room——

"Relax, relax a little..."

"Very well, come on, inhale, exhale, inhale, hold your breath... hard—"


"Yeah, great! Breathe in again...and push—"

Ye Huanyu's delicate and beautiful face was covered with crystal beads of sweat, and her expression was distorted due to the severe pain of childbirth!

"It hurts...Doctor, it hurts..." She bit her lip and wailed hoarsely.

"Don't be afraid! Let's try harder..." Rosalin was a female doctor who delivered her in the United States.

Ye Huanyu's face turned pale, and she almost exhausted all her strength.

"Ah..." There was another sharp pain, and she screamed out.

"Oh God, see the baby's head..." cried Rosalind joyfully. "Come on, dear..."

Ye Huanyu trembled, gritted her teeth and exerted herself, "Ah..."



"Oh my god, that's great, it's born... the first baby is out..."

"Wow——" a loud baby cry.

Delineate the bankrupt house.

Ye Huanyu watched Rosalind carry out a small wrinkled baby, and her tears instantly burst into tears.

"It's great, it's a very healthy baby boy." Rosalind showed the baby to her.

The baby has a small body, a small head, everything is so cute.

Those little limbs were still shaking in Rosalind's hands, crying.

The wrinkled facial features haven't even stretched out yet.

Looking at the child, Ye Huanyu's tears were like beads with a broken thread.

"" She choked up in a low voice.

More than nine months of pregnancy made her and the twins in her womb forge a mother-child relationship.

However, while rejoicing to welcome the arrival of a new life, sadness also follows.

"Rosalind, I can't bear it... I can't bear my child..."

When her father was imprisoned, she saw him off with great pain and never cried.

When her mother was seriously ill, she gritted her teeth to raise money and held back tears.

She didn't even look back at Yuxi when going through the formalities for suspension of school.Even though he was once the sunshine in her life.

Even after going through so many difficulties, she still stubbornly refuses to shed a tear.

But at this moment, the child was crying so real and clearly in front of her that she burst into tears and couldn't make a sound.

Baby, I'm so sorry...


At this moment, two female nurses broke in.

"Doctor Rosalind, the child can be handed over to us."

Ye Huanyu's expression tightened, and she shouted almost reflexively, "Don't..."

"Miss Ye, Assistant Lin's car is already waiting outside. The plane will take off for home in an hour. We have to take the child away."

Regardless of Ye Huanyu's objection, the nurse walked over and hugged the baby.

"Let me hug the baby, please, I only hug this once..."

Ye Huanyu's eyes were full of tears. Although she already knew that the child would not belong to her, when she actually faced it, her heart was cut like a knife.

"I'm sorry. Assistant Lin said that I was afraid that you would be reluctant to part with the child, so let us take it away as soon as possible."

While talking, the two nurses swiftly put the baby into the baby incubator brought in in advance.

"Please, let me take another look at the baby..." Ye Huanyu begged bitterly.

"Sorry, no. Assistant Lin said that he will remit the rest of the money to you as soon as possible. This child will have nothing to do with you from now on."

After finishing speaking, the two nurses hugged the child and quickly left...

"Baby... my baby..."

Ye Huanyu's face paled instantly as she watched her newborn baby being carried away.

She didn't even have time to see the child clearly.

Not even a good hug.

It turns out that being separated from one's own flesh and blood is so painful!

It hurts so much!

Immediately afterwards, there was another burst of pain in her abdomen, which tore every nerve in her.

She clutched her stomach and sweated profusely——

" hurts...I hurt..."

Rosalind hurriedly shouted: "Oh, thank God, it's a good thing the second child has been kept from them, don't be afraid dear, take a deep breath...inhale...exhale..."

——Author’s words——

Why is the heroine pregnant with twins but the hero doesn't know?Why was the heroine able to steal a son smoothly?Everyone will understand if you continue to read, the story begins, it will be fun~ Thank you for your likes (^@^)//

Everyone, please pay attention to Shizi's Weibo.

Tencent Weibo: Grace Wang Shizi

Sina Weibo: Grace Prince Wang Shizi

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