Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 206 Drawing Dragons, Tigers and Dog Bones

She raised her eyes that were shining with water, and fell into his arms in an instant, muttering in a muffled voice, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to..."

Xu is really scared.

This time, it was rare for her to be well-behaved and immediately admit her mistake.

The wet body kept shrinking into his arms.

My heart is warm.

He was very angry, and there were faint veins on Jun's face.

and brought her up,

Like a dog in the water, he held her in his arms, and hurried ashore without saying a word.

Walking to the edge of the deck chair, he threw her into the sand beside the deck chair as if he was breathing.

With a stiff face, he drew from his back~bag.He took out a big dark blue towel, covered her forehead, and said three words coldly, "Wipe clean!"

Then, ignore her and sit back on the recliner.

Pick up the electronic drawing board, draw again with a sullen face...

Ye Huanyu squatted at his feet like a puppy, took off the towel, wiped her wet self, and looked pitifully at the man with furrowed eyebrows...

"Hey... don't be angry, okay..."

He snorted.

With downcast eyes, he drew directly on the drawing board.

Her hair was still wet and dripping with water.His handsome face was full of coldness and concentration.

Ye Huanyu pouted aggrievedly, and grabbed the towel in her hands. This time... she admitted that she was indeed negligent.

Swimming and swimming, I unknowingly swam to the deep sea area.If he hadn't appeared in time, the consequences would be unimaginable!

Blinking and blinking her bright black eyes, it seemed that the deep pool in the bay was about to be quenched.Shui'er came, "Qi Yemo..."

He was cold and did not respond.

"Yemo..." She whispered cautiously.

He remained unmoved.


His tense face was extremely ugly.

"...That, Ermo..." She puffed her cheeks delicately, and continued to call.

Who knows, but it caused two sharp white eyes from him!

"Eh..." Well, she swallowed, Ren resisted the goosebumps, and shyly called out, "Mo'er..."

He was still as stable as Mount Tai, but his knuckles seemed to be rattling.

Sighing, Ye Huanyu was completely defeated by this sullen man.

Rolling her eyes helplessly, she struggled with her facial features, and vomited coquettishly——



Qi Yemo squirmed inwardly.The sound of blood!

Immediately, he raised his gloomy eagle eyes, gave Ye Huanyu a vicious look, gritted his teeth and said, "Don't you dare to shout again!"

Oh yeah!Finally there is a response!Ye Huanyu immediately cheered in her heart!

Smiling like a dog~legs.Son, with eyebrows bent, immediately crawled over——

He hugged Qi Yemo's little boy.legs, while stroking his thick and sexy leg hair, hey, hands.I feel good.It appears that his injured leg is close to recovery.

Then, she pouted and begged for mercy: "Stop yelling, stop yelling, okay. Don't be angry with me again, I really didn't mean it, who would make fun of his own life, wouldn't he?"

Qi Yemo stared at the movement of her stroking ~ his leg hair, and a hint of annoyance flickered in his superb eyes, "Get your claws away!"

How can this woman treat him like a dog?

"... Hehe." She laughed dryly, and quickly let go of her hands.Squatting down next to his reclining chair, "Don't be angry, at most, at most I'll let you punish me..."

"Punish me?" His cold eyes were deep.

She couldn't help but feel a chill down her spine, but she could only bite the bullet and nod her head.

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