Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 266 Chapter 271, Chaotic Love

Chenchen obviously saw his mother too, but the calm temper he had cultivated since he was a child made him behave very calmly, without showing any flaws.

"Hey, Qi Yuxi's eldest nephew has returned to China?" Qi Yan was a little surprised when he saw Yuxi.

Then, after seeing the woman beside Yuxi who was holding her hand, Qi Yan's jaw almost dropped!

With Qi Yan's rich experience in the field of love, he can tell at a glance that the two people holding hands have an unusual relationship!Glancing secretly at Qi Yemo, the dead face not far away, Qi Yan swallowed slightly, "Ye, ye..."

After waiting for a long time, I didn't dare to come up with anything famous.

Different from Qi Yemo's cold beauty and Qi Yan's flamboyant beauty, Qi Yuxi's beauty is reserved and slightly melancholy.

Out of courtesy, Yuxi nodded slightly at Qi Yan, and replied respectfully: "Yes, third uncle, I have returned to China. Hehe, this is my girlfriend Ye Huanyu."

With a 'boom', this time, it was Qi Yan's turn to be knocked down by the gorgeous thunder.

Qi Yan knew a little about the messy past between Ye Huanyu and Qi Yemo, the second child of the Qi family.

But why did Yuxi's nephew disrupt this already messy relationship once he returned to China?

A trace of shock also flashed across Chenchen's bright eyes!At a young age, he is no stranger to the word 'girlfriend'.Because Uncle Qi once told him that a girlfriend is a woman lying next to her boyfriend, and Uncle Qi has changed many girlfriends himself.

In other words, if the mother is lying next to this man, where is the father?


"This is—" Yu Xi glanced at the little baby in Qi Yan's arms, and his eyes softened naturally.

"Oh, I almost forgot that you guys haven't met before, right?" Qi Yan retracted his chin, caressing Chen Chen's little head, "This is the second child's precious son, Qi Sichen! Chen, this is your uncle's son, your elder brother Yuxi."

With a 'boom', this time, Chenchen's head was blown.

"Brother Yuxi..." He called out obediently, his expression still as smooth as a mirror, quiet and obedient.

But Chenchen's little heart was already blown by the wind.It's messed up, and my mother has become my brother's girlfriend...

"Hehe, so you are the precious grandson that grandpa often mentions, brother Chenchen." Yuxi nodded with a smile.

Why didn't Qi Yan hear the taste in Yu Xi's mouth?

After all, everyone in this Qi family knows that compared to his obsession with Chenchen, Yuxi is the grandson of Mr. Qi who is neglected.Qi Yan laughed dryly, scratched Chenchen's little nose, "Don't you hurry up and call brother's girlfriend?"

Chenchen was thinking carefully, and continued to call Ye Huanyu obediently, "Sister."

Ye Huanyu's face turned pale!

Yang Yang's joke at the beginning came to mind, 'Mom, I call you sister, so do you want to call you dad and uncle? '

A chill ran down her spine.

I didn't expect Yang Yang's word to become a prophecy!

"Good..." She nodded awkwardly towards Chenchen, with mixed feelings in her heart. On the one hand, she wanted to conceal the fact that she was Chenchen's mother, and on the other hand, she hated Qi Yemo for using her as a bet. Tightening Yuxi's hand, facing her son, she is so powerless at this moment...

Qi Yan frowned, Chenchen was crazy with him a while ago, why did he return to the lifeless look before?

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