Very pure and cute: diamond rich come on a blind date

Chapter 289 Chapter 294, Love Education Class

A loud closing sound shook the room!

In an instant, only the cold air remained in the room responding to Qi Yemo...

They reminded him again and again that he was completely ignored!

There was three seconds of silence!

Immediately, a pillow fell hard on the door panel!

There was a roar——

"Woman, one day I will kill you..."


Ye Huanyu, who was standing outside the door, shivered suddenly.


She quickly picked up the two children, and broke into another guest room with a speed of sprinting [-] meters. Bang~, the door was closed and locked.

Finally, the whole house returned to calm again.

The night is still long, very long...


Early the next morning, the sun shone softly through the window.

On the couch, one big and one small fell asleep lazily.

Ye Huanyu was exhausted from last night's tossing, and she was still sleeping deeply at this moment.

Yang Yang has always been sleepy, lying in a mess, one of them is in vain.Tender and small.leg.The son is lying on the mother's waist, even sleeping like a bully.


What about a little baby?

Suddenly, there was a bang.

Chenchen ran in staggeringly, walked quickly to her mother, and shook her arm, "Mom, mom, wake up! Wake up..."

Chenchen's tone was a little hurried.

Ye Huanyu was in a daze, and opened her sleepy eyes, Chen Chen was pretty and white.Xi's lovely face came into view, her eyes softened, and she smiled and said, "Good morning, baby, why are you up so early?"

Chenchen always wakes up early and has a regular schedule.

But at this moment, the well-behaved and quiet him couldn't help frowning, "Mom, Dad seems to be really sick..."

"Ill? Have you visited him?" Ye Huanyu finally woke up, stood up, and glanced at Yang Yang who was still snoozing.

Chenchen nodded hastily, "Mom, get up and go see Dad..."


When Ye Huanyu finished her clothes and came to Qi Yemo's bedside again, she was shocked.

Rubbing his eyes, he looked at the man's leg in disbelief... unexpectedly, it really swelled up!

His bruised area from last night was now as swollen as a steamed bun, and it was still hot!

This fellow fell into a deep sleep, his forehead was covered with sweat...

For some reason, seeing this scene, Ye Huanyu really had the urge to punch his swollen spot!

"You deserve it, Qi Yemo, you have today too!"

Then, she found his mobile phone and dialed Qin Huo's number...


A Central Hospital, VIP Ward

A man with a monstrous appearance sat beside the hospital bed, leisurely peeling an apple, and said with a sneer on his lips——

"Hahaha, Qi Er, you have been out of the hospital for less than a month, why did you come in again?"

Chu Yunfeng took a sideways look at Qi Yemo's tightly bandaged leg, and smiled ecstatically.

Qi Yemo frowned tightly, ignoring Chu Yunfeng's ridicule.

Chu Yunfeng continued to peel the apples, and asked treacherously, "Hey, buddy, I heard that you sprained your legs on women? Don't be afraid, we are such a strong buddy, I won't laugh at you if you say it ..."

Qi Yemo rolled his eyes, "Who the hell are you listening to?"

"Qin Huo!" Chu Yunfeng smiled brightly, "The girl worriedly told the doctor that when she sent you to the doctor, your clothes were disheveled, wondering if you were indulgent. What about the sequelae of lust?"

One listens.Qi Yemo's face turned livid immediately at the word desire!

Before he even had time to indulge his desire, he was wilted by that woman Ye Huanyu!

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