This is the first time Yang Yang has been fined to stand.

He was somewhat dissatisfied in his heart, he would not have been like this in the first place, in the final analysis he still had to blame that little fat man, if he met him next time, he must let him taste the feeling of being punished.

For 45 minutes, I didn't feel much before.But now, every minute and every second feels sad.

Do I have to spend a long time in such a school until my father sends someone to take me back?


"I'm in class now, what can I do for you?"

Chenchen lowered his head under the desk and whispered into the phone.

I only heard a weak response from the other end of the phone: "I was punished to stand for a class, and now I just want to find you to complain."

This is really the sun rising from the west. When I usually call, I seem to have nothing else to say except Deser, but I didn't expect to make a 180-degree turn today.

"Did you fall asleep in class?"


"Small tricks, or did you pick up the teacher's conversation for no reason?"

"Nothing. I was just late for a while, and the teacher hadn't started the lecture when I got to the classroom."

"That's what you deserve, who made you late."

"Actually, I was wronged..." Yang Yang lay on the desk feeling a little weak. He had already stood for a full class, and his legs felt unable to stand up.

Just when he was about to continue telling Chenchen about his grievances, he heard the hang up tone on the other end of the phone.

Chenchen was not in the mood to listen to his nagging.

Yang Yang looked helpless looking at the phone that had been hung up: "What a cold guy." After speaking, he put the phone in his pocket.

When he raised his head from under the desk again, he saw several pairs of eyes around his desk looking at him, as if looking at an alien.

"What's wrong with you?" Yang Yang felt a little puzzled.

"The teacher doesn't allow you to bring a phone to class, why did you sneak it in. I'll let Teacher Gao go!"

The one who spoke was a girl who was about the same height as himself by visual estimation.

She has a serious face, fair skin, slightly curved eyebrows, and a pair of glasses on the bridge of her straight nose.

He looks like a nerd, probably the same type as Chen Chen.

"Don't, it's fine if I don't bring it here next time, why are you being so serious." Yang Yang seemed to be begging, and in order to win a little sympathy, he even pretended to be pitiful.

But children are easier to fool, this girl finally softened her heart when she saw Yang Yang's appearance.

But she still said solemnly: "Since you are new here, I will let you go once, but it will not be an example. Turn off your phone now. If it rings during class, I will not be able to save you then."

After speaking, he turned his head and walked to the blackboard.

Looking at her back, Yang Yang curled his lips, and muttered in a low voice: "What's so exciting."

"Keep your voice down, don't be overheard by Li Qianqian." At this time, a little boy beside Yang Yang seemed a little nervous: "You don't know, she is the head monitor of our class."

It is said that Yang Yang has been here to study for a while, but he has hardly spoken a word with his classmates here, and he is even more indifferent to this place.

Of course, it is not clear what kind of situation here is, and today is the first time I have begun to understand this place.

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