Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 238 My name is mother and sister, what does mother call father

Immediately, his cold and charming voice came from beside his ears, "Ye Huanyu, you have to understand one thing, you are a nanny, but you are not just my son's nanny!"

She shuddered!

"What do you mean?"

"The literal meaning, don't you understand?" After finishing speaking, he easily pulled her into his arms with his strong arms, and then strode towards his big bedroom...

Ye Huanyu struggled reflexively, "Speak clearly! Qi Yemo! From the beginning to the end, I only promise to be your son's nanny!"

"Hmm, I also need a nanny!" He said coolly and easily.

Her chest vomited blood in anger, her eyes widened, and she was furious, "Bastard, who is going to be your nanny?! Let me go—"

She hasn't forgotten what this guy did to her in the armored Humvee before!

She holds a grudge very much!

He never thought she would serve him!

Stretching out her hand, her nails flicked up.

He twisted his ears and pinched them.

"Hiss—" He gasped in pain, and quickly freed up a hand to stop her attack! "You crazy!"

"If you don't let me go, I will go crazy!" She gritted her teeth, opened her mouth and bit down on his arm——

"Hmm..." He mumbled in pain. "Ye Huanyu, shut up..."

She just doesn't, she bites hard.

He insisted on not letting go!

The two just entangled and fought all the way, baring their teeth and claws, their hair lingering.Messy, horrible...


Until the bedroom door was closed by him with his backhand!

This battle finally ended with Ye Huanyu being preyed upon by the jungle!


After a fight, she was already disheveled and out of breath from exhaustion...

"Bastard, what on earth do you want?"

Qi Yemo frowned, staring at the tooth marks on his arm, is this woman a dog? She is more ruthless than him!

"I haven't asked you yet. Didn't you cry before, looking like you wanted to kill me, why did you suddenly come to the door?" He folded his arms, stood by the window, and looked down at the person lying on his back Son--

Her long black hair was scattered on the snow-white sheets, and her face was white.Her fair skin was flushed pink from the fight just now.

A pair of bright and clear eyes stared at him fiercely, shining beautifully.

His eyes suddenly dimmed.

Ye Huanyu's heart tightened, she gritted her teeth, if it wasn't for her son, would she have committed the crime of swallowing her anger in front of him?

Avoiding his aggressive gaze, she swallowed and said perfunctorily, "Oh, I just figured it out later, the reason you did that was because you were jealous, you can't see me with other men..."

"Shut up!" She coldly said 'jealous', which made his eyes flutter slightly, but he quickly covered it up, and gritted his teeth, "Who told you, I'm jealous?"

After the cold voice fell, his long and tall body bent down immediately...

Her heart skipped a beat!

"No...not jealous, what is that?"

He frowned tightly, stretched out his slender and vigorous knuckles, and brushed her smooth face, his voice was as deep as a ghost, "Did you forget, I have a cleanliness freak, I don't like people touching me s things!"

His word 'something' made her eyes twinkle.

"Fuck your thing! You are the thing, no, you are not a thing!"

She opened her mouth angrily, and bit his fingertips fiercely——

He gasped, his eyes were cold, "Ye Huanyu, you little dog—"

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