To be honest, since leaving the GT Group, the income problem has become the most urgent need to be solved right now.

There is not much money left on me.

Even though Jasmine is working now, a big man can't let a woman support him.

What's more, they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, at most they can be regarded as brothers and sisters with different surnames.

He showed a very calm look, but deep in his heart he was always thinking.

It's just that with Ouyang Yueyue beside him, he twittered like a sparrow all day long, which almost disturbed his train of thought.

Manager Zhang's meaning was very clear. Although the conditions did not seem to be the most generous, they were not too bad.

It is indeed acceptable.

Just when Mo Xiang was ready to accept it.

However, Ouyang Yueyue, who was still a little dizzy beside her, robbed her of the words:

"Okay, that's the deal. I'll check when I start working and where I live."

This girl is really impatient.

She doesn't want to live in that crappy house anymore.

Manager Zhang glanced at Mo Xiang.

Nor did he appear to refuse.

"Hehe, that's really great. Please follow me to the office to sign the contract."


Coming out of the office, Ouyang Yueyue looked much better in spirit.

"Finally we can have our own room. I didn't expect that the fat man gave us such a big house."

"It's for me, not for you. I don't need others to make decisions about my affairs."

Mo Xiang had a cold look on his face, as if he had been sold by her.

"Hey, don't you want to improve the environment? Your house should also be changed. Besides, are you willing to let Jasmine take care of you?"

Ouyang Yueyue ruthlessly stabbed the biggest scruple in his heart.


GT Group Headquarters, President Office.

Jin Shihang hung up the phone: "Mr. Qi, the matter has been settled. Manager Zhang has already arranged for him."

Qi Sichen nodded: "Didn't he have the slightest doubt?"

"Judging from what Manager Zhang reported, he didn't have the slightest suspicion."

"That would be the best." Qi Sichen breathed a sigh of relief.

This plan has been planned since the moment Mo Xiang left GT Group.

Every link has been thought through repeatedly.

Last night, after Jin Shixing received a call from Ouyang Yueyue, he arranged for her to approach Jasmine.

Trying to get Mo Xiang out, and trying to lure him to the racing track.

The behind-the-scenes boss of this racing track is Qi Sichen.

Making this series of arrangements is entirely his attempt to follow Qi Siyang's model.

If Mo Xiang accepted everything, then his identity would be worth digging deeper.

This is a big game of chess, and in the end it is still unknown whether the final chance of winning will be achieved.

But since you have started to walk, you must do every step with all your heart and soul.


After signing the contract, all the above terms will come into effect immediately.

Mo Xiang drove Ouyang Yueyue to the residence arranged for him.

This is a three-story villa.

The car was parked on the lawn in front of the house.

Ouyang Yueyue jumped out of the car: "Wow, I didn't expect that fatty Zhang to be quite generous."

This made Mo Xiang feel a little surprised.

He's not an idiot either, even if he's a contracted racing driver, he shouldn't be paid such a high salary.

He immediately took out his phone and called Manager Zhang.

After a few rings, Manager Zhang's voice came from over there: "Mr. Mo, what can you do for me?"

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