Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 242 Chapter 247, count you cruel

"Resign?" Yu Xi was obviously taken aback.

Ye Huanyu nodded with a smile, holding the phone, still looking at Chenchen tenderly, "Yeah, Yuxi, I'm tired. Architecture doesn't suit me at all, I'll leave it to you from now on."

"Huanyu, what's wrong with you?" Yuxi's voice was full of worry, "Well, why did you resign? You know, if it wasn't because of you, I wouldn't have joined Ye's..."

"I'm sorry, Yuxi—" She hastily interrupted his words, only Chenchen's handsome white was in her bright eyes.Xi's small.Face, took a deep breath, "You asked me the answer yesterday, I think I can give it to you now..."

"No!" Yuxi hastily denied, "Huanyu, I don't want your sorry! This is not the answer I want! Obviously you can choose again, why do you resist me? Why do you have to wait until I am strong enough to protect you , but you want to say sorry? Huanyu, I don't want to hear such an answer, I refuse your resignation, stop making trouble, okay?"

Yuxi's heartfelt words touched her heartstrings.

She looked at her son, her eyes suddenly felt hot, "Yuxi... do you know what I have experienced in the past five years? How can you be sure that Ye Huanyu five years from now will still be the Ye Huanyu you like? I No fuss, really. I just don’t want to deal with the 'Ying' project anymore...I’m so tired, I want to rest, and you still have a bright future, why waste it on me?"

"..." Yuxi fell silent on the phone.

Ye Huanyu seemed to be able to hear the sadness on the other end of the phone.

If the fate can be repeated, she hopes to hold on to Yuxi's hand and never let go.

But, she already has a pair of sons. Before her sons are unhappy, what right does she have to talk about her own happiness?

It is also because Yuxi is so perfect that she doesn't want to delay his youth, don't want to waste his years, he deserves a better woman...

"Yuxi..." She was just about to speak.

But he interrupted hastily, "Don't make this decision lightly, Huanyu! Give me a little more time, okay? I'll let you know that I'm your best choice!"

"Yuxi—" Dududu.

He has hung up the phone.

Ye Huanyu stared at the screen in a daze.He faintly felt that there was something in Yu Xi's words, but he couldn't figure it out anyway.

Raising his eyes again, Chenchen's shiny black pupils were already looking at her.

"What's wrong?" She stroked her face and smiled warmly, "Looking at mom like this, is there something dirty on mom's face?"

Chenchen shook his head quietly, and suddenly asked, "Doesn't Mom like Dad?"

Her heart trembled, a little surprised, "Why do you ask that?"

"When Mommy just called, she looked very gentle. It's completely different from when she called Dad." Chenchen had a delicate mind, and he had obviously noticed it a long time ago.

She sighed faintly, because she didn't know that Chen Chen was pretending to be Yang Yang, so she complained a lot about Qi Yemo's bastard things in front of the child.

Xu is of flesh and blood nature.Well, she knew that Chenchen still loved him very much in his heart.father's.

Otherwise, all these years, the child would not have tried everything just for him.Father is looking at him!

Feeling distressed, she put down the phone, walked to her son, and hugged her son affectionately, "Where is Chen Chen hoping?"

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