Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 218 Embrace Under the Blue Sky

"But Yangyang..."

"Mom is also very reluctant to suffer for Yang Yang. I just blame Mom for not being able to make you all live well. It's Mom's fault..." At this moment, she really hated herself for not being able to fight Qi Yemo!

Chenchen nestled into her mother's arms, shook her head, and frowned, "It's not mother's fault, mother, don't blame yourself, after all, no one wants this kind of situation to happen..."

"Oh... what should mother do, what should I do?"

For a moment, she also panicked.

Facing Qi Yemo, how should she get her child back?However, does she have a stand?


Early the next morning.

Just sent Chenchen to the school bus.

Ye Huanyu was called back to Ye's company by her father Ye Shengtian's phone call.

As soon as the high heels stepped into Ye Shengtian's office, she heard Ye Anqi's delighted laughter——

"Yuxi, it's great to have you back! I haven't seen you for a few years, and you are still as handsome and charming as before, hehehe..."

Ye Huanyu's heart skipped a beat.

The figure sitting on the sofa made her eyes burn.

Sun Junhao is also there.Seeing Ye Huanyu come in, he nodded politely, "Vice President."

Seeing Ye Huanyu, Ye Shengtian immediately waved, "Come here."

Ye Huanyu suddenly felt her feet trembling slightly. On the way to walk, her high heels accidentally sprained.

She hurried to the sofa pretending nothing happened, and sat down beside Sun Junhao.

Ye Shengtian glanced at Yuxi with a smile, "Yuxi, I just heard from An Qi that you and Huanyu are also old classmates, so I don't need to introduce you, haha?"

Yuxi sat opposite Ye Huanyu, nodded politely and modestly at Ye Shengtian, "Yes, Uncle Ye."

Then, Junxiu glanced at Ye Huanyu lightly, and said with a smile, "Huanyu, we meet again."

Ye Huanyu's face turned pale, concealing the panic in her heart, and responded calmly, "Yes, we meet again."

It's just that she didn't expect it to be so soon!

It was almost yesterday that I watched him take the plane to S City, but we met again this morning!

"I heard from Consultant Sun that Yuxi just returned to City A this morning, and she rushed to Ye's to work non-stop. Yuxi, uncle is very grateful for your willingness to come and help! This time, Ye's has added another hero!"

"Go to work?" Ye Huanyu was startled.

Anqi Ye frowned displeasedly, "Why, Yuxi is not welcome. Come to Ye's? Yuxi is the chief architect that my father specially invited here!"

When they were young, this group of children who used to be sad and noisy, now faded away from the youthfulness they once were, and all of them put on suits and skirts, and gathered together again. The tension of swords and swords in the past has long been gone, but the calmness under the mature appearance.

It can be said that Ye Huanyu knew nothing about Yuxi in the past five years.It's just unexpected that this time, Yuxi became Ye's chief architect!

"Yuxi is a new star in the European and American architectural circles today! Dad, you have Yuxi's help, and this project must belong to Ye's family!" Ye Anqi made no secret of her joy for Yuxi, even under Sun Junhao In front of her, she never hesitated.

"Yes!" Ye Shengtian smiled and opened his eyebrows, "Huanyu, you have to work harder with Mr. Qi, now Dad has equipped you with technical talents, so don't lose the chain at the critical moment! Yuxi,' Ying 'Engineering is a project for you to worry about."

"Uncle, don't be so polite. I should thank you for giving me this opportunity to show my talents." Yuxi was as quiet as before. He took a deep look at Ye Huanyu and stretched out his hand, "Huanyu, I hope we can cooperate happily."

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