The door opened, and a girl came in from the outside. Ouyang Yueyue looked at her as if she was about the same age as herself.

It was Jasmine who came in from the outside, and it closed a little earlier today.

For some reason, Yun Bufan, who has always been very busy, suddenly seemed to have taken some wrong medicine, and forced Annie to go out, saying that he was going to have some romance.

Although Jasmine is not very old, she has already worked hard in society, and she still understands a little bit about the things between the couple.

Thinking about it carefully, I couldn't help but cover my mouth and smile.

This confused Annie who was about to leave.

Jasmine whispered in her ear: "Brother-in-law probably wants a second child. You guys have to work hard. If it's not convenient for you to come early and leave late, you can rest assured and leave it to me."

Annie's face blushed slightly, and she raised her hand to pat her on the head lightly: "You stinky girl, you don't have a boyfriend yet, you just learned these nonsense things. Be careful that no one will dare to marry you in the future ah."

Jasmine smiled, and stuck out her tongue playfully: "I'm not worried, there will be someone who appreciates me. Alright, let's spend some time with my brother-in-law."

As he spoke, he gently pushed Annie.


When I got home, I was a little surprised to see a strange girl sitting on the sofa.

Could it be that there is something wrong with Mo Xiang?

Although he kept guessing in his heart, he still nodded to her with a smile.

Ouyang Yueyue returned the gift.

"I seem to have seen you before..."

"On the square in front of GT Group."

The two girls looked at each other and began to feel familiar, and finally they both remembered each other.

Now that they are all acquaintances, the atmosphere becomes more natural.

"I'm so sorry that day, I bumped you into it. After you went back, you weren't embarrassed, right?" Jasmine said, taking out a can of drink from the refrigerator and handing it to Ouyang Yueyue.

"Thank you." She took it with both hands: "It's nothing, no one dares to embarrass me. By the way, have you found the person you want to find? Maybe you listened to me and waited there every day."

Really wish she hadn't done that, or she'd already met what she was looking for.

Otherwise, I would really regret the thoughtless things I said at that time.How could she come up with such a stupid idea.

Jasmine nodded: "I have found it, thank you for reminding me."

"Where is it?" Ouyang Yueyue scratched her hair embarrassingly.But I finally felt relieved.

Now that they are all acquaintances, naturally they are not so restrained in chatting.

"How did you and Mo Xiang meet? He has never brought a girl back. Could it be that you are..." Jasmine asked first.

She really wanted to know about Mo Xiang.

However, this is not the idea that a girlfriend wants to know everything about her boyfriend.

It was because of a younger sister who wanted to know what her brother thought.

There are some little gossip and curiosity in the concern.

"No, I have nothing with him." Ouyang Yueyue hastily denied.

"Oh, since there is nothing, then please leave my house." At some point, Mo Xiang had appeared in front of them.

This startled both girls.

"Why do you want to drive me away again? Is it easy for a girl like me to make such a big determination? Why can't you be a little responsible, a big man." Ouyang Yueyue said hurriedly.

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