How does it feel to have the sudden departure of the twin brother?

It's not like just a blood relationship with someone leaving, it's more like you're dead.

There is no one who is exactly like me in this world anymore.

Loneliness, unique loneliness.


Back in his bedroom, sitting at the desk, he picked up his mobile phone casually.

It opens naturally.

The first few entries in the communication log all point to the same phone number.

That's yang.

From the time he told himself he was going on a hike until yesterday.

In fact, after he hadn't called for a while, from the moment he called him, only a busy signal was encountered, and finally turned into a shutdown state, he should have wondered if something went wrong.

Really regret it.

He is the most elder brother, but he has not fulfilled his duty as an elder brother.

A small figure lay on the desk and began to cry bitterly.

Sometimes, crying will make a person enter a dream within a short period of time. This may be because crying will affect breathing, which will lead to a lack of oxygen in the brain and enter a mild coma.

"Hi...Hello...I'm back. Do you miss me these days?"

It was Yang Yang's voice that came from next to her ears, and all kinds of memories with him were in her mind.

It's embarrassing what that guy did at the award ceremony...

The oolong caused by the first exchange of identities...

At that time, he hated the little things in life, but now he felt that they were things that he cherished very much.

This may be what adults often say, and it is also shown in the book: when a person is in front of you, you don’t cherish the time you spent with him, and when that person disappears, you put all the memories about him It came to my mind, but it was too late at that time.

Cherish the person in front of you, cherish his good, and even more cherish his bad.Because this is the real and complete him, the one who is worthy of your memory in the future.


Time often becomes so ruthless in people's anticipation and waiting.

Every minute and every second is longing for a good news about Yang Yang's whereabouts.

What can be obtained is recovery such as "haven't found it yet" and "preparing for the worst".

As time goes on, hope becomes more and more remote, until finally it really becomes a hopeless and necessary reality.

Then in a forest fire, many animals were burned to ashes, let alone a person...

It's just that Qi Yemo didn't want to believe this reality, and he once again mobilized his all-powerful search.

But it was already a helpless move, a psychological comfort for myself and my family.


"Why is Huanyu so pitiful in this life, with such a rough life experience, she finally had everything, and now something like this happened. Qi Yemo, tell me, does our Huanyu owe you the Qi family?" What, you want to torture her like this!"

Seeing Ye Huanyu become like this, Luo Qiao yelled at the man in front of him almost hysterically with heartache.

"Qiaoqiao, master, he did this out of kindness to Young Master Yangyang. The master is also very sad when an accident happened." Qin Huo tried to smooth things over between his wife and master.

"Shut up! You and your master are the same breed." Luo Qiao glared at Qin Huo with angry eyes.

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