Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 25, the woman who was kicked away

Ye Huanyu waited for the mother and child to rest.

He took the purse and went out.

Along the way, I thought about all the things that happened in the past few days.

From the night of offending Qi Yemo to Li Guangshi's threat.

Then to the humiliation of the father in the prison, and to the loss of Yangyang...

Scene after scene, like a movie.

It was so real it took her breath away.

On the way, the phone rang.

The phone just got connected.

Then I heard Li Guangzhen's disgusting voice laughing wildly.

"Ye Huanyu, how are you thinking?"

Her knuckles trembling while holding the phone: "Li Guangshen, I'll come to the company right away to give you an answer!"

"Have fun, Ye Huanyu! I'll wait." Li Guang smiled sinisterly.


Guangshi Company, General Manager's Office

Li Guang even looked at Ye Huanyu at the desk, staring at him with a pale face.

Can't help but bend his lips and smile.

That seemingly gentle face was full of sinister calculations.

"Ye Huanyu, don't you hate me so much that you don't even dare drink a cup of tea?"

"Why does Mr. Li think that after drinking a glass of champagne from you, I will drink anything you send?"

Ye Huanyu sneered.

Looking at Li Guangzhen's scholarly face, he suddenly felt that he was extremely stupid. Why couldn't he see that this fellow was a wolf in human skin at all?

"Hahaha, Ye Huanyu, let's stop beating around the bush, let's open the skylight and speak the truth!"

Li Guangshi no longer beat around the bush.


A thick folder was thrown in front of Ye Huanyu.

"Here is the business information of the Qi Group, you take it back and memorize it."

Ye Huanyu glanced at the thick documents, frowned, "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting. It's because of you, Ms. Ye, that Boss Qi canceled our Guangshi's bidding right. I'm just trying to remedy it."

Ye Huanyu sneered.

Obviously the victim was her, but he said that he was the victim.

She finally understood that there is never a lower limit for shameless people in this world.

Li Guang shrugged indifferently, "You're lucky. I just found someone to get in touch with. Fortunately, I have a few elders who still have a little face in front of Mr. Qi. Mr. Qi said, as long as you agree to do something for him , he will have a way to persuade Mr. Qi to restore Guangshi's quota."

Ye Huanyu's heartstrings tightened.

Subconsciously tightening the eyebrows, "Master Qi also knows me?"

"Hahaha! At that dinner party, Mr. Qi took off his coat to save you as a hero in front of everyone, but he kicked you out of the bed that night. Do you think these things can not be heard by Mr. Qi?"

Ye Huanyu's face was red and white.

Who knew that Qi Yemo's reason for being a "hero to save the beauty" that day was simply to find an opportunity to humiliate her back!

And she, the woman who was kicked out of the window, must have become a big laughing stock.

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to calm down.

"So, what does Master Qi want me to do?"

"That's up to you to ask him yourself."


Dio Cafe, in the box.

An eerie silence hung in the air.

The old man of the Qi family, Qi Zhengtian, was over sixty years old and had gray hair, but he was still sitting on the big black sofa with his back straight.

In the wrinkled and cracked face, the handsome and extraordinary outline of his youth can be vaguely seen.

And the many years of military career also made the old man exude a kind of iron-framed arrogance in his gestures.

Ye Huanyu had heard for a long time that the men of the Qi family from generation to generation were either high-ranking political officials or high-ranking military officials.

There are so many honors that I am afraid they can be recorded in history.

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