Just by hearing that voice, Qi Sichen already knew who it was.

At this time and this place, I can still meet her, really...

Holding the wine glass, he frowned slightly.

Ouyang Yueyue unexpectedly floated to Qi Sichen's side like a dark cloud.

"Caught by me, what do you say? Should I report it to the higher-ups, or should you bribe me so that I can show kindness and pretend that I haven't seen you today?"

It seems that after she met Qi Sichen by accident, she planned to knock him out a little.

This is not because of lack of money recently, but because of being exploited by Jin Shihang recently.

It can be used in daily life: get up earlier than chickens, and work more than cows.

In such a huge group, dozens of hundreds of things have to go through her hands every day, and then give it to the big boss.

Although up to now, she has not really seen the big boss who was sung by the female employees of the whole group, but she knows when he will be here and when he will leave.

But what's the use of this? If you want to see the "Fang" face, you can't go beyond half a step.

There will always be Jin Shihang, a plague-like guy, who will be cold to him.

Today was originally a rest day, so I could sleep comfortably in the dormitory.

But Jin Shihang seems to have inherited the "excellent qualities" of the exploiters-draining every drop of blood and sweat from the employees.

The night before, she was informed that she would come to work overtime tomorrow.

The specific reason given to her is very simple four words: insufficient manpower.

However, he has a good idea, and I have a wall ladder.

In the end, he ended the call with a reason he had to accept: "There are always a few days when being a woman is inappropriate, and today is the first day..."

Sure enough, Jin Shixing hung up the phone immediately after listening.


Of course, Qi Sichen would not know about these behind-the-scenes things.

They come, the security.

He changed back to his elegant self and had a drink: "Today is the weekend, and I have the right to take a vacation."

What he said really made Ouyang Yueyue feel unable to continue.

In the end, what she got in exchange was her thumbs up: "Domineering."

"Congratulations, congratulations." After she finished speaking, she sighed sadly again: "How kind of you, the new group doesn't have to work overtime if they have something to do, but I will be miserable. I have to work overtime today. Our big boss is really not This thing has been busy for a week, and it’s still not safe for people to rest on the rest day, so why do you work overtime.”

It was the first time that Qi Sichen felt uncomfortable scolding himself in front of his face.

Why is it not something.

Although it's not a taste, you can't just reveal your identity in front of her because of this.

Thinking, he waved to the bartender: "Give her a glass of red wine."

The bartender saw that they were almost scolding. He originally wanted to let her work, but now he can't make her work.

He casually took a bottle from the wine rack and poured a glass for Ouyang Yueyue: "Go to work for me immediately after drinking."

Seeing the bartender turn and leave, she leaned in front of Qi Sichen and whispered: "Look, all the crows in the world are as black, I'm afraid I won't work for them less. But then again, being a boss may not be like this. Only those who are slaves will take advantage of others."

Of course Qi Sichen understood that she had already started to accuse Sang and Huai, and of course this pointed at Jin Shixing.

Thinking of this, he laughed secretly again: Jin Shixing seems to have offended this girl.

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