Mo Xiang's car broke down suddenly in one of the most difficult stages, which is indeed an unexpected thing.

Seeing that he was busy all the time, Ouyang Yueyue, who had taken a nap, felt that she was wronged, she didn't have any complaints, and when the sky was getting dark, she held up a flashlight to provide him with the only light.

"What's the matter, can the car still be repaired? If it's too troublesome, why don't I call and let the rescue vehicle come to assist us." Ouyang Yueyue looked at him already sweating profusely.

Needless to say, this is indeed a hot topic.

He turned his head and glanced at Ouyang Yueyue who was standing aside, seeing her anxious and worried look, "That's fine, you can follow them back to the camp to rest."

"Aren't you going back together? It's getting so late, there's no village in front of this place, no shop in the back..."

Ouyang Yueyue looked at the surrounding environment, if she was allowed to stay here alone, it would be absolutely impossible.

People often don't have any sense of security in strange places, let alone she is a girl.

"I want to stay with it, and I can't leave it here alone." Mo Xiang picked up the oil-stained cloth next to him, and carefully wiped the engine casing that had been covered by wind and sand. It felt like treating a close relative. same as people.

For some reason, Ouyang Yueyue and the phone she took out were put back again.

Looking at his usual indifferent appearance, but in such a place and situation, he is still quite humane, even though he is facing a machine.

Seeing that she hadn't moved, Mo Xiang looked at her in surprise, "Why don't you call, if it gets dark in a while, even if you call, they won't come to pick you up."

"It doesn't matter." Ouyang Yueyue put on a relaxed look, "We are in the same car, so we can be regarded as comrades-in-arms in the trenches. How can we leave you here alone to spend this long night."

As she said that, she seemed to be refreshed, and she pushed up the sleeves on her arms, picked up the flashlight and continued to look at his 'light stand'.

"What are you looking at? Don't rush to fix the car. I'll bear it tonight, but I don't want to be here tomorrow night."

She deliberately stared at Mo Xiang with her big eyes, and then resumed her usual attitude towards him.

Mo Xiang continued to bury his head in overhauling the car, but in the shadow she couldn't see, the corner of his mouth curved into a small arc.

The temperature difference between day and night in the desert Gobi is very large.

It is not an exaggeration to wear short sleeves during the day, and it is not an exaggeration to be wrapped in a quilt at night.

Gradually the temperature became lower, which made Ouyang Yueyue feel her body began to tremble slightly.


Finally, I couldn't hold back and sneezed.

Mo Xiang stopped what he was doing, turned around and went to the trunk of the car, took out a military coat, came to Ouyang Yueyue's side, unfolded it for her to put on.

Immediately, she felt a strong warmth sweeping her whole body.

"Thank you, you should put some on too, it's already very cold."

"I don't need it." After Mo Xiang finished speaking, he picked up the wrench and continued working.

After more than an hour, Mo Xiang finally let out a long breath of relief.

Turning to look at her: "Can you start the car?"

"Why not, I tell you that I have been trained for a formal driver's license, but I made a small mistake during the field test."

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