I haven't seen my mother for a long time, but Yang Yang didn't know what to say for a while, he just hugged his mother tightly.

Ye Huanyu could feel her son's emotions, and she couldn't help but shed tears.

This pair of mother and son is performing a scene of reunion after a long absence that can only be seen in TV dramas.

This actually made the elder son and the younger daughter who were on the side feel chills.

They are just a little unaccustomed to such an exaggerated expression.

Perhaps if only their third uncle Qi Yan was present, they might applaud this repeatedly, and even ask Ye Huanyu to "come out" to join the show business again.

Not to mention Yang Yang.


A mother-child reunion scene is being staged in the park.

On the two streets not far from them, a man in a neat suit showed an anxious expression on his face.

His eyes were like a rapidly spinning scanner, almost passing through everyone on the street like a sieve.

But he couldn't find that familiar, small figure.

Although when Lao Luo reported to Qi Yemo that Yang Yang was lost, he had already received a calm response from him, and made himself not to be too nervous about this matter.

However, because of his master's trust in him, Lao Luo couldn't let it go.

He wants to look for it again.

Otherwise, it would really be shameless to see the master again.

Facing the vast crowd, a child is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

How to find it?

Every small street, every shop is likely to have the existence of Yangyang.


On one side is the family reunion of mother and child.

On the one hand, there is the disquiet of the young master after he got lost.

As for the third side...

On the other hand, she looks like a wild crane, playing with her own flowers and plants...


Qi Yemo is really a heartless guy.

Hearing that his son was missing, he was still so calm.

If other people didn't know, they would think that this guy really didn't care about his youngest son.

However, he already knew it in his heart.

Yang Yang's disappearance is definitely related to Ye Huanyu taking his son and daughter out.

He once explicitly prohibited his family members from meeting Yang Yang.

He even asked Lao Luo to confiscate Yang Yang's cell phone.

But he knew that doing so was only temporary.

However, Qi Yemo hadn't expected that they would still find a way to communicate even under such circumstances.

He is not monolithic, since they want to meet so much, although they can no longer open their mouths to break their own rules, they can pretend that they don't know anything, and just turn a blind eye.

However, this really hurt Lao Luo.

This guy is still looking for it aimlessly.


Ye Huanyu looked at Yangyang carefully until he decided that the child didn't suffer much outside.

And listening to his son's answer is also a relaxed feeling.

This is truly reassuring.

"Baby, hasn't your father always sent someone by your side?"

She suddenly thought of this question.

It was also because of worry that Qi Yemo knew about it.

Yang Yang put on a frightened look: "I threw him away, Dad won't know."

"Then you can't let people look for you too anxiously. Lao Luo is just following orders and taking care of your life."

Ye Huanyu suddenly felt that what his son did was really difficult for Lao Luo.

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