Jasmine seemed to have figured out why Mo Xiang was unwilling to find his parents, and he didn't even want to know who he really was.

In his heart, there must be hatred for his parents.

Just imagine, a young child, after experiencing a fire, his biological parents never found him.

And he doesn't even know who he is.

The whole world has closed the door to him, and from the moment he woke up, he was destined to be alone.

An independent person without any worries.

That's why for so many years, he didn't want to think about it himself, let alone being mentioned by anyone.

But after more than ten years, the whole situation seems to have changed.

In a coincidence, another person who looks almost exactly like himself appeared.

"Mo Xiang, I don't want you to become like me with no relatives. Maybe, you should try to find them now..."

"Stop talking, if you are here as a lobbyist, then please stop here." Mo Xiang suddenly became irritable.

Jasmine couldn't help but tremble a little when he was angry, this was the first time she had seen him get angry like this in front of her.

How would she know, this is his bottom line.

Family, a thing that looks warm but makes him feel cold.


On a weekend afternoon, Qi Sichen likes to sit on a park bench, hold a book, and bask in the soft sunlight at this time.

This is my reward after a busy week.

And those who go fishing, or get lost in the wine market, he is not interested at all.

The book in his hand was bought by him at the airport, and it was just to pass the time waiting for the plane.

It's just that I only read a few pages of this book and never picked it up again.

I brought it out today, and I just want to really read it.

Everything written in each book has certain value, and will give people harvest and inspiration.

While he was reading the book quietly, a figure gradually appeared on the page.

He didn't move, thinking that he was passing by here, or stopped to rest, and would leave after a while.

But when he read most of the book, he found that the figure printed on the book was still motionless.

This made Qi Sichen close the book and look up at the person coming.

"It's you?"

He felt a little puzzled and a little surprised.

Standing in front of him was the Mo Xiang who looked very similar to him.

Mo Xiang looked down at him with no expression on his face.

These two men have such weird looks that people who pass by here will avoid them because they don't know what is going on between them.

"I didn't intend to come to you, but there are some things that make me have to see you once." Mo Xiang had a cold face, obviously a little angry.

"Sit down and talk, I'm not used to looking up at people." Hearing what he said, Qi Sichen simply wasn't that polite to him.

After all, before many things are confirmed, it is better to have some distance.

Mo Xiang turned around and sat on the stone bench opposite Qi Sichen, the two of them faced each other, with a path paved with stones in between.

"You'd better stop reading that book, it's not interesting, and it's just a bunch of nonsense."

This aroused Qi Sichen's interest: "Why, have you read such a book?"

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