Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 212 Son Dissatisfied with Other Women

Facing Qi Yemo, Su Yingwan has been like a day for ten years.

She has always known that his taciturn, calm and self-possessed temperament will only flicker slightly between his eyebrows when his son is mentioned.mood.

Five years ago, when she learned that Yemo wanted an heir, she really thought he would give her another life.

But unexpectedly, Mrs. Qi found a strange woman to replace her.pregnant.

And Yemo actually agreed!

For the past five years, Yemo's son has always been a thorn in her heart.

It wasn't until she broke up with Yemo a few days ago that she was exhausted that she had to change her strategy.

"Qin Huo, go get him up." As soon as Qi Yemo's low words came out, the temperature suddenly dropped several degrees.

Su Yingwan hurriedly stood up, stood beside Qin Huo, and shook her head hastily, "Yemo, let me go, after all, Chenchen is just a child."

Qi Yemo was silent, Su Yingwan knew his character too well, this was his default expression.

So, she hurriedly turned around and walked into the back room...

Qin Huo looked at Su Yingwan's back, and frowned subconsciously. For some reason, he had been used to Miss Su's gentleness, skillfulness, thoughtfulness and grace in the past ten years, and even felt that only a woman with outstanding temperament like Miss Su was worthy of his master. .

But——after meeting Ye Huanyu, Qin Huo recalled Miss Ye's cold, plain face and Master's tense face at the airport before, and thought, perhaps a woman like Miss Ye could arouse Master's emotions and desires?

"Master, why don't you ask your subordinates to send Young Master Chenchen back to Qi Mansion? What's more, Miss Su is back now, so it may not be convenient for Young Master Chenchen to live here..."

Qi Yemo's eyes turned cold, and his voice was frighteningly soft: "Qin Huo, are you kicking my son away for a woman?"

Qin Huo was startled. "Subordinates dare not..."

Suddenly, an extremely impatient child's voice came from the back room——

"...Let go of me! You fox. Fine! Get the hell out of me..."

Then, there was a rustling sound, and then, Su Yingwan's aggrieved voice came, "Chenchen, good boy... Aunt Soso knows that you wake up from sleep, you must be unhappy. But you. Dad is back..."

"Come back when he comes back, it's none of my business! Get the hell out of me, the smell of your perfume is going to kill me..."

"Chenchen can't be rude to Dad, be good. Come on, Aunt Soso hugs you..."

"Oh, get out of here! Didn't I say last night that you get out of here and don't bother me? Why are you still there? You're still haunted. Scratch Auntie!!"

"...Chenchen, you hurt Auntie's heart very much..."


Immediately, a gust of cold wind blew through the door.

A voice that could lower the inner room by [-] degrees rang out——

"Qi Sichen! Who taught you to be so rude to elders?!"

The little body nestled in the quilt, after all, was only five years old, was still trembling in fright at the low growl that suddenly broke in.

Only then did Yang Yang open his sleepy eyes, and glanced at the bird man by the door.

Small.She pursed her lips, and a few sparks flashed in her eyes, "She is not an elder! She is a fox who wants to be me. Mother. Fine!"

In fact, it started from the moment Su Yingwan entered the room in a grand manner last night.

Yang Yang felt that this woman was not kind.

Superficially coaxing him and asking him how he is, but he just doesn't like her!

because she said—

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