The Qi family's assets in City A are more than those that Qi Yemo had before.

In the past ten years, although major events have occurred, they have only slowed down the growth of their assets.

During this period of time, Qi Sichen had written several popular game software and mobile phone software, and his assets had already exceeded tens of millions.

It's just that he was still young at that time, and the money was still managed by his father.

However, he secretly bought his first house in this city.

Here became his 'secret base'.

Including the car he drives now, which is not as majestic as BMW and Mercedes-Benz, that's why he prefers to keep a low profile.

Of course, this is also related to some external factors.

He doesn't want to be pointed behind his back all the time, all his achievements can't be shrouded in the halo of his father, he can't say that these are all thanks to his father, and he can't be accused of being an unlearned and incompetent 'Rich Second Generation'.

This house is far away from the villa in the middle of the mountain, and is located in another area of ​​the city.

It is relatively close to the university that Jiu Jiu attended, but she didn't even know it existed.

As far as the places that are relatively close to the university, the environment planned by the city government is very good, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, the quiet environment is more suitable for achieving results.

Such a place is what Qi Sichen needs most.

Once, he also wanted to go to his aunt's farm, which also met the requirements for the environment.

It's just that there are too many memories that I don't want to remember.

When I was a child, I was carefree every day, playing when I was full, sleeping when I was tired from playing, and playing when I got enough sleep...

As we grow older, all kinds of things come one after another, and so do troubles.

Things that could be avoided in the past, now have to be faced with courage.


"Here we are. There are three bedrooms here. The innermost one is mine, and the other two are yours to choose."

Qi Sichen parked the car in a public parking space on the side of the road.

Ouyang Yueyue got off the car and saw that it was a private house in the woods.

It is the kind of ordinary house that has not been hardcovered, but is simply painted.

Opening the door, he reached out and groped for a while on the wall inside.

Then the house became brightly lit.

She looked at the house, and for some reason, she felt a little hairy in her heart.Especially after observing for four weeks, this feeling became more clear.

Although the hut is next to the road, there are no other buildings around the road.

At night, there is nothing to shine except the dim street lamps and the lights of the huts.

Such a scene reminded her of the alley where the bald head died.

How would she know that after Qi Sichen took a fancy to this place, he had already bought the whole area within a radius of one kilometer, and only kept this house.

"Hey, why don't you come in." Qi Sichen poked his head out from the room and looked at Ouyang Yueyue who was standing outside.

It could be seen that the girl seemed a little scared.

"If you are afraid, I think there is still time, so I'd better send you to a hotel or dormitory."

With that said, he made a gesture to turn off the lights.

"No, can't I just go in?" When things came to an end, she had nothing to be picky about. Anyway, there was a man in the room, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Thinking of this, I finally mustered up the courage to step into Qi Sichen's 'secret base'.

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