She smirked twice, "Hey, how dare you... Ah, what are you doing?"

"Withdrawing the needle—"

"Hey, Doctor Chen said that you have to finish all the potions today before you can pull it out..."

"If you don't pull out the needle, do you want me to take a bath with the needle inserted?"

"..." -_-!She has a headache.

After a few seconds of silence, he suddenly said, "Alright!"


"Hold me up the bottle!"

"Ah? You won't come for real, right? I wanted to say just wipe it off with a towel, but you still want to take a bath?"

"Ye Huanyu, when did you hear me talk nonsense?"




5 minute later.

Inside the bathroom.

There was another rustling sound.It seems that there is still an unsightly air flow...

Ye Huanyu stared at the tall and straight man in front of him. He raised a hand with a needle in it coolly, put it on the towel pole, and looked at her with his lips pursed.

That look made her hairs stand on end!

She frowned, "That...Qi...Yemo, you're such a'd better pull out the needle, I'm really not up to your job..."

"I got a high fever because of you, have you forgotten?" His cool voice reminded her coldly.An arrogant expression of 'you caused me to have a high fever, you will be responsible to the end'.

"What!" She was angry, "Master Qi, do you still remember that I also had a high fever back then, and you made me go to work sick and toss me in ways? This time it's alright, it's your turn to have a high fever , I’m the one who’s tossing around with my hair?”

She has not forgotten the days when she was his secretary at Qi's.Especially during that high fever, she passed out in his meeting very spinelessly!Has he tormented her less?He did not!

Unexpectedly, this guy shrugged indifferently, "Since you are my son's nanny, in case my son has a high fever one day, I have to check your ability to deal with high fever first!"

"Hey! What kind of nonsense is this?"

"Don't blame me for not reminding you, whether you can stay and be my son's nanny, you have to pass my test first!"

"..." Well, for the sake of a pair of babies, she endured it!She compromises!She accepts her fate!


There was another rustle.

It also seems to be spraying from a shower.The sound of water drops.


"Hiss—" a certain man finally couldn't hold his breath, and growled, "Is there someone who serves people like you! Are you trying to scratch my skin or what?"

"...Oh, how can you clean the stains in your pores without using force?"

after awhile.

"Hiss——, restrain your woman's nails!"

"...You think beautifully!!" →_→!

After a while.

"What—" a certain woman finally exploded.Sent, ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………

"Take care of your sister!" A certain girl immediately threw away the towel and gave

"Huh? Are you sure you want your sister to be responsible?" A certain man spoke frivolously.

"..." Three black lines appeared on a certain girl's forehead!Of course she knew that he said her sister, one of the women she hates the most in this world, Ye Anqi!

Ye Huanyu clenched her fists tightly!

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