It is time for Mo Xiang's recent life to improve.

Naturally, he was well aware of the olive branch that Qi Sichen threw out.

Perhaps, this is an inexplicable telepathy?He had never felt like this before.

After a moment of silence, he nodded: "Okay, that's it. But if I tell you first, I don't want to be controlled by anyone, including time of course."

Once again, he emphasized his position, which is very necessary.

Of course, the answer Qi Sichen gave him satisfied him.

Qi Sichen not only provided him with a job opportunity, but even provided him with a new residence.

The reason for doing this, of course, is because I don't want Mo Xiang to suffer any more.

He has already regarded himself as Mo Xiang's big brother, and these are what a brother should do.

Similarly, Mo Xiang didn't refuse, as long as it was given to him, he would accept it.

It's so well deserved.

Of course, this does not mean that he has regarded himself as the Qi family.

It was because Qi Sichen had invited him, and what he did was all voluntary.


It's another busy day, and Annie is already busy.

Just like the feeling of congeniality between her and Jasmine, she also gave her many of her own crafts after taking a break.

Jasmine is very smart, and she has a high understanding of these things. In less than a month, she has been able to do it almost on par with Annie.

"I really don't know what to say. This kitchen seems to be the place where you can really show your talents. You will be able to start your own business in a short time." Annie was really surprised, and everything she said came from Inside, there is no such a sour feeling.

But Jasmine bowed her head in embarrassment after being praised: "Don't praise me anymore, you didn't entrust me with my craft. I also regard this place as my own home. As for setting up my own family, I never thought about it." But, I think that's pretty good."

While the two of them were chatting, the door of the restaurant opened, and Qi Sichen walked in from the outside.

Seeing them, he nodded with a smile.

"Chenchen is here. Every time you come, you are so lucky. Auntie has something good for you. Go up and rest first."

After Annie finished speaking, she happily turned around and went to the kitchen.

When Jasmine and Qi Sichen looked at each other for a brief moment, they couldn't help but blushed slightly.

Qi Sichen also seemed to feel a little uncomfortable, but he still walked towards his exclusive box calmly.

After a while, Annie and Jasmine came up with things.

"Auntie Annie, every time I come here, I prepare delicious food for me. Do you want to feed me into a fat man?"

"If I were like that, your black-faced and superficial father wouldn't settle accounts with me. Besides, I would become the biggest villain in the eyes of thousands of your female fans."

Annie couldn't help laughing as she spoke.Even Jasmine who was on the side secretly laughed.

However, he still pushed the delicious food in front of Qi Sichen: "Try it, this is a new dessert, if it is good, we will launch it as soon as possible."

Looking at this beautifully made dessert, I really have a desire to eat it.

But there is also a feeling of not daring to eat in order to keep the beauty.

"What are you looking at, why don't you start eating?" Annie urged.

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